Juan Pace Big Game Safaris (Pty) Ltd 2012/195576/07

Postal address : Postnetsuite 291, Private bag x 37 ,Lynwoodridge, 0040 , South Africa


I , the undersighned______

1 : Acknowledge the J P Big Game Safaris , the respective members of the company and their respective agents , employees ,families , lessees , and invitees from time to time , all of whom shall be deemed to have accepted the benefits conferred on them hereunder and are herein after referred as the “owners” shall not in any circumstances whatso ever be held responsible for any loss ,claim , cost or expense , which i maysuffer , or incur of what so ever nature and how so ever arising from the presence of myself , or any of the dependants , or any of my property at J P Big Game Safaris adjacent there to , including inparticulars , but without limiting the generality of the afore going , any personal injury or damage or loss of property , which i or my dependants may sustain while being conveyed to or from , or while at J P Big Game Safaris from what so ever cause and how so ever arising including , without limiting the afore going , my loss or damage arising from terrorist activity , state enemies , or through the negligence or gross negligence of the owners or through any act of God.

2 : I hereby indemnify the owners and hold each of them harmless from all the loss , injury , damage , fires , penalties , claims ,cost , expenses , and liabilities of what so ever nature and how so ever arising from the presence of myself , or any of my dependants , or any of my or their property at J P Big Game Safaris or any property adjacant there to , including , in particular , any damage , loss , or personal injury, referred to in paragraph 1 here of.

3 : I except the nature of the risk associated with my visit to and activities at J P Big Game Safaris and in particular the risks associated with hunting and being in the vicinity of animals and reptiles , and i hereby confirm that i have voluntarily elected to assume such risks.

4 : I agree and acknowledge that all the trems here of shall be binding , fully and effectively , upon me deceased estate in all respects.

5 : I agree that all the provisions here of shall be construed and take effect in all respects in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa.

Signature : ______Date : ______