My Notes – 23 Dec2016

The art of the non-deal

  1. What do you understand by the following events in China & Taiwan relations

a)One china policy

b)1992 consensus

  1. What is USA Taiwan relations act?
  2. What is the stand of USA?
  3. How TRUMPs negotiation of one china policy will change regional security?

Alittle gain after more pain

  1. Where are the failures of the objective of Demonetisation?
  2. How far Pradhan Mantri Ghalib kalyan yojana can be successful?

Doing the right thing

  1. Is diplomacy shall be based on Morality or pragmatism?
  2. What was the Indian stand during suez crisis, Hungarian crisis?
  3. Do you think India has to condemn the ongoing loss of human life in syria?
  4. Who is Maytas Rakosi in Hungary?

Do you Know?

The 120-mile Suez Canal, which connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, took 10 years to construct and opened in 1869. The canal was developed by Frenchman Ferdinand de Lesseps, who in the 1880s made an unsuccessful attempt to develop the Panama Canal.

The art of the non-deal

One china policy till date has served the interests of all three parties – USA, Taiwan and China. 1992 consensus is the current framework that guides China – Taiwan relations and allows for greater economic cooperation between both. USA has enacted Taiwan relations act to support Taiwan militarily. This Political status quoism if disturbed, it can disturb the entire regional stability.

Doing the right thing

India is been guided by national interest and Morality in its diplomacy from the days of Nehru. Indias response to Suez crisis , Hungarian crisis can be Explained on the basis of above.

Today, Indias indifference to ongoing crisis in Syria shows lack of compassion and Morality in its diplomacy.

Taiwan issue – sources – BBC and China Journal

So what is Taiwan?

There is disagreement and confusion about what Taiwan is, and even what it should be called.

Chiang Kai-shek's Republic of China (ROC) government, which fled the mainland to Taiwan in 1949, at first claimed to represent the whole of China, which it intended to re-occupy. It held China's seat on the United Nations Security Council and was recognised by many Western nations as the only Chinese government.

But in 1971, the UN switched diplomatic recognition to Beijing and the ROC government was forced out. Since then the number of countries that recognise the ROC government diplomatically has fallen to about 20.

China regards Taiwan as a breakaway province which it has vowed to retake, by force if necessary. But Taiwan's leaders say it is clearly much more than a province, arguing that it is a sovereign state.

It has its own constitution, democratically-elected leaders, and about 300,000 active troops in its armed forces.

Given the huge divide between these two positions, most other countries seem happy to accept the current ambiguity, whereby Taiwan has most of the characteristics of an independent state, even if its legal status remains unclear.

How much of an issue is independence in Taiwan?

While political progress has been slow, links between the two peoples and economies have grown sharply. Taiwanese companies have invested about $60bn (£40bn) in China, and up to one million Taiwanese now live there, many running Taiwanese factories.

Some Taiwanese worry their economy is now dependent on China. Others point out that closer business ties makes Chinese military action less likely, because of the cost to China's own economy.

A controversial trade agreement sparked the "Sunflower Movement" in 2014 where students and activists occupied Taiwan's parliament protesting against what they call China's growing influence over Taiwan.

Officially, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) still favours eventual independence for Taiwan, while the KMT favours eventual re-unification. Opinion polls show only a small minority of Taiwanese support one or the other, with most preferring to stick with the current middle ground.

Yet more and more people say they feel Taiwanese rather than Chinese. Support for the DPP increased at the January 2016 election. This was partly because of dissatisfaction with the KMT's handling of economic matters, from the wealth gap to high housing prices, and partly because of worries that Mr Ma's administration was making Taiwan too dependent on Beijing.

What role does the US play?

The US is by far Taiwan's most important friend, and its only ally.

The relationship, forged during World War Two and the Cold War, underwent its sternest test in 1979, when President Jimmy Carter ended US diplomatic recognition of Taiwan in order to concentrate on burgeoning ties with China.

The US Congress, responding to the move, passed the Taiwan Relations Act, which promises to supply Taiwan with defensive weapons, and stressed that any attack by China would be considered of "grave concern" to the US.

Since then, US policy has been described as one of "strategic ambiguity", seeking to balance China's emergence as a regional power with US admiration for Taiwan's economic success and democratisation.

The pivotal role of the US was most clearly shown in 1996, when China conducted provocative missile tests to try and influence Taiwan's first direct presidential election. In response, US President Bill Clinton ordered the biggest display of US military power in Asia since the Vietnam War, sending ships to the Taiwan Strait, and a clear message to Beijing.

What is the 'One China' policy?

It is the diplomatic acknowledgement of the Chinese position that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is a part of that China. Under the policy, the US has formal ties with China rather than the island of Taiwan, which China sees as a breakaway province to be reunified with the mainland one day.

As a part of the policy, Washington maintains a robust, non-official relationship with Taiwan, including continued arms sales to the island.

The policy of acknowledging China's position on this issue is not only a key cornerstone of Sino-US relations, it is also a fundamental bedrock of Chinese policy-making and diplomacy.

Although Taiwan's government claims it is an independent country officially called the "Republic of China", any country that wants diplomatic relations with mainland China must break official ties with Taipei.

It has resulted in Taiwan's diplomatic isolation from the international community.

How did it come about?

The policy can be traced back to 1949 and the end of the Chinese civil war. The defeated Nationalists, also known as the Kuomintang, retreated to Taiwan and made it their seat of government while the victorious Communists declared the People's Republic of China. Both sides said they represented all of China.

Since then China's ruling Communist Party has threatened to use force if Taiwan ever formally declares independence, but it has also pursued a softer diplomatic track with the island in recent years.

Initially, many governments including the US recognised Taiwan as they shied away from Communist China. But the diplomatic winds shifted as China and the United States saw a mutual need to develop relations beginning in the 1970s, with countries cutting ties with Taipei in favour of Beijing.

Many however still maintain informal relations with Taiwan through trade offices or cultural institutes, and the US remains Taiwan's most important security ally.

What is 1992 consensus?

Before 1992 china and Taiwan saw themselves as the only legitimate Governments of all china. Deng has proposed for a one naiton and two systems formula. 1992 consensus made both the countries to interpret one china policy to their will and allowed for strong bilateral economic, cultural exchanges. It can be stated as one country, respective interpretations.