Pender County Schools Expository Writing Rubric: Grade 6


Scoring Criteria / Exemplary = 5 / 4 / Proficient = 3 / 2 / Emerging = 1 / Not Demonstrated=0
Development of
Ideas / The essay
• presents a topic that is
focused and well developed
throughout the essay
• incorporates specific and
relevant facts, evidence,
details, and examples
to guide the reader’s
understanding of the main
ideas. / The essay
• presents a topic that is clearthroughout the essay
• uses facts, evidence, details,and examples to guide thereader’s understanding of the
main ideas. / The essay
• presents a topic that is
unfocused and/or minimally
developed throughout the
• contains insufficient or vaguefacts, evidence, details, andexamples that confuse thereader’s understanding of themain ideas.
Structure / The essay
• leads with an effective and
engaging introduction
• effectively sequences
ideas and uses meaningful
transitions to clarify the
relationship among ideas
• provides an insightful
conclusion that follows from
and supports the explanation
presented. / The essay
• presents a clear and focusedintroduction
• sequences ideas and
uses transitions to create
• provides a conclusion thatconnects the larger ideaspresented in the essay. / The essay
• contains an underdevelopedand/or unfocusedintroduction
• presents disconnected ideasand limited use of transitions
• contains an underdevelopedor unfocused conclusion.
Use of
Language / The essay
• uses diction that is
deliberately chosen to inform
or explain about the topic
• uses a variety of sentence
structures to enhance the
• demonstrates technical
command of conventions of
standard English. / The essay
• uses diction that is
appropriate to the
information or explanation
• uses a variety of sentencestructures
• demonstrates general
command of conventions;
minor errors in punctuation,grammar, capitalization, orspelling do not interfere with
meaning. / The essay
• uses diction that is
inappropriate at times for the
information or explanation
• shows little or no variety in
sentence structure
• demonstrates limited
command of conventions;
errors in grammar,
punctuation, capitalization,
or spelling interfere with
Writing Process / The essay reflects evidence of
thoughtful planning, significant
revision, and technical
command in editing to produce
a draft ready for publication. / The essay reflects evidence ofplanning, revision, and editing
to produce an essay ready forpublication. / The essay demonstrates
minimal evidence of planning,revision, and editing. The essay
is not ready for publication
because it lacks clarity and