Thank you for choosing Just For Paws to care for your pet while you are away. Here is some helpful information regarding requirements for boarding as well as services provided while your pet is staying here.

Requirements for Boarding:

Proof of vaccination is required for any animal boarding at Just For Paws.

All pets boarding at Just For Paws must be up to date on the required vaccinations in order to board. If a vaccination is not current, said vaccine must be administered a minimum offive (5) days prior to boarding. The vaccinations required are as follows:

Canine: Feline:

Kennel Cough (Bordatella) Rabies

DistemperFeline Distemper (FVRCP)



If your pet is not up to date on his/her rabies vaccination, your pet will not be allowed to board. Dogs will not be allowed to board if they are not up to date on their kennel cough vaccination. In order for your pet to play in our daycare groups he/she must be spayed or neutered if over 9 months of age.

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Hours:

Tuesday – Friday: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm

Saturday: 9:00 am– 3:00 pm

Sunday & Monday: 9:00 am – 10:00 am or 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Please allow ample time at drop off to fill out and review Boarding Registration forms as well as any other paperwork necessary for your pet’s boarding stay. All pets should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to closing.

Miscellaneous Notes

Just For Paws provides bedding for your pet. You are encouraged to bring your pets food from home to help avoid any digestive upsets. We recommend bringing enough food for your pet’s stay, plus a bit extra in case the stay needs to be extended. As storage space is limited, please limit the amount of food you bring to an amount that will be used during the stay (plus a few days extra).

Each pet may also bring personal belongings for their stay (toys or bedding) in addition to any food, treats or medication. We do not accept stuffed dog beds, as we are unable to launder them. Please label any items that your pet brings from home so that we can easily identify them.

Pet owners will fill out a Registration Form with feeding, medication and other instructions at drop off as well as a Consent to Treat form in case your pet requires medical attention during its stay. Pet owners are required to leave a valid emergency contact number (you may leave several if you like). The emergency contact(s) must be over the age of 18, within the continental United States, reachable by telephone and authorized to make decisions for your pet during its stay. We do not accept e-mail addresses or your pet’s veterinarian as a form of emergency contact. If you plan on leaving a number of a person who is not the pet owner, please advise your emergency contact person that you are leaving their contact information regarding decisions for your pet.


Please note you will be charged for the day of drop off regardless of the time your pet is dropped off. On the day of pickup, if youpick your pet up before 12:00 pm you will not be charged for boarding that day. If your pet is groomed on the day you are picking up, you will only be charged for grooming services and not for boarding that day. We recommend calling the grooming department before pickup to coordinate a pickup time.

If you would like to have your pet groomed during their stay, please schedule an appointment with our grooming department in advance.


Standard Suite $25 per day

Standard Suite Additional Dog$20 per day

XL Suite$35 per day

XL Suite Additional Dog$20 per day

Cat Boarding:

Single Occupancy$25 per day

Additional Cat $15 per day

Medication Administration:

All of our Animal Care Attendants are trained to administer oral and topical medications. Pet owners must provide all medications to be administered. NO medication administration fee applies to any medications.

If your pet will be taking medication while he/she is boarding, the medication must be in its original labeled bottle separate from any food or other medications (i.e. each medication labeled in its own separate bottle) and we will need to know the name of all medications as well as specific instructions on how to administer said medications. If you give your pet’s medication in a food or treat, please bring these as well. If your pet’s medication is a controlled substance, we are required to count out the medication at check in and have pet owners count the medication to verify quantity.

Flea and Tick Checks:

Flea and tick checks are performed on every animal boarding at Just For Paws. If any live fleas or evidence of fleas are found on your pet either at check in or during their stay here, Just For Paws is required to treat your pet. Every pet with fleas or evidence of fleas will be given a Comfortis pill to kill any live fleas on your pet. Pet owners will be responsible for the cost of each Comfortistablet $15.00.


Pet’s Name: / Weight:
Owner’s Name: / Food Brand:
Amountper Meal: / How Often:

When was the last time your pet ate? am_____ pm______

Medication Name / Dosage / Frequency

When was the last time your pet had his/her medication?______

Medical Problems:

Does your doghave anyhealth issues (i.e. diabetes, arthritis, etc.)? No ______Yes ______

If yes, please describe: ______


Does your dog require any special medication or treatment for the above condition(s)?

No ______Yes ______

If yes, please describe:______


Has your dog been seen by his/her regular veterinarian in the last 6 months for anything beyond a wellness visit? No ______Yes______

If yes, please describe:______


Does your dog have an incision/sutures/staples? No _____ Yes______

If yes, please describe date, location, reason:______


Attendants do body checks on a daily basis. Does your dog have any lumps, warts or growths that we should be aware of?No ______Yes______

If yes, please describe and indicate location:______


Has your dog been treated with flea/tick medication within the last 30 days? No ______Yes ______

If yes, please indicate the date the flea/tick medication was applied:______


Does your dog have any allergies: No ______Yes _____

If yes, please specify:______


Is your dog afraid of thunderstorms? No ______Yes ______
Any other phobias?______

Grooming: Would you like your pet groomed during their stay with us? If Yes, please schedule an appointment when making the reservation or at the time of check-in.


Your pet's health and happiness is our primary concern. If the animal attendants notice a medical problem they will attempt to contact your emergency number. An emergency contact number MUST be provided upon check-in. The emergency contact personMUST be an adult, capable of making decisions for you regarding your pet's health and able to be reached within the continental U.S. Please note that whomever youchoose asyour emergency contactthey areauthorized to make medical decisions for your pet. You will assume all financial responsibilities for approved medical services provided during your pet's stay. Should a life threatening (critical)medical conditionoccur during their stay and attempts to reach your emergency contactare unsuccessful medical decisions regarding yourpets care will be made by the doctor on duty. You will be responsiblefor all medical charges associated with the management of this event.

Emergency contact(s) for this visit:

Name: / Phone:
Relationship to Owner:
Name: / Phone:
Relationship to Owner:
Name: / Phone:
Relationship to Owner:

Consent to Treat Form – Boarding Canine and Social Media form

Pet’s Name:
Owner’s Name: / Phone:

We would like to know how to proceed if your dog develops one of the more common medical problems that can arise while boarding. Our primary concern is ensuring your dog’s comfort and his/her ability to receive rapid medical treatment should problems occur. The common boarding ailments below describe what initial measures are taken by the staff to remedy the problem. Should your dog not respond to these initial measures, further treatment may be warranted.

Common Boarding AilmentsInitial measures taken for these ailments

Stress colitis (diarrhea)Anti-Diarrheal, switch to a bland diet. My dog’s diet can be altered. Yes__ No__

Kennel nose/ kennel pawClean area, apply topical antiseptic

Hot spotClean and shave area; apply topical antiseptic

Ear InfectionClean ears with a non-prescription cleaner

Please select from one of the following options:

I give consent to have Just For Paws take initial measures to treat my pet for these conditions should they occur:

_____ I give my permission to have Just For Paws take initial measures to treat my pet for the above conditions or another urgent medical issue (as deemed by our staff) should they occur. If standard protocols do not correct the problem and an exam with the veterinarian is indicated, I do not need to be contacted first.

_____ I give my permission to have Just For Paws take initial measures to treat my pet for the above conditions or another urgent medical issue(as deemed by our staff) should they occur. If standard protocols do not correct the problem and an exam with the veterinarian is indicated, I would like to be contacted first.

____ I would like to be contacted before any measures are taken to treat my pet for any condition, including the ones listed above. I understand that if neither I nor my emergency contact is reachable, or if my emergency contact does not give permission to treat until I am reached, Just For Paws will take the necessary steps to stabilize my pet and alleviate pain and discomfort until I am contacted.

The above conditions have been explained to me and I understand that I am responsible for all costs incurred for any exams, diagnostics and treatments provided.

Does your pet have any known drug or food allergies/ reactions? Yes___ No___

If “yes”, please indicate suspect drugs or foods:______

Please select whether you approve or decline to give us permission to use your pet’s photos as outlined below:

□ Approve use □ Decline use

I hereby give Just For Paws permission to use photographs of my pet, on Facebook and other social media applications. I also grant permission for Just For Paws to publish photographs of my pet for promotion of the organization in printed publications, photographic displays on the Just For Paws web-site.

Client Signature ______Date ______

Boarding Contract

Pet’s Name:
Owner’s Name: / Phone:
Home Address:
Email Address:

All animals are boarded, handled or cared for by us without liability on our part for loss or damage from disease, death, fire, injury to persons, other animals or property by said animals, or other unavoidable causes.

If an animal becomes seriously ill, we will attempt to notify the owner or emergency contact person. In the event the owner does not immediately inform us of desired measures to be taken, or if the state of the animal’s health demands immediate action, we reserve the right to have our veterinarian or the closest veterinary hospital administer necessary medical treatments within our discretion or judgment. Such expenses shall be paid for by the owner upon dismissal of the animal.

Some exotic pets are considered prey animals and may become extremely stressed in a boarding environment. Although rare, such stress can lead to death in exotic pets. I understand and assume the risk associated with boarding exotic pets.

If an animal is not picked up within 30 days after the scheduled discharge date, it will be disposed of by us as we see fit. Notice in writing of such intent will be mailed to the owner by registered mail at the address given hereon. The owner shall be held liable for all charges.

We are not responsible for the loss or damage of any belongings, such as blankets or toys that are brought in with the animal.

The owner represents that he/she is the legal owner of said animal and that said animal is not mortgaged in any way. The above mentioned animal(s) has/ have not been exposed to distemper, parvo virus, rabies or kennel cough within the last 30 days.

I have read and been advised of common boarding ailments that may occur during boarding. I understand these protocols and the measures that will be taken should my pet become ill. I agree to pay all associated fees that may incur due to medical treatment provided by Just For Pawsor their choice of Veterinary Hospital upon dismissal of my pet.

Client Signature: ______Date: ______

(owner or appointed guardian of animal)

This contract is legally binding and will be a part of the animal’s permanent record.

Doggy Daycare Registration Form

Your Name ______Pet’ Name ______

How did you hear about us? ______

Veterinarian Name ______Phone ______

Vet Clinic/Practice Name ______

Breed (or best guess) ______Age (or best guess) ______

Sex ____ Approx. Weight ______Spayed/Neutered? Y / N When? ______

Color ______Micro chipped? ______

Where did you get your dog? ______

When did you get your dog? ______Dog’s age at the time? ______

If you adopted your dog, do you have any information on his or her history? ______



Is your dog housetrained? Y / N Is your dog crate trained? ______

Will he or she remain quiet in the crate? Y / N

Is your dog a jumper, climber, escape artist? Y / N please explain: ______


Is your dog a barker? Y / N If so, can you cue him to be quiet? Y / N

How? ______

Physical limitations/medical problems your dog has: ______



Has your dog ever been in a daycare setting prior to Just For Paws? Y/ N If so, when and where?


Has your dog had obedience training? Y/ N If so, when and where?


Which of these best describes your dog (Please circle all that apply)?


Additional comments: ______


How does your dog express his excitement with other dogs (i.e. mouthing, jumping, mounting, and

barking)? Can you elaborate? ______


Has your dog ever played with other dogs off leash? Y / N If yes, please explain: ______


Is your dog frightened of any certain noises or actions? Y / N If yes, please explain: ______


Does your dog fear or dislike any specific types of people or other dogs? Y / N

If yes to either, please explain:______


Does your dog have any sensitive areas on his or her body? Y / N If yes, please explain: ______



Has your dog ever growled at a person? Y / N If yes, please explain: ______


How did you address this issue with your dog?______

Has your dog ever bitten a person? Y / N If yes, please explain: ______


How did you address this issue you’re your dog?______

Has your dog ever bitten another dog (other than in play?) Y / N If yes, please explain: ______



Is your dog TOY aggressive with other dogs? Y / N With humans? Y / N

If yes to either, please explain: ______


Is your dog FOOD aggressive with other dogs? Y / N With humans? Y / N

If yes to either, please explain: ______


How many people of each age and gender are in your household?

Adults: Males ____ Females ____ Children: Males ____ Females ____

Does your dog show any concerning behaviors towards anyone in your household? Y/N If yes, please

explain: ______


Are there any other pets in the household? Y / N If yes, please list:______


Does your dog show any concerning behaviors towards any of the pets in your household? ______


Anything else you’d like to share with us? ______



If your dog passes our initial assessment and is accepted into our daycare program, our daycare attendants will closely monitor your dog’s behavior. Please list a convenient time and phone number where we can reach you to discuss how they are adapting to our program:

Convenient time: Telephone number:

Bite Policy

This policy applies to all dogs participating in daycare. This policy is designed to create a safe and harmonious environment to all dogs participating in the daycare program and ensure the safety of all attendants.


If a dog inappropriately bites another dog, an attendant, or any other employee at Just For Paws, in a dominant or aggressive manner and inflicts any type of injury to them, the attendant holds the right to terminate the dog from the program. Owner will be notified of the incident immediately. If terminated, the attendants and supervisor will discuss and reserve the right to deem the dog a “day boarder” where the dog is invited to come and go out individually with an attendant. Day boarders go out for three individual 15 minute play sessions during the day.

Please be aware of the inherent risks of dogs interacting in a social play group setting. These risks include but are not limited to:

  • infectious diseases
  • minor traumas
  • cuts and abrasions
  • bite wounds

Initials____ Owner understands the concept of dog daycare, group play, and overnight boarding is to allow dogs to socially interact with both humans and dogs. Dogs in group play participate in supervised activities such as fetch, jumping, playing with toys; there is always a possibility of injury resulting from rough play between dogs. The owner agrees that any injury to their dog during their use of the facility shall not bring any liability of any type on the part of Just For Paws Pet Spa LLC.