Solid Waste Advisory Committee
January 30, 2001
Welcome and Call to Order: Rick Thompson 9.42 a.m.
Committee members in attendance:
Joe Aline, Cascade County – Bob McWilliams Beaverhead County-- Sherryl Rhys, Jefferson County -- Roger Schmidt, Fallon County, - Clay Vincent, Unified Disposal District – Doug Sparrow, City County Sanitation Service – Roger Sicz, Bozeman - Rick Thompson, DEQ
Others in attendance:
Ted Lange, MSU - Barry Damschen, Entranco, - Laura Nicholai, Lincoln – David Seeberger, Missoula – Mark Nelson, Polson - Will Selser, Helena – Ken Behling, Billings, - Ned Pettit, DEQ – Lou Moore, DEQ - Jon Dilliard, DEQ - Pat Crowley, DEQ, Helenann Cannon, DEQ.
Review Minutes from October 24, 2001:
Motion to accept the October 24, 2001 Minutes.
Moved by Clay Vincent, Seconded by Roger Sicz. Motion carried.
Election of new chair/facilitator.
Doug Sparrow was nominated by Sherryl Rhys. Seconded by Roger Sicz.
Doug Sparrow was unanimously elected to a one-year term that ends on January 31st, 2002.
Solid Waste Issues from Previous Meeting
Tire Bales
Rick Thompson reported that the DEQ legal opinion on tire bales was not yet completed by the legal staff. He anticipated that it will be completed in time for the next meeting. Carried to the March 12, 2002 agenda.
Application Review Checklist
Discussion of DEQ Review Sequence.
Request by the committee to provide monthly status report to see if the performance time lines set for DEQ are being meet or are appropriate.
Request by the committee for Mike DaSilva, Solid Waste Licensing Program Manager, to develop a flowchart to help illustrate the application review sequence.
Request that the review sequence be included in the license application package distributed to prospective applicants and be included in the next Solid Waste newsletter.
Motion to:
Accept Review Sequence with the following changes:
- Combine items #3 & 4, to clarify that the 15 days to notify the County Health Officer runs concurrently with the 60-day DEQ review period.
- Add wording to Item #7 to reflect that the applicant must respond to departments Notice of Deficiency (NOD) within 90 days and cite the applicable ARM.
- The committee will review the performance of the review sequence in approximately six months.
- Revisit this issue at the next meeting.
Moved by Roger Sicz. Seconded by Roger Schmidt.
Alternative Covers:
Discussion of alternative final covers and the feasibility of using them for Montana landfillls
a)Early informal contact with DEQ is essential.
b)Each site is unique.
c)Future training may be available.
d)The committee will revisit this issue at the next meeting
New Solid Waste Issues
Pollution Prevention Program
Presentation of activities by the Planning, Prevention and Assistance Division’s Recycling and Waste Reduction Program by Ned Pettit.
Ned can be reached at or 444-3075
The waste reduction website address is
DEQ/CSB Org. Charts
Handed out DEQ/Community Services Bureau organizational Chart.
Solid Waste Program Budget
Handed out 10-year budget information for the Waste Management Program.
Committee requested a copy of FY 01-year end budget and actual expenses. These items will be provided to the committee prior to the next meeting.
Will continue discussion of budgets and fees at the next meeting based on the requested information.
Groundwater Review Sequence
Draft sequence presented by Pat Crowley – Solid Regulatory Program Manager.
Committee requested that this review sequence be included in the Solid Waste Newsletter.
Committee will study this sequence and discuss it at the next meeting.
Motion to:
To allow announcements at the end of each meeting.
Moved by Sherryl Rhys. Seconded by Doug Sparrow. Motion carried
American Public Works Association Conference, April 16 – 18, 2002, Helena, MT Contact: ?
MSU Extension Computer Software Training for Landfill Owners and Operators, March 12 – 15 in Bozeman. Contact: Ted Lange Solid Waste Training Coordinator, Pollution Prevention Program, Montana State University Extension Service, P.O. Box 173580, Bozeman, MT 59717-3580. Phone 406-994-6813, fax 406-994-5417, email
Next Meeting 9:00 am –12:00
Tuesday March 12, 2002, at Montana State University in Bozeman, MT
Room TBA