A monthly record of developments which enhance democracy through women's empowerment

Vol 9 No 7 £ 5 US$ 10 ISSN 1367-6946 July 2005


In this 103rd monthly issue of The Parity Democrat, I highlight the July 2005 dates from three of my anniversary lists: 18 of the Democracies, 11 Women's Centenaries, and 21 new Birthdays of Distinguished Living Women. My attachment of the month is the paper prepared for the informal meetings of European agriculture and finance ministers, held in Luxembourg in the second week of May. Here, rather than continue with an account of my work and travel (during May), I list below my greatest achievement, that of deciphering women's empowerment in the United Nations over the past few years. This updates the information in Women Leaders: List 74 of 3 May 2004, downloadable from, which also includes the names of women in top positions in international courts, international banks and UN specialized agencies. Obtaining this information should be good practice in getting a stone to donate blood.

Body Women:Total Name Office Term of Office

United Nations Louise Frechette (Canada) Deputy Secretary General United Nations 2.1998-

Under-Secs-Gen 9:48 Thoraya Ahmed Obaid (S Arabia) Exec Director UN Population Fund (UNFPA) 1.1.2001-

Ann Veneman (US) Exec Director UN Children's Fund (Unicef) 4.2005-

Anna K Tibaijuka (Tanzania) Exec Director Human Settlements (Habitat) 10.2000-

Brigita Schmognerova (Slovakia) Exec Sec Economic Commission Europe (ECE) 14.3.2002-

Mervat M Tallawy (Egypt) Exec Sec Econ & Soc Comm for W Asia (ESCWA) 12.2000-

Louise Arbour (Canada) UN High Commissioner for Human Rights 3.2004-

Carla Del Ponte (Switz) Prosecutor Int Criminal Tribunal ex-Yugoslavia 16.9.1999-

Carolyn McAskie (Canada) Sec Gen's Special Representative Burundi 2004-

Asst Secs-Gen 20:79 Deborah Landey (Canada) Asst Sec-Gen Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS 2005-

Patricia Durrant (Jamaica) Asst Sec-Gen Ombud 4.2002-

Angela Kane (Germany) Asst Sec-Gen Conference Management 3.2004-

Jane Holl Lute (US) Asst Sec-Gen Peacekeeping Mission Support 8.2004-

Rachel Mayanja (Uganda) Asst Sec-Gen Women's Advancement 2004-

Margareta Wahlstrom (Sweden) Asst Sec-Gen Humanitarian Affairs 2004-

Wendy Chamberlin (US) Deputy UN High Commissioner for Refugees 2004-

Mehr Khan Williams (Pakistan) Deputy UN High Commissioner for Human Rights 8.2004-

Karen Koning AbuZayd (US) Deputy Commissioner-General UNRWA Gaza 7.2000-

Imelda J M Henkin (Neths) Dep Exec Dir Management UN Population Fund 1.2001-

Sheila Sisulu (S Africa) Dep Exec Dir Ext Aff World Food Programme 2.2003-

Rima Salah (Jordan) Dep Exec Dir 200?-

Elena Martinez (Cuba) Asst Administrator Latin America UNDP 200?-

Rima Khalaf Hunaidi (Jordan) Asst Administrator Arab States UNDP 200?-

Julia Taft (US) Asst Administrator Crisis Prevention UNDP 2005-

Joke Waller-Hunter (Neths) Exec Secretary UN Convention on Climate Change 2002-

Eveline Herfkens (Neths) Exec Coordinator Millennium Development Goals 9.2002-

Heidi Tagliavini (Switz) Sec Gen's Special Representative Georgia 28.5.2002-

Ameerah Haq (Bangldsh) Sec Gen's Dep Special Rep UNAMA Afghanistan 7.2004-

Sissel Ekaas (Norway) Sec Gen's Dep Special Rep UNMEE Eritrea 2005-

UN Senior Officials Sachiko Kuwabara-Yamato (Japan) Exec Secretary Basel Convention UNEP 200?-

Noeleen Heyser (Singapore Exec Dir Development Fund for Women (Unifem) 1994-

Henriette Keijzers (? ) OinC UN Capital Development Fund UNDP 200?-

Sumru Noyan (Turkey) Dep Exec Dir Office on Drugs & Crime 1.2001-

Carleen Gardner (Jamaica) Dep Exec Dir Office for Project Services 200?-

Keiko Okaido (Japan) Dep Exec Sec UN Econ Comm for Asia (ESCAP) 200?-

Lalla Ben Barka (Mali) Dep Exec Sec UN Econ Comm for Africa (ECA) 2.1998-

Alicia Barcena (Mexico) Dep Exec Sec Econ Comm for L America (ECLAC) 200?-

Mariam Al-Awadhi (Kuwait) Dep Exec Sec Econ & Soc Comm W Asia (ESCWA) 200?-

Rosemary McCreery (Ireland) Chef de Cabinet Unicef 5.2005-

Carmen Moreno (Mexico) Director Institute Advancement Women (INSTRAW) 2004-

Patricia Lewis (UK) Director UNIDIR Geneva 2000-


Published by Raymond LLOYD Honorary Secretary Council for Parity Democracy

19 Mulready House Herrick Street Westminster London SW1P 4JL

Phone & Fax: + 44 20 7834 1309 Mobile: + 44 79 32 79 44 32 Email: shequality @

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extract from the writer's "2500 Target Dates for Consolidating and Enhancing Democracy 1988-2016"

Anniversaries for Celebration

Day & Date Location Democracy/Grouping Anniversary

Fri 24 Jun Montpellier France 20 Reporters without Borders (RSF) founded by Robert Menard

Sun 3 Jul Southwark London Britain 100 St Saviour church becomes Cathedral

Mon 4 Jul Los Angeles U S A 100 Venice of America opened by Abbot Kinney

Tue 5 Jul Praia Cape Verde 30 Independence

Wed 6 Jul York England 250 John Flaxman 1755-1826 sculptor born

Tue 12 Jul Cape Canaveral FL United States 0 Eileen Collins commands re-launch of Discovery shuttle

Tue 12 Jul Sao Tome Sao Tome & Principe 30 Independence

Wed 13 Jul London etc World 20 Live Aid concerts raise funds for African development

Sat 29 Jul Jonkoping/Uppsala Sweden 100 Dag Hammarskjold 1905-61 UN Secretary General born

Sun 30 Jul Port Vila Vanuatu 25 New Hebrides gains independence as Vanuatu

Sun 30 Jul Washington U S A 40 Medicare for the elderly

Mon 31 Jul New York United Nations 40 Security Council adds five new members to original ten

Jul Hampstead London Britain 100 Rev Wilson Carlile launches Friends of the Elderly

Occasions for Remembrance, Lustration, Reconciliation or Compensation

Mon 11 Jul Auckland NZ France 20 French agents blow up Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior

Mon 11 Jul Srebenica UN / Nato 10 Abandonment of Safe Area and Serb murder of 5000 Moslems

Sat 25 Jul Paris France / Germany 5 Concorde crashes with loss of 113 lives

Tue 28 Jul Nova Scotia Canada 250 British expel 6000 francophone Acadian families

July-Octob Paris France 10 Islamists kill 8 and injure 200 on Paris metro


extract from the writer's "5500 Women's Centenaries 2004-2055" and "230 Centenaries for 2005"


Born or Died Anniversary Woman of distinction Country Main Activity Reference (see PD 98)


5 Jul 1755- 8. 6.1831 250 Sarah Siddons Britain tragic actress EB* JU

10 Jul 1905-28. 5.2002 100 Mildred Wirt Benson U S A mystery writer NYT*

17 Jul 1905- 100 Marjorie Ethel Reeves Britain historian WW

18 Jul 1755- 2. 3.1845 250 Mary Linwood Britain needlework artist ONB

21 Jul 1905- 1996 100 Diana Rubin Trilling U S A writer critic EB

29 Jul 1905-27. 9.1965 100 Clara Gordon Bow U S A film actress EB NAM

29 Jul 1905- 1935 100 Thelma Todd U S A comedienne MCM**


11. 3.1863-16 Jul 1955 50 May Guinness Ireland painter GDA

12.12.1912-24 Jul 1955 50 Margo Jones U S A producer director CW NAM

10. 7.1879-25 Jul 1955 50 Syria Maugham Britain interior decorator ONB

17. 7.1893-25 Jul 1955 50 Gladys Amanda Reichard U S A anthropologist CW NAM


new entries in the writer's "2500 Birthdays for 2005"

DoB Age in 2005 Woman of distinction Country "First", Other Achievements or Position Reference

29 Jun 1890 115 Hendrikje van Andel-Schipper Netherlands world's oldest living woman

3 Jul 1970 35 Audra McDonald U S A soprano EB*

4 Jul 1970 35 Li Hua LU Taipei-China Paralympic powerlifter ATH*

5 Jul 1979 26 Amelie Mauresmo France tennis player

6 Jul 1917 88 Dorothy Kirsten U S A soprano DO

7 Jul 1937 68 Elena Obratsova Russia mezzo-soprano DO

8 Jul 1969 36 Maha Alsheraian Kuwait Paralympic shot putter ATH*

10 Jul 1913 92 Ljuba Welitsch Bulgaria soprano DO*

11 Jul 1923 82 Ludmila Dvorakova Czech Republic soprano DO

12 Jul 1951 54 Sylvia Sass Hungary soprano DO*

14 Jul 1927 78 Patricia Kern Britain mezzo-soprano DO

14 Jul 1956 49 Cornelia Parker Britain painter installation artist GDA

17 Jul 1916 89 Eleanor Steber U S A so*rano DO

17 Jul 1964 41 Denise Nsoussou Congo-Brazza Paralympic blind athlete ATH*

18 Jul 1973 32 Kristin Ros Hakonardottir Iceland Paralympic swimming champion ATH*

18 Jul 1984 21 Lilian Suazo Honduras Paralympic sprinter ATH*

19 Jul 1973 32 Saleha Annab Algeria Paralympic powerlifter ATH*

21 Jul 1936 69 Ursula Schroeder-Feinen Germany soprano DO

23 Jul 1971 34 Alison Krauss U S A bluegrass fiddler soprano EB*

25 Jul 1930 75 Maureen Forrester Canada contralto DO

29 Jul 1974 31 Marthe Sylvie Mapessi Gabon Paralympic table-tennis player ATH*



19 Mulready House Herrick Street Westminster London England SW1P 4JL

Tel & Fax + 44 20 7834 1309 Mobile + 44 79 32 79 44 32 Email shequality @

Honorary Secretary

Raymond Lloyd

Food, Money, Democracy & Women's Empowerment in Europe

Informal Meeting of European Ministers of Agriculture Luxembourg 9-10 May 2005

Informal Meeting of European Finance Ministers (ECOFIN) Luxembourg 13-14 May 2005

EU Council Paper 27a @ Raymond Lloyd

During a second EU presidency, after that in the Netherlands in September 2004, two informal meetings of particular interest to me take place during the same week in Luxembourg, those of agriculture and finance.

In March 1980, now a quarter century ago, I resigned my career in Rome with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), to work for its democratic regeneration, for the Freedom from Fear and Want ideals first promulgated in the Atlantic Charter in August 1941, and with my own first work having been with Hungarians fleeing soviet totalitarianism in 1956. In Rome in 1974 the Saudi-hosted Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) began using its bloc vote to install a Christian Arab as head of FAO for what turned out to be 18 years, from 1976 to 1993, and it has now done the same for an African Moslem for the 18 years to 2011. The Arab maneuvered to get the single six-year term, under which he was elected, to be renewed indefinitely, and the African has ignored an FAO resolution in 2003, which limited future terms to a maximum of 10 years, to stand again in November 2005 for a third six-year term.

In the 1980s the United States countered FAO corruption by delaying its assessed contribution to the end of each two-year period, and then concentrated its attention on boosting the work of the UN/FAO World Food Program, which it did through an excellent Executive Director, Catherine Bertini. The European Commission joined FAO in its own right in the early 1990s, but took as little lead in enforcing accountability (for its major financial contributions) as it had done with the ACP Lome Convention; Europe remains just as divided among itself toward FAO as it does to NATO. For ten years, I myself have campaigned to be nominated as the next head of FAO - my Campaign letter 13 of 14 February 2005 is attached (A) - not because I had a greater chance than a turkey in escaping a Christmas oven, but by acting as a stalking horse for the nomination of an able woman to represent empathetically the hopes of two-thirds of the world's hungry.

At the informal meeting of finance ministers in Punchestown in April 2004 I also did my best to have an able woman central banker nominated as the next Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) - at the time the Fund was temporarily headed by Anne Krueger, the American First Deputy Managing Director. But once again the European Union missed an opportunity: it has never had a woman citizen of its 25 member states appointed as head of the UN or any of its 18 Specialized Agencies: indeed, it has hardly ever nominated one.

Nominations for FAO and the IMF now have to wait for at least another four years, but meanwhile, as a courtesy to our host country, I list the 18 Luxembourg women whose names I have circulated over the past quarter century as capable of heading UN and other international bodies (B). The names of all 5000 women from 130 democracies appearing in my lists are available in a free 94-page download from the Home page of the Shequality website. It has cost me 50 000 pounds of research and travel over 25 years to compile such a list: perhaps by the end of the decade, at least five able women will be heading UN and other international agencies.

Meanwhile I continue with another of my financial campaigns, to have distinguished women of history portrayed on a second series of Euro banknotes, and on the Euro coins soon to be issued by the new EU members. The portrayal of women on banknotes has a second advantage to that of making the Euro more woman-friendly, that their long hair is the hardest feature of a portrait to forge. Overleaf I list the twelve banknotes circulating in the European Union which still portray distinguished women. Finally I enclose the 101st monthly issue of The Parity Democrat, that for May 2005, which, besides giving an account of my work and travel in March, lists 50 anniversaries of democracy and women's empowerment to be commemorated in May (C).


A. Campaigning in FAO for Integrity, Democracy, Food for All, and Women's Advancement 2 pp

B. 18 Able Luxembourg women proposed to head international organizations 2 pp

C. "The Parity Democrat" ISSN 1367-6946: Vol 9 No 5 for May 2005 2 pp

D Questions on Democracy & Women’s Empowerment in Europe 2 pp



19 Mulready House Herrick Street Westminster London England SW1P 4JL

Tel & Fax + 44 20 7834 1309 Mobile + 44 79 32 79 44 32 Email shequality @

Honorary Secretary

Raymond Lloyd


12 Banknotes still circulating in 7 countries of the European Union

9 May 2005 @ Raymond Lloyd

Country Denomination Date of Issue Women Portrayed

Czech Rep 50 korun 22.9.93,94,97 St Agnes of Bohemia foundress 20.1.1205-2.3.1282 (& watermark)

500 korun 7.1993,95,98 Bozena Nemcova 4.2.1820-21.1.1862 novelist (also in watermark)

2000 korun 7.10.1996,99 Ema Destinnova 26.2.1878-28.1.1930 soprano (also in watermark)