Call for Nominations

3rd Bi-Annual DEAI Outstanding Achievers Awards

Wed 18th November 2015, 7.30pm

at West Adelaide Football Club

The DEAI is holding its 3rd Bi-Annual Outstanding Achievers Awards, which holds great significance for Developmental Educators. The Awards aim to recognise the skills, expertise and contributions of Developmental Educators to people with disability and their families, as well as to celebrate achievements in the field of disability in general. These Awards were successfully held in 2011 and 2013 with many deserving nominations received and outstanding candidates awarded, witnessed by an audience of family members, friends and colleagues.

The DEAI is now calling for nominations so please, consider nominating someone you feel has made a worthy contribution to the field or their community, which meets the criteria as set out below.

Before completing this form, please read the category and selection criteria information provided. This will ensure that you have selected the correct category for your nominee/s. The Executive Committee of the DEAI,in conjunction with some representatives of the Award Sponsors,will determine the recipients of each Award from the list of nominees, based on a consensus vote and discussion of the merits of each nomination.

All persons nominated will be notified and their attendance will be requested at the Awards night. If a nominee accepts their nomination but cannot attend on the night, their Award may be collected in absentia by a representative of their choice. You may nominate one person for each category. Decisions made by the selection panel will be final and no dispute will be entered into.

AwardCategories and Criteria:

  1. Dot Mills Developmental Educator Award, sponsored by Baptist Care SA:

A Developmental Educator who meets the criteria for eligibility for full membership with the DEAI: (listed below*), and who, in the course of their professional work:

AProvides an outstanding level of service to their clients and (if applicable) their professional organisation/employer.

BAnd/or, makes a significant contribution to the field of Developmental Education within the community.

*(DEAI Membership Eligibility Criteria) A person who is professionally engaged as a Developmental Educator and continues to be actively involved within any of the fields of disability, education, health, community justice, welfare, and/or rehabilitation services and who possesses any of the following:

A tertiary degree in disability studies, for example, Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education (and double degrees), Bachelor of Applied Science(Disability andCommunity Rehabilitation), Bachelor of Applied Science (Disability Studies), Bachelor of Applied Science (Developmental Disabilities), Diploma in Developmental Disabilities, or any other equivalent Disability Studies or Rehabilitation degree as determined by the DEAI Executive Committee.

  1. Community Achievement Award, sponsored by Barkuma Inc:

Any person in the community who:

AWorks to overcome barriers to promote their own independence in the community, or to promote the independence and dignity of others.

BNominations of persons with disabilities are encouraged for this award.

  1. Support Worker Award (Frontline Services), sponsored by Cara:

Any worker in the field who:

ADemonstrates a high level of professional commitment to the people with whom they work.

BDemonstrates a passion for promoting the increased independence, dignity, and acceptance of people with difference in the community.

  1. Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education Student Award, sponsored by Community Bridging Services Inc:

A Flinders University Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Educationstudent who:

ACompleted Practicum C in 2013 or 2014 and demonstrated exceptional creative and dedicated application of Developmental Education skills during their practicum placement, with emphasis on person centred principles.

  1. Innovative Service Development Award - Best Individual Outcome by a Developmental Educator, sponsored by Disability and Community Inclusion, Flinders University:

A Developmental Educator who meets the criteria for eligibility for membership with the DEAI (*listed earlier), and who in the course of their professional work:

AHas provided an outstanding level of service by supporting a client to achieve a specific goal.

BThis includes the ability to use different support strategies and approaches to provide a person with the greatest chance of success to achieve an individual outcome.

  1. Innovative Service Development Award - Best Program Development by a Developmental Educator, sponsored by Disability and Community Inclusion, Flinders University:

A Developmental Educator who meets the criteria for eligibility for membership with the DEAI(*listed earlier), and who in the course of their professional work:

AHas developed and delivered an evidence based program providing clients with education abouta certain topic or skill.

BThe program developed identifies a need by participants and replaces a gap in services.


  1. Obtain consent from the person you are planning to nominate, to give the DEAI Awards Selection Panel their name and personal information.
  2. Using this form, tell us what category you are nominating a person for (you may submit a nomination for any or all categories of your choice). Provide the name and contact information of each nominee.
  3. In 200 words or less, tell us why you think the person you are nominating deserves this award, keeping within the category criteria.
  4. Include your name, address, and contact phone number so we can verify the origin of the nomination.
  5. E-mail your submission/s to: post your nomination/s to the DEAI, P.O. Box 386, Christies Beach, 5165 by COB30th October 2015

Follow the news updates on Facebook or our website on for more information on the awards night on Wed 18th November 2015, 7.30pm.

West Adelaide Football Club, 57 Milner Road, Richmond.

Details of the person nominating


Contact details (email /phone):


Please complete the details below for the person/s you wish to nominate:

Category / Nominee’s Name / Nominee’s Contact Details
Email/Phone / Organisation
Dot Mills Developmental Educator Award
Community Achievement Award
Support Worker Award (Frontline Services)
Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education Student Award
Innovative Service Development Award - Best Individual Outcome by a DE
Innovative Service Development Award - Best Program Development by a DE

In 200 words or less, tell us why you think the person you are nominating deserves this award, keeping within the category criteria. Please attach further information if required.

The DEAI gratefully thanks the following sponsors for their support.