Hammonton Board of Education

566 Old Forks Road, Hammonton, New Jersey


March 13, 2008

Call to order Mrs. Loretta Rehmann presiding

Roll Call Mr. Robert Bauers

Mrs. Barbara Berenato

Mr. Ralph Condo

Mr. Louis DeStefano

Mr. Stephen DiDonato

Mr. Joseph Giralo

Dr. Johanna Johnson

Mr. John Lyons

Mr. Sal Velardi

Mr. Eric Weiss

Mrs. Loretta Rehmann

It is noted for the record that Mr. Louis DeStefano, representing the Folsom Board of Education, is precluded from voting, under the constraints of N.J.S.A. 18A:38-8.1 and .2.

Open Public

Meetings Act

Statement “The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend any meetings of public bodies at which their interests may be discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this Act, the Hammonton Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date, time, purpose and place thereof published in the Atlantic City Press on May 5, 2007; mailed to the Courier Post, Hammonton Gazette and the Hammonton News; and posted on authorized premises.”


Session WHEREAS, Section 8 of the Open Public Meetings Act., N.J.S.A. 10:40-12 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances; and

WHEREAS, this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances exist;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Town of Hammonton in the County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey, as follows: The public shall be excluded from discussion on the actions upon the hereinafter specified subject matter: Personnel matters, contracts/litigations, negotiations, matters of attorney/client privilege. Any discussion held by the Board which need not remain confidential, will be made public as soon as is practicable. Minutes of the closed session will not be disclosed until the need for confidentiality no longer exists. The Board will reconvene to public session at the conclusion of the closed session. This Resolution shall become effective immediately.

Motion: ______Second: ______

Time: ______

Reconvene to

Public Session Motion: ______Second: ______

Time: ______

Flag Salute The President will lead those assembled in the flag salute.



Action Items:

1. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the Governor’s Teacher Recognition Program Selections for the 2007-2008 school year:

Stacy Marie Peretti - high school

Kelly M. Stover - middle school

Nancy Scianni - elementary school

Donna Curcio - early childhood center

Motion: ______Second: ______

2. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the Board Minutes of February 21, 2008 (Open & Closed Sessions). Exhibit A

Motion: ______Second: ______

3. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the purchase order lists for February and March 2008.

New $ 36,961.67

Increases $ 71,921.59

Decreases ($184,628.50)

($ 75,745.24 ) Exhibit B

Motion: ______Second: ______

4. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the bill list for March 2008 in the amount of $950,565.60. Exhibit C

Motion: ______Second: ______

5. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve manual check lists for March 2008 in the amount of $27,800.52. Exhibit D

Motion: ______Second: ______

6. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education to ratify the February 2008 payroll in the amount of $2,195,469.52. Exhibit E

Motion: ______Second: ______

7. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the following change orders for the Middle

School Addition/Alteration Project as recommended by our architect, Mr. Wayne Neville. Change Order No. HVAC-3 (Peterson Service Company, Inc.) deduct the sum $2,899.00 credit allowance balance to owner. Exhibit F

Peterson Service Company, Inc. $427,447.00

Change Order No. HVAC-3 ( $ 2,899.00)

Amend Peterson Service Company Contract $424,548.00

Motion: ______Second: ______

8. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the capital improvement bill list for March 2008 in the amount of $18,484.24. Exhibit G

Motion: ______Second: ______

9. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify the February 2008 General Fund and Special Revenue Fund Appropriation Transfers. Exhibit H

Motion: ______Second: ______

10. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify the Latchkey Program Bank Reconciliation for February 2008. Exhibit I

Motion: ______Second: ______

11. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify the February 2008 Food Service expense list, bank reconciliation, accounts receivable, and profit and loss as prepared by the Food Service Director. Exhibit J

Motion: ______Second: ______

12. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve travel expenditure resolution

WHEREAS, the Hammonton Board of Education is required pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:11-12 to adopt policy and approve travel expenditures by district employees and board members using local, State, or Federal funds to ensure that travel is educationally necessary and fiscally prudent; and

RESOLVED, The board of education hereby approves the attendance of school board members and district employees at the listed training and informational programs, and the costs of attendance including all registration, fees, and statutorily authorized travel expenditures, provided that such expenditures are within the annual maximum travel expenditure amount; and, be it further

RESOLVED, That the Hammonton Board of Education authorizes in advance, as required by statue, attendance at one of the training opportunities as in Exhibit K

Motion: ______Second: ______

Personnel It is hereby noted for the record that all Personnel recommendations are drawn with the Superintendent’s recommendation for approval.

13. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve an unpaid leave of absence for Barbara McVicker, early childhood center part-time special education instructional aide, from March 17 to March 19, 2008. Exhibit L

Motion: ______Second: ______

14. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the job description of Educational Interpreter. Exhibit M

Motion: ______Second: ______

15. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the recommendation to use Sign Language Services, LLC, on an as-needed basis, as per attached Exhibit N

Motion: ______Second: ______

16. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the recommendation of the reduction of ½ hour/day effective March 17, 2008 for the following personnel as per attached Exhibit O

Motion: ______Second: ______

17. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the salary adjustment for the following personnel effective February 1, 2008:

Belinda Dawn Allen from BA - $45,119 to BA+15 - $45,796

Kevin Fricke from BA+30 – 47,978 to MA (not in field) - $48,919

Motion: ______Second: ______

18. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the following on an emergent basis pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:6.7.1 et seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:39-17 et seq., or N.J.S.A.18A:6-4:13 et seq., as applicable pending receipt of all necessary paperwork. Current substitute pay schedule approved by the Board May 3, 2001: Regular County Substitute Certificate - $70.00 per day, Regular Standard State Teaching Certificate - $75.00 per day, School Nurse - $100.00 per day:

Chirstine Vitrano – substitute teacher. She has 60+ credits from Rowan University and will be applying for an Atlantic County substitute certificate

Kathleen Reicher – substitute teacher. She has a standard Elementary Education certificate

Tracy Everland – substitute teacher. She has an Atlantic County substitute certificate

Raymond Maffei – substitute bus driver - $10.00/hr

Cynthia Jordan – substitute clerical - $8.00/hr

Patricia DiBona – substitute clerical and bus aide - $8.00/hr

Lisa Bielicki – substitute bus aide - $8.00/hr

Motion: ______Second: ______

19. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the following on a non-emergent basis pending receipt of all necessary paperwork:

Mary Frances Crescenzo – tutor

Nicole Ascencio – substitute teacher

Motion: ______Second: ______

20. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve Linda Esposito, high school ESL teacher, to represent Hammonton High School at the Hispanic Alliance Youth Summit, May 17-18, 2008. Exhibit P

Motion: ______Second: ______

21. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve Michael Fichetola, a student from Camden County College, to perform field experience in the middle school.

Motion: ______Second: ______


22. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the additional No Child Left Behind Title I School Improvement Allocation (SIA) in the amount of $17,447. Exhibit Q

Motion: ______Second: ______

23. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the carry-over funds from the 2006-2007 allocations to the 2007-2008 I.D.E.I.A. Grant as per attached Exhibit R

Motion: ______Second: ______

24. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the submission of the 2007-2008 Special Education Extraordinary Aid Application.

Motion: ______Second: ______


25. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the parent waiver of a Board of Education hearing as per attached Exhibit S

Motion: ______Second: ______

26. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the out of district placement of a classified student to Archway as per Exhibit T

Motion: ______Second: ______


27. Resolution No. 08 03 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify the following Use of Facilities Requests, which were approved subject to receipt of all necessary documentation and reviewed by the Risk Management Consultant, who has approved all Certificates of Insurance unless noted otherwise:



a. Auditorium and Kitchen

(1) Gloucester County Special Services School District, Joan Geraci, Migrant Education Meeting, Tuesday, April 15, 2008; 5:00 to 9:00 pm

b. Classrooms

(1) State of New Jersey, Department of Personnel, Pamela Kelly, Exams, Thursday, June 5 and 12, 2008, 5:00 to 10:00 pm; Saturday, June 14, 2008, 7:00 am to 5:00 pm


a. Cafeteria and Classrooms

(1) State of New Jersey, Department of Personnel, Pamela Kelly, Exams, Thursday, June 19, 26, July 10, 17, August 7 and 14, 2008, 5:00 to 10:00 pm; Saturday, June 14, 2008, 7:00 am to 5:00 pm

b. Cafeteria

(1) Hammonton Swimming, Jennifer Williscroft, Banquet, Tuesday, March 4, 2008; 6:00 to 8:00 pm

(2) Hammonton High School All Sports Booster Club, Kellie Adamucci, Senior Athletic Ceremony, Thursday, May 22, 2008; 7:00 to 9:00 pm

(3) Sophomore Class, Judy Shaner, Parent Meeting, Tuesday, February 12, 2008; 6:30 to 8:00 pm

c. Classroom

(1) Girls’ Track and Field, Kristin Coia, Parent Meeting, Thursday, March 6, 2008; 6:30 to 7:30 pm

d. PAC and Classrooms

(1) Dance Magic, Dawn Baldwin, Holiday Show, Friday and Saturday, December 19, 2008, times to be determined

Motion: ______Second: ______




Administrators’ Report

District Technology

Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Supervisor of Special Education

High School Principal

Middle School Principal

Elementary School Principal

Early Childhood Center Principal

For Your Perusal

January 2008 School Monies

February 2008 Fire Drill

February 2008 School Nurse

February 2008 Suspension

2nd Quarter Suspension

March 2008 School Calendar


Ambrose, Denise – Phonics First

Aumenta, Shannon – Phonics First

Bash, Patricia – Writing across Content Areas (ETTC)

Bowman, Regina – Training for Building-Based Teams of I&RS

Byrnes, Linda – Waterways: Where Art Meets Science

Chestnut, William – Macromedia Flash Animation

Cloud, Chuck – Building a Foundation

Cocking, Linda – HSPA Coordinator Training

Cocking, Linda – Financial Aid Workshop for Secondary

Cullis, Enilda – Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Deanley, Karen – Intervention and Referral Services Training

DiMarco, Jennifer – Phonics First

DiPietro, Anthony – Podcasting for the PC User

Doughty, Myra-Lynn – New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge

Dowhy, Kate – In-Class Resource Program

DuVilla, Patricia – Teaching Contemporary Genocides and the Holocaust: An Examination of Moral Behavior

Fischer, Thomas – The Good Mentor

Giralo, Gina – Training for Building-Based Teams of I&RS

Grasso, Janice – G&T Fair

Grasso, Janice – Educating Students through Living History

Holak, Krissy – New Strategies for NJ ASK

Illiano, Sandy – In-Class Resource Program

Joseph, Gary – Macromedia Flash

Josey, Damiso – 2008 Soccer Champions Coach’s Clinic

Magann, Ann – One Size Does Not Fit All

Magann, Ann – Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Mattina, Michael – Financial Aid Workshop

Reed, Brian – An Introduction to TI N-Spire – Grasp the Math

Reed, Brian – Differentiated Instruction in the Mathematics Classroom: Challenging All Students Grades 6 to 12

Santiago, E – Mean Girls

Santiago, E – Financial Aid Workshop

Shimmin, Brianna – Writing Across The Content Areas

Sterback, Susan – Vision Impaired

Turner, Jody – Mean Girls Conference

Turner, Jody – Positive Psychology

Viruet, Karen – Building Based Teams of I&RS

Wadiak, Denise – Positive Psychology

Wadiak, Denise – NJASP Conference

Public Comment

Adjournment Motion______Second: ______
