HCS Satisfaction Survey Results – June 30, 2017

The HCS Customer Satisfaction Survey was sent out to 196 individuals (or their LAR) on June 30 2017. Fifty responses were received with 81% indicating positive responses in the “agree” or” strongly agree” categories. This year we had a higher number of neutral responses at 14%. The number of responses received this were fewer than the number of response from last year which was 51. Over the last three years we have received fewer responses. This year we had a slight decrease in the number of program participants which may account for the small decrease in response. Listed below is a summary of areas that received a negative response as well as the action taken to address the concern.

Q#1.Three respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed that the staff providing services are focused on the need and the services they are providing.

Action:Spindletop has implemented training for all IDD staff in Person Directed Thinking Training over the past few years. At this time, supervisory staff, waiver program coordination, nursing and BES staff and lead staff in day programs and the home have participated in the two-day course. Other direct service providers are provided this training through an on-line course. Staff are also required to complete the Mental Health Wellness for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities offered through HHSC. Training will continue to be provided to staff emphasizing the importance of providing individualized services that are focused on the needs of the individual. One individual that expressed this concern was identified and prior to receiving the survey, a meeting was held with the family to address their concerns. A plan acceptable to the family was put in place and they have reported satisfaction with the progress on that plan.

Q#2. Two of the respondents disagreed that they feel comfortable saying what is on their mind and that the team values their opinions and ideas.

Action: We will continue to provide training to staff on the importance listening to the individual and family and emphasizing person directed services that focus on the needs and interests of the individual. Customer Service training is being provided to staff and sensitivity training is also offered.

Q#3. Three of the respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed that staff members present necessary information that is clear and useful to them.

Action:This past year we met with the LIDDA SC department to discuss the flow of the PDP meetings so that the family is comfortable, understands the difference in the role of the LIDDA and provider and the individual’s plan can be developed in a manner that represents the individual’s outcomes. We also understand that there on frequent changes in processes and or rules that, honestly can be confusing. As we struggle to understand these changes, we work to provide clear, straight forward explanations to staff members who can talk with individuals and family about how those changes will impact their services. One family shared their name regarding this concern and wemet with the family about their concerns.


Q#4. Three of the respondents disagreed that if they need assistance or concern about their services they know how to contact team members and the concerns are addressed in a timely manner.

Action: The program will continue to send to all individuals and LARs the name and contact information of each team member as well as how to contact each supervisor and WPC. Additionally, the complaint process for contacting Program Director, Chief Officer, Rights Protection and DADS is provided should they need assistance or are not satisfied with the response that they receive from team members. WPCs will continue providing information to each individual/family during reviews to ensure they are aware of who they can contact if they have a concern. We also will be developing a IDD Services Directory that will be sent out to families which will include contact information. One family shared their name regarding this concern and the team will meet with the family to address their specific concern.

Q#5. One respondent disagreed that the services they receive are important to them and based on their needs.

Action: As noted above, Person Centered Thinking Training will continue to be provided to additional staff during this next year. Training will continue to be provided to staff regarding the PDP process to ensure that services are focused on the goals and desires of the individuals.

Q#6. Two respondents strongly disagreed that the services provided by the administrative staff are timely and courteous.

Action: Customer service training has been implemented throughout the agency to address the importance of courteous responses.

Q#7One respondent disagreed that respite services are available when they need them and are provided by knowledgeable and respectful caregivers.

Action: We continue to work to expand respite options, through family directed service providers and increased options for agency respite services. The person indicated they disagreed with the statement, but also wrote “N/A” by the question.

Q#8Two respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed that they were satisfied with the overall quality of services provided at Spindletop Center

Action: Our Waiver Program Coordination department will continue to emphasize the importance of completing routine reviews to address satisfaction with the quality of services as well as monitoring utilization of services.

Listed below is a summary of comments and actions taken to address concerns:

“the new staff are not friendly – some of them” –

Action: This respondent included their name and they have been contacted to address their concern. Staff working in the program areas where the individual and family receive services have been reminded on the importance of greeting people and positive customer service.

It is sometimes difficult to contact anyone at the center but they do call back. Ben Rogers facility has “No: number to call in emergency situation. It would be nice if there was a directory for personnel etc. to call.”

Action: This family member included their name and they have been contacted regarding their concern and provided with accurate contact numbers. We are in the process of developing a directory for all service areas that will be distributed to families.

“Staff does not pick me up on time from work”

Action: The individual reporting this concern included their name. He has been contacted to address the concern. The WPC learned that the staff are generally on time, but if his employer changes his schedule or releases him early from his shift, the staff at the home where he lives must take into account the needs of his housemates, which results in a longer time to pick him up.

“clients need to be motivated and stimulated by having increased client centered projects with staff. Director needs to observe staff more frequently.”

Action:In response to this concern, I asked DH supervisors to provide a listing of some of the activities/outings that their programs have participated in. The list is as follows: Assembling Fall puzzles to be framed, Exercise/Picnic Dornbos Park,Shopping @Dollar Tree, Friday Movie Day, Walk @ Central Mall/ Shop at Target, Bowling (bowling team), Picnic @ Port Neches Park, Patio Cook Out, Trip to Walmart (shop for treats for Fall Festival), Fall Art Day, - Decorate for Annual Fall Festival, Annual Fall Festival,Group Bingo, Classroom Party, Lunch @ Wendy’s,Make S’mores Bars, Celebrating October Birthdays, Visit Pumpkin Patch, Creative Art, Halloween Arts and Craft ,Game Day( Tic Tac Toe); Halloween Balloon Game , LEAP program Halloween Bash, lunch in the par; current events reading newspapersand discussion, art museum and fire museum,ice cream outing, Grocery shopping for meal preparation, Park dale mall outing, CICI’S pizza; outing to Party Spirit, Made pin wheel tree, National Smile day-Made different smiling emoji’s , made Firefly Mason Jars (didn’t catch any firefly’s though), Made Witches & Pumpkins for Halloween, Van Ride to get Ice cream cones, Delta Downs Casino , Movies to see(Madea Boo Halloween 2), made Crochet keychains & Monogram Necklaces and bracelets, Started Book Club In September, Pool Tournament, Basketball Tournament (ladies vs guys), Paint by Numbers Crafts, Painted candy corn for harvest decorations.

These are some of the activities that were provided recently, not all activities are suited to each day program and most importantly the input and interest of the individual is considered.

Due to the size of our program, the director relies on the reports of supervisors, nurses, WPCs and other staff in addition to the visits by the Chief Officer and Directors to provide feedback as to the activates in the programs. We encourage staff to collaborate with each other and seek input from families, in addition to the individuals to implement a variety of motivating activities.

“need more contracts for work for clients”

Action. We have observed that due to rule changes, which have increased the cost of contract work, many vendors are opting to outsource the tasks that were managed though contracts with our agency. As a result, in recent years, vocational/contracts have been reduced or eliminated in some programs. We have maintained contract work in programs where the focus of the individual is community employment. If an individual is interested in working on contracts, we are working with them to look at the programs that are geared to goals for future community employment.

“NDI School. I feel we should have 2-3 employee’s there every day. Don’t like the way they talk to me when they do or they have no communication at all. “

Action: A meeting was held with the family raising this concern. Information was shared with the family about the basis for the staffing ratio and assurances were made that the only times the staff ratio was less than 2 staff was when there was a reduction in the number of individuals also present in the program. Concerns regarding communication and customer service were also addressed and reports have indicated the issues have been improved.

“This client has Alzheimer’s and cannot fully understand what the survey is about. “

Action: The family assisted the individual in completing the survey.

“Everything is fine.”

“I feel hot meals should be provided for clients in Port Arthur that wish to buy their lunch. The meals that were sent from Beaumont were small + more was spent on packaging a+ delivery than on the amount of food they received. They should be entitled to the same privileges that Beaumont receives.”

Action: Due to reductions in revenue, we are not able to staff the cafeteria in Port Arthur. The cafeteria in Beaumont has been sustained because it provides support to residential programs that are in Beaumont. In response to this concern, we researched options for obtaining catering services from a vendor closer to the PA center, unfortunately there were none that could provide the service within the funds allowed. At this time, we are researching the option of increasing the number of weekdays that meals will be delivered from the cafeteria in Beaumont. The meals that have been provided are similar in serving size as those provided in Beaumont.

“I personally cannot think of a single thing because everything is better than great so are all the personnel in office. “

“Client in Port Arthur Center should not have been taken out of their classroom to put them in a large gym. That’s just wrong. You all took away their privacy!”

Action: The family reporting this concern included her name and has been contacted by the Waiver Program Coordinator to address the reason for the change. Day program staff have been instructed that when making permanent moves, of individuals, the Service Planning Team, which includes family members must be made aware prior to the change.

“When my family had real concerns those concerns were addressed”.

“Too much paperwork – some of it does not seem necessary”

Action: While we do not have the name of the person making this comment, we believe it may have been made on behalf of a Companion or Host Home Provider. We make this assumption because our individuals are not responsible for any paperwork. We have reviewed all paperwork we require and, while we may also agree that there are many requirements, those that are implemented are required by the standards and cannot be eliminated.

October 12, 2017