Carterknowle and Dore Medical Practice

Patient Participation Report 2011-2012

PPG Profile

Carterknowle and Dore Surgeryset up a Patient Participation Group (PPG) in September 2011, after several months of recruiting for members both in the Practice and on the Surgery website. The group was established as part of the revised GP Contract; however the practice was keen for this to be a meaningful exercise.

The plan was for the group to meet four times before March 2012; this has been achieved.

Meetings were held on:

6th October 2011

8th November 2011

20th January 2012

13th March 2012

In 2012 we hope to have four evenly spaced meetings for the year. The practice will continue to post the minutes of each meeting on the practice website and email a copy to each member after the meeting.

Stage 1: Develop a Patient Reference Group (PRG)

The table below shows the demographics of the practice population. The practice used the percentages to aid the development of a PPG.

Practice Population / 12266
Carterknowle Population / 7342 / 60%
Dore Population / 4924 / 40%
Male / 6044 / 49% / Female / 6222 / 51%
Age: / 0-16 / 2255 / 18% / Male / 1136 / 9% / Female / 1119 / 9%
17-64 / 7414 / 60% / Male / 3757 / 31% / Female / 3656 / 30%
65+ / 2598 / 21% / Male / 1151 / 9% / Female / 1447 / 12%
Ethnic Minority:
The computerised records show a high proportion of patients (45%) have decided not to not disclose their ethnicity. However we had figures showing that 22.5% of our patients were British or Mixed British. 13.6% are recorded as White British. 0.7% is recorded as Indian. 0.3% is recorded as Pakistani. 0.9% is recorded as Other White.
However the practice have looked at this area in more detail and used the Office for National Statistics website. From this we found that Sheffield had an average of 6% of Asian, Pakistani, Indian residents. However we know that our practice area has a higher that average number; it was agreed to aim for 20% representation of this group as we want our group to represent the needs and expectations of all groups in society and agreed that this diversity was needed.

The table below shows the breakdown of the PPG with reference to the various demographics included in the table above. The practice is still actively recruiting new members on the PPG in order to increase the influence of young adults and teenagers. However we do consider the group to be diverse and feel it does cover the needs and expectations of our practice population.

Patient Group / 11
Carterknowle Population / 6 / 55%
Dore Population / 5 / 45%
Male / 6 / 55% / Female / 5 / 45%
Age: / 0-16 / 1 / 9%
17-64 / 5 / 45%
65+ / 5 / 45%
Ethnic Representation
White British / 8 / 73%
Ethnic Minority / 3 / 27%
Additional Staff Members
Dr F O’Connor (GP Partner)
Mrs Sarah Wylie (Manager)
Mrs Cheryl Fielder (Manager)

The practice is using the following methods to recruit new members on the PPG:

  • Practice Website
  • Notice boards in surgery
  • Word of mouth
  • Email

In order to maintain the level of attendance at the PPG meetings the practice varies the times of the meetings along with the location; both Carterknowle and Dore sites are used for meetings. All prospective new members are met with the warm and welcoming attitude of the practice staff and other PPG members.

Stage 2: Agreeing Priorities

Subjects and areas for improvement have been discussed at the PPG meetings (please see minutes on practice website). The immediate area for discussion was the appointment system, the patient survey and the issue of access and privacy in the reception area. The changing nature of the NHS was discussed and the group agreed to consider the opportunities and restraints this may bring.

Further areas to be looked at in future years would be:

  • Review of Appointments system
  • Dissemination of Practice information across a wider area of the Practice population
  • Greater use of current and future technology

Stage 3: Patient Survey

Discussions were held at the PPG meetings in order to ascertain what questions to include in the practice survey. A draft copy was then discussed further at the PPG meeting and additional space was added to allow patients to write comments (please see copy of the final GP survey on the practice website).

The patient survey addressed the following priority areas:

  • Access and privacy in the reception area
  • Improvements within the reception area
  • Appointment system

The survey took place for an eight week period both in the practice and online throughout December 2011 –January 2012

To ensure that all patients would be able to take part in the patient survey various methods were adopted by the practice to gather results. The practice website was available to all patients with internet access. Patients coming into practice could complete a hardcopy; these were handed to patients at both sites along with posters asking for their opinions in the waiting room. The survey was also translated into Urdu by a member of the PPG and made available on the reception desk.

Collating the results:

  • We did not ask patients to put their name; date and time or include details on the clinician they were booked to see on the survey.
  • A letter box was provided for completed questionnaires.
  • Completed surveys were collated using a Microsoft spreadsheet.
  • The results were compiled into a result report including visual displays.

The results were shared and discussed with the PPG; a hardcopy was made available for each member including numerical data along with graphical representation of each question. The findings were discussed at the next Partner’s meeting. The results were also made available to all patients through the practice website and on the notice board in both practice waiting rooms.

Stage 4: Discussion of survey results

The results were overall very positive; patients were happy with the level of service received and passed on some useful comments for consideration by the practice. Surveys were completed by patients of all ages ranging from under 18 through to 85 and over.

The results and the action plan were discussed by the PPG on 20th January 2012.

The full results are available on the practice website and in reception at both sites. Featured below are some of the outcomes and action points:

  • 4.6% of patients found accessibility to the practice a problem; after discussion the group agreed to put new markings in the car park to block a wider space for disabled access. As the Carterknowle site only has parking for disabled patients; bike racks are to be installed to safely allow patients to use this method of transport.
  • 28% of patients were not happy about other patients being able to overhear what is said at the reception desk. It was agreed for a courtesy line to be installed along with polite notices explaining this.
  • 15% of patients book their appointments online; the practice hopes to be able to offer more online appointments in the future.

Stage 5: Action Plan

  • PPG to discuss the findings and agree the next step.
  • Partners to discuss the findings and the opinion of the PPG.
  • Improve accessibility for disabled patients; by ensuring access is highlighted with floor paint in the car park and on the ramp.
  • Improve confidentiality for patients in the waiting room by installing a courtesy line and displaying posters asking for patients to allow more space at the front desk.
  • Improvements to the appointments system include making more online appointments available for patients.
  • Install bike stands at both sites.
  • Complete refurbishment of Dore Medical Practice which will have an additional treatment room.
  • Create more appointments for patients by recruiting a new full time Nurse Practitioner.
  • Continue collecting mobile telephone numbers from patients to best utilise the SMS text service.

Stage 6: Publication of the Report

This report will be circulated to the PPG at the next meeting; but will also be made available on the practice website and on the practice notice board.

Posted on website: 31.03.2012

Additional Information: Practice Opening Times

The Surgery doors and telephones open 8.30 am to 5.30pm Monday to Wednesday 8.30-12.30 Thursday 8.30-5.00pm Fridays.The doors are closed at lunchtime from 12.30-1.30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. The telephone system is transferred to the GP Collaborative from 12.30pm-2.00pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

The practice offers appointments with GPs, Nurse Practitioners, Practice Nurses, and Healthcare Assistant along with a variety of other healthcare services provided by outside agencies within the practice.

Patients can access services during these hours by either telephoning the Practice or coming to the surgery.Appointments can be made by phone, in person at the desk or online.

Repeat prescriptions can be ordered on the prescription telephone line in person, by posting the tear offsection of the prescription,or on the Internet.

Signed prescriptions can be collected, or posted out if a SAE is enclosed, orpatients can arrange for a local Pharmacy to collect them on their behalf.

The practice offers a SMS texting reminder service.

Extended Hours

The practice participates in this scheme and currently offers pre-bookable appointments; times and days shown below:

Tuesday Evening 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm

Wednesday Evening 6.30pm – 8.30 pm

Carterknowle and Dore Patient Participation Report 2011-2012

March 2012

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