Beer Parish Council Newsletter

December 2016

Beer Parish Cllr. Mike Green and DCC Cllr. Jim Knight will be consulting with highway experts to consider traffic calming measures and pedestrian safety in Common Lane.

The Parish Council will be installing cameras in various hot spots around the village in an attempt to identify the irresponsible dog owners who do not pick up after their pets. The Council regrets that it has become necessary to take this action, but no amount of polite notices seem to have any effect on the culprits.

The Parish Council has agreed a 4% increase in the precept for 2017/18 to reflect the increasing costs and financial responsibilities falling to the Council.

The Police reported only one crime in the area for the month of November.

Our thanks to all those who have helped to provide, install and decorate the Christmas Trees in Fore Street. Special thanks to Nigel Groves who puts in so much effort fixing the trees into the brackets. The village looks fantastic with all the trees lit up.

The Scouts and Henry Richards will be providing a service to shred the used Christmas trees after Christmas. The provisional date for this event is 8th January.

Beer Parish Council will be applying to register The Beer Social Club as a Community Asset. This will allow time for consultation and consideration of the possibility of providing Social Housing on the site.

We now have a new sign fixed to the wall at the entrance to the Central Car Park announcing Beer as U.K. Britain in Bloom finalists 2016(awarded Silver Gilt). Thanks to Pecorama for displaying the sign above the flower bed that they maintain and all their help in achieving this great result for the village. Thank you to Ursula who works tirelessly for the Horticultural Society.

The Boundary Commission has decided to include Southleigh into our EDDC Electoral Ward in order to bring the number of voters up to the required number. We will continue to be represented by one Councillor.

Beer Festive Fun Night/Late Night Shopping was a great success. The Christmas lights and trees were looking splendid, and there was a lovely atmosphere. Christmas music was provided from the Mariners’ Hall where the children enjoyed a disco and the aroma from Grant’s Hog Roast and the Hot Dog Stall outside the Congregational Chapel was mouth-watering. Santa and the Craft Stalls in St. Michaels Church worked very well and had an old world charm. Thank you to everyone that contributed hard work to make the evening special.