TABLE 1: General Information:
Name and Version of localg.a.p. Program: / localg.a.p. Fruit and Vegetables SA – SPAR V1.0Based on localg.a.p. General Rules Version: / Based on localg.a.p. GENERAL RULES V2.0-1
localg.a.p. Scope: / Fruits and Vegetables
Scheme ID: / localg.a.p. SA entry level version 1.0 = SCHEME_ID=151
localg.a.p. SA foundation level version 1.0= SCHEME_ID=150
localg.a.p. SA intermediate level version 1.0 = SCHEME_ID=117
Application Country: / South Africa
localg.a.p. Program Owner Name:(Name of Company) / SPAR
localg.a.p. Program Owner Contact Details:
(Name and Position of Person, telephone number, email, website) / James Lonsdale
National Fresh Produce Manager
Cell: 083 – 627 3383 | Tel: 011 – 821 4061 |
Cnr. Rudo Nell & Struwig Street, Jet Park, Boksburg, 1460 | P.O. Box 8400, Elandsfontein, 1406
Indicate Applicable Levels
(Foundation Level and/or Intermediate Level): / Entry, Foundation and Intermediate Levels
Additional Requirements, further customization, Add-on, etc. / No additional requirements
ProgramValid From: / May 2014
ProgramObligatoryFrom: / May 2014
Table 2: CustomizedRequirements
a)The localg.a.p. program owner is allowed to define certain rules specific to the country where the localg.a.p. program will be implemented.
b)The localg.a.p.program owner must indicate where it would define its own rules and give a detailed description of what is required.
c)The localg.a.p. Customization Checklist must be completed by the localg.a.p. program owner before the localg.a.p. program is approved and implemented in the specific country.
d)Please read this document in conjunction with the localg.a.p. General Rules. The requirements set in this document are the requirements of the localg.a.p. program owner for the specific localg.a.p. program.
localg.a.p. GR Clause / localg.a.p. Topic / ProposedRule / ProgramOwnerRuleAgree
(Yes orNo) / Customized Rule
(if different from Proposed Rule)
(Please select all the applicable options allowed in this localg.a.p. program. All options may be available for a localg.a.p. program as suggested below).
4.1 / Option 1 – Individual Producer / Option 1 possible / Yes / All options are available for this localg.a.p. program
4.1.1 / Option 1 Multsite without implementation of QMS / Option 1 without QMS possible; all sites must be assessed and pass before letter of conformance can be issued. / Yes
4.1.2 / Option 1 Multisite with implementation of QMS / Option 1 with QMS possible; sample of sites must be assessed. / Yes
4.2 / Option 2 Producer Group / Option 2 possible, letter of conformance per group with annex With information of group members. / Yes
Clause 5 / PRODUCER REGISTRATION PROCESS (Please indicate who is allowed to conduct the localg.a.p. assessments)
5.1 / Producers can register with following party(ies) for the localg.a.p. program:
a) Part 1 / GLOBALG.A.P. Approved Certification Body (CB) / GLOBALG.A.P. finally approved CBs(e.g. finally approved CB for IFA v5 Scope Crops Base sub-scopeFruit and Vegetables) are allowed.
CBs must have done scope extension for localg.a.p. and sent a letter of intent to conduct localg.a.p. assessments. / Yes / GLOBALG.A.P. approved Certification Bodiesand approved Verification Bodies are allowed.
CBs must have done scope extension for localg.a.p. and sent a letter of intent to conduct localg.a.p. assessments.
a) Part 2 / Verification Body(ies) (VBs)
(When allowed by the Program Owner that producers can register with a VB as well)
* See localg.a.p. General Rules 5.1 (b) where a VB is defined. / Producers can also register with an approved VB / Yes
d) / The contact details of the GLOBALG.A.P. approvedCB and / or VB is available and published on the GLOBALG.A.P. website
(In case this is not allowed by the program owner to have the CB/VB contact details on the website – please indicate who the producer must contact to get the applicable information) / Finally approved CBs/VBs are listed on the website
(Scope: localg.a.p.). / Yes / Approved CBs are listed on the website
(Scope: localg.a.p.). Licenced Farm Assurers are listed on the website:
5.2 / Registration
5.2.1 e) / Duration of the Service Contract
(Contract between Producer and CB / VB) / The service contract will be renewed on an annual basis.Producers will be registered in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database and assessments conducted. / Yes / Scope specific rules same as for IFA
(Program Owner to indicate should there be other/additional rules and if only the Crop Rules are sufficient) / No additional rules for this localg.a.p. program / No additional rules
6.1 a) / Self Assessments
(Only required by the Intermediate Level Ready-to-Use CPCC. Please indicate if this is different for this localg.a.p. program) / Annual self-assessments are required as per CPCC. / Yes / In terms of Option 2 or multisite Option 1 + QMS producers only conduct self-assessments when the Quality Management System requires this.
6.2.1 / The localg.a.p. Assessment
The localg.a.p. assessment shall be doneby:
a) i and ii / Third Party (independent and GLOBALG.A.P. finally approved CBs) / Yes / Yes
a) iii / Second party or an appointed organization e.g. VB / Yes
Indicate the level of inspector / auditor allowed to assess the producer against the localg.a.p. program:
a) i / CB inspectors / auditors already approved for inspecting accredited standards like GLOBALG.A.P. IFA / Yes, thisisallowed / Yes
a) ii / Inspectors /auditors from GLOBALG.A.P. approvedCBs for inspecting non-accredited standards / Yes, thisisallowed / Yes
a) iii / VBs that have been approved to assess the specific localg.a.p. program / VBs that are approved by GLOBALG.A.P. can conduct the assessments / Yes
b) / Independence and impartiality shall be maintained at all times / The assessor / inspector / auditor that will conduct the localg.a.p. assessment, is not allowed to also train and consult at the same producer at which he/she will conduct the assessment. / Yes
Additional / Please indicate any additional experience, competency, etc. required for the assessors / inspectors / auditors that are different from IFA General Regulations Part III Annex III.1 and III.2 and/or Farm Assurer Application Document (last mentioned applicable in terms of a VB) / No additional experience required for assessors / Individual Producer (Option 1 without QMS)(The following rules apply only to this Option. Pleaseindicatewhere different requirements)
a) / Frequencyof Assessment: / Annual announcedassessment / Yes
b) / Duration of Assessment: / As determined by the Certification Body / Verification Body / Yes
c) / Timing of Assessment:
c) i / Assessments should preferably be conducted during harvest / Yes. First assessments and subsequent assessments to follow the same rules as in the case of IFA Crops Rules 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 / Yes
c) ii / Before the first assessment, a minimum of 3 months of farming records (relevant to the specific localg.a.p. CPCC document) are required. / Yes / Yes
d) / On-site / off-site assessments: / Can be implemented when it is offered by the CB/VB / Yes
e) / Unannounced assessments required:
If required: 10% of the localg.a.p. Option 1 without QMS producers of a Certification Body / Verification Body shall be assessed annually, unless required differently by the localg.a.p. program owner. The assessment shall be announced no longer than 48 hours in advance. / Unannounced assessments are NOT a requirement. / Not required / Individual Producer (Option 1 with QMS) and Option 2(The following rules apply only to this Option. Pleaseindicatewhere different requirements)
c) / Duration of localg.a.p. Assessment / CB and / or VB will determine the duration of the assessments. / Yes
d) / Sampling Method / Same as in the case of GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Option 1 multisite with QMS and Option 2 requirements (based on square root) / Yes
d) / Frequencyof Assessments: / Same as in the case of GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Option 1 multisite with QMS and Option 2 requirements / Yes
d) and e) / Timing ofassessments:
e) / The assessment shall be done as close as possible to harvest of the products / Yes / Yes
f) / Unannounced QMS assessments required:
If required: 10% of the localg.a.p. Option 1 multisite with QMS and Option 2 producers of a CB / VB shall be assessed annually, unless required differently by the localg.a.p. program owner. The assessment shall be announced no longer than 48 hours in advance. / Unannounced assessments are NOT a requirement. / Not required
7.1 / Requirements to Achieve and maintain localg.a.p. conformance
6.1 b) iii
7.1 a) / Scoring: The localg.a.p. program’s CPCCs may consist of different levels, e.g. Knock-out Points; Major Musts, Minor Musts or Recommendations, or may have a scoring system
(Define the scoring system or levels required if different from the proposed rule) / localg.a.p. has Major Musts, Minor Musts and Recommendations. 100% Major Musts, 95% Minor Must. No minimum percentage required for Recommendations / Yes
b) / Conformance Rules: The amount of levels of the localg.a.p. program and the time period to proceed towards GLOBALG.A.P. IFA
(Define the levels, e.g. Foundation Level, Intermediate Level, or additional levels. The aim to move to certification shall not be more than 5 years) / Year 1& 2: Foundation Level
Year 3 & 4: Intermediate Level
Year 5: GLOBALG.A.P. Certification / No, a new proposed frequency / Year 1&2: SPAR Entry Level
Year 3: Foundation Level
Year 4: Intermediate Level
Year 5: GLOBALG.A.P. Certification
7.2 / Sanctions
c) / Timeframe for outstanding non-conformances identified during the first or subsequent assessment. / Non-conformances must be closed before the letter of conformance will be issued. For the first assessment maximum period of 3 months corrective action period will be allowed. For subsequent assessments, a corrective period of 28 calendar days will be allowed. Important to note that in some cases, the producer will already comply to the minimum requirements without any corrective actions. / Yes
7.5 / Letter of Conformance and Assessment Cycle
d) / The assessment approval cycle is 12 months subject to any sanctions and extensions in accordance with the scope described
(Please indicate if the frequency is different) / The assessment must take place every 12 months during harvesting. / Yes
7.7 / Certification Integrity Program (CIPRO)
(Please indicate if this is required for the localg.a.p. program) / Certification Integrity does not form part of this program. / Not required
1. / The localg.a.p. logo may only be used in Business – to –Business and not appear on the final products visible to the end consumer.
1.4 / Assessment Report
(Indicate if the assessment report must be uploaded in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database) / Yes, to be uploaded in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database / Yes
(Please indicate in case the data release levels are different than indicated in the Annex 3 Table) / Data release according to Data Access Rights. Observer Status / Yes
Fees / Any additional fees for localg.a.p. assessments may apply for the localg.a.p. program (in terms of registrations for all possible Options / localg.a.p. fee / Add-on / etc.)
(Indicate any additional costs tot the producer in terms of this localg.a.p. program) / No additional fees / No additional fees
Add-on / Name of Add-on (if applicable) / No Add-on / N/A / No Add-on
Compliance requirementsfor Add-on / N/A / N/A
Requirements for inspectors/auditors/assessors/ verification bodies that will assess the Add-on (if different from requirements for localg.a.p.assessment) / N/A / N/A
Add-on also applicable when producer achieves GLOBALG.A.P. certification / N/A / N/A
Any additional requirement not mentioned in this document / No additional requirements / No additional requirements