The Schedule (Spring) (Note that we may take more than 1 day for some lessons and combine others into a single day.

Lesson / Section in TPS4 / Topics/Activities / Homework
Introduction / Learning about statistics
1 / Westvaco Case / Discussion about statistics and this class / Complete packet problems
2 / Westvaco Case / Review Westvaco case
Chapter 1 / Exploring Data
1.0 Introduction / Individuals, Variables, Bar Graphs,
3 / Proportions / Read pp.2-21
1.1 Analyzing
1.0 Data Collection Sheet / Do TPS4 Ch.1 Ex. 3, 9, 15, 17, 24, 25, 27, 29, 31
Categorical Data
1.1 Analyzing Categorical Data
4 / 1.2 Displaying / Dotplots, Stemplots, Histograms / Read pp.27-41
Quantitative Data / TPS4 CYU p.17
Do TPS4 Ch.1 Ex. 37, 39, 41, 45, 47, 51, 63
with Graphs / 1.2 Displaying Quantitative Data with Graphs
1.3 Describing / Mean/Median, FNS, IQR, Std Dev, Outliers, / Read pp.50-68
5 / Quantitative Data / Boxplots / Do TPS4 Ch.1 Ex. 79, 81, 83, 85, 89, 95, 99,
with Numbers / 1.3 Describing Quantitative Data with Numbers / 103, 107, 109
6 / Ch.1 Review / Ch.1 Notes / Ch.1 Review Problems
FRAPPY – 2010B#1, 2006#1
7 / Ch.1 Test / Ch.1 Quiz / APFRQ
Chapter 2 / Normal Distributions
2.1 Describing / Percentiles, Standardized Scores, / Read pp.84-103
8 / Location in a / Transformations to Data
Do TPS4 Ch.2 Ex. 1, 5, 7, 13, 15, 19, 21, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39
2.1 Density Curves / Density Curves, Empirical Rule, Standard
Normal Dist., Normal Distribution Calculations
9 / 2.2 The Normal / Normal Distribution Calculations, Assessing / Read pp.110-129
Do TPS4 Ch.2 Ex. 41, 43, 45, 51, 53, 55, 57,
Distributions / Normality
61, 71, 75, 76
10 / 2.2 The Normal / Normal Distribution Calculations, Assessing / Read pp.110-129
Do TPS4 Ch.2 Ex. 41, 43, 45, 51, 53, 55, 57,
Distributions / Normality
61, 71, 75, 76
11 / Ch.2 Review / Ch.2 Notes / Ch.2 Review Problems
12 / Ch.2 Test / Ch.2 Quiz / APFRQ
Class / Section in TPS4 / Topics/Activities / Homework
Chapter 3
13 / 3.1 Scatterplots and / Scatterplots and Correlation / Read pp.143-156
Do TPS4 Ch.3 Ex. 1, 3, 9, 11, 15, 17, 26, 27,
Correlation / Activity: CSI Stats: The Case of the Missing Cookies
29, 31
14 / 3.2 Least-Squares / Least-Squares Regression Model, Interpreting / Read pp.164-171
Regression / Coefficients, Predictions, Residuals / Do TPS4 Ch.3 Ex. 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45
15 / 3.2 Least-Squares / Calculating the Regression Equation, Assessing / Read pp.172-181
Regression / Fit (Residual Plots, s, r2) / Do TPS Ch.3 Ex. 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57
Regression Wisdom, y = x line, Outliers
16 / 3.2 Least-Squares / Activity: Understanding r2 / Read p.182-189
Regression / Do TPS Ch.3 Ex. 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 75, 77
Activity: Reading Computer output
17 / Ch.3 Review / Ch.3 Notes / Ch.3 Review Problems
FRAPPY 2007B#4
18 / Ch.3 Test / Ch.3 Quiz / APFRQ
Chapter 4
4.1 Sampling and / Simple Random Sampling, Stratified Random / Read p.209-215
19 / Sampling, Cluster Sampling
Surveys / Do TPS Ch.4 Ex. 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17
Activity: Show Me the Money
20 / 4.1 Sampling and / APFRQs. STEAM Project / Read p.215-224
Surveys / Do TPS Ch.4 Ex. 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33, 35
21 / 4.2 Experiments / Experiments / Read p.231-242
Activity: Designing an Experiment / Do TPS Ch.4 Ex. 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 57, 59
22 / Read p.242-251
4.2 Experiments / Activity: Blocking with Dogs / TPS Ch.4 Ex. 61, 63, 65, 67, 71, 75, 79, 85
23 / 4.3 Using Studies / Activity: Get your heart beating / Read p.261-267
Wisely / Do TPS Ch.4 Ex. 103, 105, 107, 117
24 / Ch.4 Review / Ch.4 Notes / Ch.4 Review Problems
25 / Ch.4 Test / Ch.4 Quiz / APFRQ?
26 / Cumulative Chapters 1-4 / Review topics for the semester / Cumulative AP Practice Test 1
27 / Cumulative Test Chapters 1-4
Class Number / Section in TPS4 / Topics/Activities / Homework
Chapter 5
28 / 5.1 Randomness, / Probability, Simulation / Read p.282-292
Probability, and / Activity: Flipping Pennies / Do TPS Ch.5 Ex. 1, 3, 9, 13, 15, 19, 25, 35,
Simulation / Activity: 1-in-6 Wins / 37
Probability Models, Basic Rules, Two-Way / Read p.299-308
29 / 5.2 Probability Rules / Tables & Venn Diagrams / Do TPS Ch.5 Ex. 39, 41, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53,
55, 57, 59, 61
5.3 Conditional / Conditional Probability, Tree Diagrams, / Read p.312-328
30 / Probability and / Independence
31 / 5.3 Conditional / FRAPPY / Do TPS Ch.5 Ex. 63, 65, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79,
Probability and
Begin homework / 83, 85, 89, 91, 95, 99, 101,107, 109
32 / Ch.5 Review / Ch.5 Notes / Ch.5 Review Problems
33 / Ch.5 Test / Ch.5 Test / APFRQ?
34 / Probability / Casino/Game of chance day
Chapter 6 / Random Variables
35 / 6.1 Discrete and / Discrete RVs, Means/Variances of Discrete / Read p.341-352
Continuous Random / Do TPS Ch.6 Ex. 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 23,
RVs, Continuous RVs
Variables / 32, 33
36 / 6.2 Transforming / Linear Transformations, Sums and Differences / Read p.358-363
Random Variables / of RVs / Do TPS Ch.6 Ex. 37, 39, 41, 43, 45
37 / 6.2 Combining / Sums and Differences of RVs, Combining / Read p.364-375
Random Variables / Normal RVs / Do TPS Ch.6 Ex. 47, 48, 49, 51, 57, 59, 61
38 / 6.3 Binomial / Binomial RVs / Read p.382-393
Do TPS Ch.6 Ex. 73, 75, 77, 81, 83, 85, 87,
Random Variables
6.3 Binomial & / Normal Approximation to Binomial, Geometric / Read p.393-401
39 / Geometric Random / RVs
Do TPS Ch.6 Ex. 91, 92, 95, 97, 99
Variables / Practice problems
40 / Ch.6 Review / Ch.6 Notes
FRAPPY / Ch.6 Review Problems
41 / Ch.6 Test / Ch.6 Quiz / APFRQ?
Class Number / Section in TPS4 / Topics/Activities / Homework
Chapter 7 / Sampling Distributions
42 / 7.1 What is a / Activity: Sampling 100 Integers / Read p.416-428
Sampling / Bias, Variability, Shape / Do TPS Ch.7 Ex. 1, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 19, 25
43 / 7.2 Sample / Activity: Sampling Reese’s Pieces / Read p. 432-438
Proportions / Do TPS Ch.7 Ex. 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 47
44 / Activity: Sampling Pennies / Read p.442-452
7.3 Sample Means / Do TPS Ch.7 Ex. 49, 51, 53, 55, 59, 61, 69,
45 / Ch. 7 Review / Ch.7 Notes / Ch.7 Review Problems
46 / Ch.7 Test / Ch.7 Quiz / APFRQ?
47 / Cumulative Chapters 1-7 / Review Chapters 1-7 / Cumulative AP Practice Test 2
48 / Cumulative Test 1-7 / Cumulative Test Chapters 1-7
Chapter 8 / Estimating with Confidence
8.2 Estimating a / Activity: Flipping Hershey Kisses / Read p.484-494
49 / Population / C.I. for p, Margin of Error
8.2 Estimating a / Conditions, Determining Sample Size, / Do TPS Ch.8 Ex. 27, 29, 33, 35, 37, 41, 43,
50 / Population / Interpreting the Confidence Level / 45, 49
Proportion / Ex 8.28, 8.34, 8.44
8.3 Estimating a / Activity: Estimating the Mean Mass of a Fun / Read p.499-516
51 / Size Snickers Bar
Population Mean
Limit of t is z, robustness of t procedures, / Do TPS Ch.8 Ex. 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 67, 69,
52 / 8.3 Estimating a / Paired Data / 71, 73, 79
Population Mean / Ex. 8.58 (finding t*), 8.64(sample size is small!),
8.70 (paired data), 8.74 (should we used t-int?)
53 / Ch. 8 Review / Ch.8 Notes / Ch.8 Review Problems
54 / Ch.8 Test / Ch.8 Quiz / APFRQ?
Class Number / Section in TPS4 / Topics/Activities / Homework
Chapter 9 / Testing a Claim
55 / 9.2 Tests about a / Activity: Testing a Reese’s Pieces claim / Read p. 549-561
Population / Ex. 9.42, 9.50 (Test of significance Template) / Do TPS Ch.9 Ex. 41, 49 (with template)
Proportion / Do TPS Ch.9 Ex. 33, 37, 39, 47, 51, 53
9.2 Tests about a / Types of Errors & Power / Do TPS Ch.9 Ex. 43, 44, 55, 57, 59, 61
56 / Population / Activity: Testing a Claim about the Proportion / Read p.565-577 (reading ahead)
Proportion / of Earth’s Surface that is Water
Activity: Testing a Snicker’s claim (template) / Read p.577-585
57 / 9.3 Tests about a / Ex 9.76 (do it quickly), 9.78, 9.86 / Do TPS Ch.9 Ex. 63, 73, 75, 77, 79, 83, 87,
Population Mean / Video: “You fool, that’s wrong, you just lost / 89
58 / Activity: Matching (from Dave Bock)
Ch. 9 Review / Ch.9 Notes; FRAPPY / Ch.9 Review Problems
59 / Ch.9 Test / Ch.9 Quiz / APFRQ?
Chapter 10 / Comparing Two Populations or Groups
60 / 10.1 Comparing / Activity: M&Ms plain vs. peanut / Read pp.604-615
Two Proportions / Do TPS Ch.10 Ex. 15, 17
61 / 10.1 Comparing / Inference for Experiments / Read pp.615-619
Two Proportions / Do TPS Ch.10 Ex. 19, 23, 25, 33
62 / 10.2 Comparing / APFRQ 2010#3 / Read pp. 627-649
Do TPS Ch.10 Ex. 39, 41, 45, 53
Two Means
63 / Ch.10 Review / Ch.10 Notes / Ch.10 Review Problems
64 / Ch.10 Test / Ch.10 Quiz / APFRQ?
65 / Cumulative Ch. 1-10 / Review Chapters 1-10 / Cumulative AP Practice Test 3
66 / Cumulative Ch. 1-10 / Cumulative Test Chapters 1-10
67 / Statistical Project / Discussion of and brainstorming for final group project
68 / Statistics Project / Work on Group Project
Class Number / Section in TPS4 / Topics/Activities / Homework
Chapter 11 / Inference for Distributions of Categorical Data
69 / 11.1 Chi-Square / Chi-Square GOF Test / Read pp.678-690
Do TPS Ch.11 Ex. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 25
70 / 11.2 Inference for / Test of Homogeneity / Read pp.696-713
Relationships / Do TPS Ch.11 Ex. 27, 29, 31, 33, 35
71 / 11.2 Inference for / Test of Independence / Read pp.713-722
Relationships / Do TPS Ch.11 Ex. 37, 39, 45, 47, 51
72 / Ch.11 Review / Ch.11 Notes / Ch.11 Review Problems
73 / Ch.11 Test / Ch.11 Quiz / APFRQ?
Chapter 12 / More about Regression
74 / 12.1 Inference for / Inference for Linear Regression / Read p.738-758
Linear Regression
75 / 12.1 Inference for / Start homework during class – PRACTICE! / Do TPS Ch.12 Ex. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 19
Linear Regression / (assume conditions for inference are met)
76 / 12.2 Transforming to / Known Models – Powers/roots / Read p.765-771
Achieve Linearity / Do TPS Ch.12 Ex. 33, 35, 49, 51
77 / 12.2 Transforming to / Unknown Models – Logarithms / Read p.771-785
Achieve Linearity / Do TPS Ch.12 Ex. 37, 39, 41, 43
78 / Ch.12 Review / Ch.12 Notes / Ch.12 Review Problems
79 / Ch.12 Test / Ch.12 Quiz / APFRQ?
Review, final cumulative test and/or project schedule will be dictated by where we are in the calendar at the completion of the above work.
