Dorset Association of Parish and Town Councils

Northern Area Committee

Minutes of the meeting held at The Pavilion,

Woodhouse Gardens, Blandford, DT11 7DN

on Wednesday 19thJuly 2017

1.  Present:

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Cllr Haydn White Blandford Forum Town Council (BFTC)

Cllr Jackie Stayt Blandford Forum Town Council (BFTC)

Cllr Simon Firbank Bourton Parish Council (BPC)

Cllr Jenny Morgan Bourton Parish Council (BPC)

Cllr Tim Hill Charlton Marshall Parish Council (CMPC)

Cllr Penny Everard Farnham PC (FPC)

Cllr Mike Jones Iwerne Minster Parish Council (IMPC)

Cllr Jacobs Lower Winterborne PC (LWPC)

Cllr Crawford May Lydlinch Parish Council (LPC)

Cllr Martin Ritchley Pimperne Parish Council (PPC)

Cllr Ian Lee South Tarrant Valley Parish Council (STVPC)

Cllr James Nalty The Stours Parish Council (TSPC)

Cllr John Parker The Stours Parish Council (TSPC)

In attendance:

Hilary Trevorah Chief Executive, DAPTC

Stephen Hill Dorset Councils Partnership, NDDC

Pam Higgins Secretary Northern Area, DAPTC


Cllr George Weeks Okeford Fitzpaine PC (OFPC)

Cllr Tony Bishop Stalbridge Town Council (STC)

Cllr Scott Norman Stourpaine PC (SPC)

Cllr C Jones Stourton Caundle PC (SCPC)

Cllr Clemmie Wilkins The Stours Parish Council (TSPC)

Cllr David Godden Winterborne Stickland Parish Council (WSPC)

2.  Minutes of the meeting held on 27th April 2017.

The minutes of the meeting held on 27th April 2017 had been previously circulated.

The minutes were proposed by Cllr Firbank (BPC) and seconded by Cllr Morgan (BPC) and signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meeting.

3.  Matters arising


Guest Speaker Hannah Smith – Development Control, Area Manager (Eastern Team),

Dorset Council Partnership

Hannah had been invited to attend the meeting to inform the committee of various aspect of planning policy especially Permitted Development.

Hannah gave the members an outline of the structure of Development Control, it is made up of two teams - Eastern and Western. A paper showing the staffing structure was distributed to members.

A copy of this will be attached to the minutes.

These teams are responsible for all planning development enquiries / applications in these areas apart from major developments which are dealt with by the Major Project Team.

Enforcement Officers – as listed on staffing structure.

Eastern Area - Mark Hitchcott is full time and has two full time assistants; they cover all of North Dorset, Sherborne and Dorchester area.

Hannah then proceeded to explain Permitted Development.

Hannah gave a brief outline of what this covers. Every permitted development planning issue is referred to as prescribed in the regulatory document and covers all types of development, e.g. Hospitals, schools etc. This was updated in 2015.

If the brief for planning is prescribed in the regulations then it is okay to go ahead. If it isn’t in the regulations it can then be challenged.

Depending on the brief a decision has to be made as to whether it causes a problem or harm.

Conduct re Permitted Development

Don’t have to let planning know.

Advised to take advice from planning – cost £50 - who will check the plans and will advise what is and is not permitted.

If a larger development / extension is being developed prior approval of the local planning authority may be required as neighbours may need to be notified regarding any objections. If there are no objections it can be allowed; if no permission sought and then brought to planning office attention it can then be investigated.

If there is any building going ahead without permission a risk is being taken as there may be an impact on the area; the planning office should be informed who will investigate which could lead to an enforcement being issued to remove. This procedure isn’t without its problems as can take as long as two years sometimes, even if successful, before enforcement being issued.

If the Council loses the case it can be a costly. Sometimes if a building is built without conditions and a problem arises, an enforcement negotiation with conditions attached can prove more cost effective.

A useful Government website Planning Portal tool is: Virtual House: this is a guide to what is and what isn’t permitted and a link is available on Dorset for You, Planning section on right hand side of page. Householder can look at this to check and it also explains the regulations

Permitted development can be used for extensions and conversion of existing buildings and do not always need planning permission.

A 4mtre extension uses up permitted development and can be done without permission; any further extensions will require planning permission. This isn’t without problems, if abused and advice not sought then there is a risk regarding impact on the area e.g. highways and an enforcement could be issued for it to be removed.

Conversion of existing buildings i.e. change of use – barns; There has been an element of confusion regarding this but a recent court case clarified this; the building has to be more than just a few bits of existing framework. A structural element is fundamental and it has to have a floor slab; it also has to meet certain criteria regarding national bodies e.g. highways, flooding brief, environmental issues to get approved. If advice isn’t sought and built it is open for enforcement action to be taken.

In rural areas; Class Q applications; farmers changing the use of buildings e.g. barns. This can be allowed at times as there may be a need for more housing in these areas. But rules apply as above.

Conservations Areas are slightly different. Can extend at rear of property but not at the sides or front. This applies to outbuildings too. Sometimes depends on the caveats. AONB have further restrictions e.g. our coastline.

Listed buildings have some exceptions due to nature of building; decisions will state what is or what isn’t permitted.

Planning conditions – e.g. If it states bricks should be of the same or similar as existing building then this must be adhered to. If conditions not regarded then an enforcement can be issued.

Complaints – submit as a planning enforcement action on Dorset for You. Although this can take the planning officer a lot of time to investigate they do try to respond with 21 days.

The list of the other questions and answers is attached to the minutes.

The chairman thanked Hannah for coming to the meeting and answering the many questions that had been posed.

4.  Chairman’s Report

The Chairman gave his report to the committee. A copy of the report is attached to the minutes.

In brief –

CCG – attended a meeting at Hamworthy Club where the findings of the ORS consultation were given. Decisions should be available in October.

Sturminster Marshall APM – Gave a presentation regarding the changes coming for T&PC’s within LGR.

12-07 - NALC – Presentation from Triple A re audit arrangement. Consulting in September for new Governance ready for next year. PC’s with a precept of under £25K will not be require an external audit. Will need to have an internal audit and certify their exemption.

18/07 – Hilary Trevorah and John met with Stephen Hill and Tony Alford, leader of WDDC,re the future role, within LGR, of Joint Committee leading to the appointment of an Implementation Executive who will look at structure, governance etc; it was good to be asked for their views and came away feeling positive.

DCC Ward members – It has been noted that apart from Stephen Hill none of the DC Cllrs from their wars ever attend these meetings to give a briefing. John proposed a letter be written inviting them to attend and give a briefing.

5.  DAPTC CE Report

Hilary Trevorah, CE, gave her report to the committee. A copy of the report is attached to the minutes.

In brief –

The transparency code re T&PC’s and their websites. If they don’t have access to funds for funding a website contact DAPTC who may be able to assist.

NALC awards –

NHS consultation – the results are on-line

There are a number of grants available – listed in report

Dorset Waste Partnership are doing an on-line survey – please take part

CCG report – there is a meeting on Thursday 27th July at 7pm at the Guildhall in Shaftsbury.

6.  Dorset Council Partnership – North Dorset

Stephen Hill gave his report to the committee. A copy of the report is attached to the minutes.

No news regarding approval from Secretary of State, Sajid Javid, about the approval of LGR.

The Councils are making decisions and reports are available via Dorset for You website.

Christchurch going in with Poole and Bournemouth highlighting some issues e.g. Council Tax.

Transferring of services.

Still working towards forming Unitary’s from April 2018 and are on target

North Dorset has a new Chairman, Val Pothecary, Ward member for Gillingham Town.

Cllr Pauline Batstone has stepped down from her cabinet role to concentrate on other commitments.

Her portfolio will be managed by the existing cabinet.

Reminder that Cabinet meetings and Planning committee are being held at Durweston Village Hall.

Nordon site - bids are being considered by the cabinet. Aster/Synergy produce good quality social


The cabinet are looking to allocate £200-300K to community led housing development. This committee had a presentation by Community Land Trust at the January meeting regarding this.

Planning Office is not understaffed, it is a fully resourced team with vacancies within the general turnover of staff.

7.  Reports from Portfolio Holders

The Standards Committee

No news. Will probably cease to exist in future.

Local Government Re-organisation

No news.

Travellers & Gypsies

No news.


No news.

Northern Dorset LAG

No report.

Blandford Leisure Centre

Cllr Hill (CMPC) reported the latest meeting was yesterday (18th July). DCC will be withdrawing their annual grant of £33 000 as of March 31, 2018, but have promised some money maybe for improving the facilities. The Newsletter hadn’t been produced by what is now the Partnership (no longer NDDC) but say it will be available to send to PCs by September. It will ask PCs to consider supporting with significant amounts to fill the hole. This hasn’t worked over the past 5 years or so. The contract with SLM/Everyone Active is due to end in December 31, 2019, when it was originally thought to be to January 31, 2021.

Overview and Scrutiny

No news

8.  Members Items

Blandford TC

Cllr White – would like information re the following – Does DAPTC or NALC have any information on protocol when Parishes are involved in local development enquiries. Is it right that at an NHP enquiry a neighbouring Parish can employ an agent to speak against the plan without letting the applicant know beforehand. Without protocol the applicant cannot prepare to respond to the issues raised. John Parker will take to the executive meeting.

NHP – the inspector involved passed comments but factual comments hadn’t been amended. No right of appeal – no appeal to Authority because of the inspectors views.

Iwerne Minster PC

Cllr Jones – Parish Websites – Highlighted the problem of keeping these up to date. Is there a

standard to be kept to? It is down to the individual who manages it. But Council papers should be

monitored and regular items uploaded promptly e.g. draft minutes.

The Stours PC

Cllr Parker – Raised the issue of the Volunteer Ranger Scheme that is in place in their area. It is run by one person who manages the local rights of ways etc. and enlists volunteers to help with this. DCC has supplied equipment and insurance cover. It has come to notice recently that DCC no longer insures them. Has any other Council got any experience of this? Perhaps something the PC will have to consider.

9.  With no further business the meeting closed at 9pm. The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.

The next meeting (AGM) will take place on Thursday 19th October at Sturminster Newton Council Offices, Old Market Hill, Sturminster Newton DT10 1FH at 7pm.

Signed:…………………………………………….... Dated:…………………………… ………..



Chairman’s Report

Chief Executive’s report to area meeting April ‘17

Dorset Councils Partnership News

Development Management Team Areas

Development Management Structure

Q/A paper re Planning etc.