Strengths , Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats

9.3 Decision Making Tools:

Decisions can often be the biggest barrier to progress or action.
Trying to weigh up many different factors- some positive and some negative - in our minds can be hard. With many factors and options available it can be confusing or just too hard to decide. This means your progress is delayed.

By using Decision Making tools you can help yourself. The issues are set out, the options brainstormed and then evaluated. This process separates decision making into smaller steps. It helps you see more clearly the options and possible impacts.
Three tools are covered in the book:

  • SWOT Analysis…Appendix Personal Plan 7:
  • Decision Balance Analysis…Appendix Personal Plan 8:
  • Force Field Analysis…Appendix Personal Plan 9:

Proformas are included in the Appendix Personal Plan 7, 8 & 9:

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From:Appendix: Personal Plan 7 - SWOT Analysis

This Relates toChapter 9: Personal Development
Decision Making Tools ... SWOT Analysis

SWOT is short for Strengths,Weaknesses,Opportunities,Threats
It is a practical approach to addressissues. Under four headings you assess the situation:

  • Your Strengths
  • Your Weaknesses
  • Your Opportunities
  • Your Threats

For each one just write down dot points or short phrases that relate to you and the situation.
By brainstorming these headings you are addressing an issue in systematic way. You are looking at both the positives and negatives. The positives – the strengths and opportunities-will help you identify your advantages. The negatives – weaknesses and threats-help you see things that may need attention.
The Issue:(short one line statement of the topic you are seeking to understand or resolve)
It is worthwhile spending some time on this. By getting the issue clear in your mind and identified, it helps as you move forward. The key questions: is this the main issue or a minor aspect?

Brainstorm your strengths in relation to the issue. Write these down as dot points or short phrases…Questions you could be asking yourself include:

  • What are you good at naturally?
  • What skills have you worked to develop?
  • What are your talents, or natural-born gifts?
  • Do you have a large network on Social Media?
  • What do your teachers and fellow students see as your strengths?
  • What values and ethics set you apart from your peers?

Brainstorm your weaknesses in relation to the issue. Write these down as dot points or short phrases, by answering the following questions:

  • What are your negative work habits and traits?
  • Whatpart of your education or training need improving?
  • What would other people see as your weaknesses?
  • Where or how can you improve yourself?
  • What are you afraid to do or most likely to avoid?
  • What negative feedback about your personality or work habits have you received from your teachers, friends or family?

Brainstorm your opportunities in relation to the issue. Write these down as dot points or short phrases. Again, ask yourself some questions:

  • How is the state of the economy in your sector, or your region?
  • Is your industry a growth industry or not?
  • What are the new technologies in your industry?
  • Is there new demand for a skill or trait you possess?
  • What are the biggest changes happening in the current employment environment?
  • Have teachers or fellow students given you feedback about new services you could provide, or ways to improve your manner?

Brainstorm your threats (or barriers) in relation to the issue. Write these down as dot points or short phrases. By asking question, you force yourself to remain honest whilst filling in your SWOT analysis.

  • Is your selected career contracting or changing directions?
  • What is the competition for the types of jobs for which you are best suited?
  • Do your weaknesses inhibit your ability to get a promotion in your company or to change jobs?
  • What are the largest external dangers to your career objectives?
  • Are there any new professional standards you cannot meet?
  • Are there any new educational qualification or certification requirements that will impede your progress?

Review your responses above. You have set out both the positive and negatives. These will you see an issue more clearly and help in your decision making.
It will help you build on your strengths and address any areas that you may feel are barriers or weaknesses. The process will assist you as you make career and job decisions.