
Use this job aid as an Asset Management Report reference guide. Below is a list of reports used for Core-CT Asset Management. The list includes the report name and number, description, navigation, and any prerequisites. The prerequisites explain what must be completed in Core-CT in order for data to display on the report.

This job aid does not cover the CO-59 query. For more information on the CO-59 query, use the following WLA path: Core-CT Asset Management > CO-59 > Data Entry Procedures > CO-59 Queries for Assets and Inventory.

Additional Reports for Commitment Control and General Ledger can be found on the Catalog of Online Financial Reports located at and information on running an online report can be found at

Report Name / Report Description / Core-CT Navigation Path / Prerequisites for Running the Report
Asset Acquisitions Reports
Asset Acquisitions by ChartField
(AMAS2100) / The Asset Acquisitions by ChartField report lists asset information and also includes Cost, LTD and YTD Depreciation and Net Book Value with ChartField, In-service Period/Year, Book and Report totals. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Asset Details > Acquisitions / Entered Assets with chartfield information.
The Depreciation Calculation process ran in a nightly batch.
Asset Acquisitions by In Service
(AMAS2110) / The Asset Acquisitions by In Service report lists asset information and also includes Cost, LTD and YTD Depreciation and Net Book Value with ChartField, In-service Period/Year, Book and Report totals. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Asset Details Acquisitions / Entered assets.
The Depreciation Calculation process ran in a nightly batch.
Asset History Reports
Asset History Sheet by Category
(AMDE1000) / This is a statewide report that provides a listing of assets by category. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Asset Details > History / Run by the Central Asset Processor.
The Load Asset History Report Table process has ran.
Asset History Sheet by Account
(AMDE1001) / This is a statewide report of detail accounts of asset additions. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Asset Details > History / Run by the Central Asset Processor
The Load Asset History Report Table process has ran.
Asset History Sheet Summary
(AMDE1002) / This is a statewide report by amount summary. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Asset Details > History / Run by the Central Asset Processor
Depreciation History
(AMDE1101) / This statewide report provides a chronological history of asset depreciation. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Asset Details > History / Enter assets.
The Depreciation Calculation process ran in a nightly batch.
Run by the Central Asset Processor
The Load Asset History Report Table process has run.
Leased Assets Reports
Lease Expiration Report
(AMLE2400) / This report lists all leases expiring in a certain number of days from a specified date, or leases expiring within a date range that you select. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Leased Assets > Leased Expiration / Entered a lease with an expiration date.
Lease Footnote Detail Report
(AMLE2300) / The Lease Footnote Disclosure Detail Report lists all outstanding lease commitments for five years and provides the monthly lease payment and yearly totals. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Leased Assets > Footnote Disclosure / Entered leases with contracts ending in different years.
Lease Footnote Summary Report
(AMLE2310) / The Lease Footnote Disclosure Summary Report lists all outstanding lease commitments for five years and provides the monthly lease payment and yearly totals. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Leased Assets > Footnote Disclosure / Entered leases with different ending years.
Lease Summary Information
(AMLE2000) / This report provides lease summary information. / Asset Management > Reports > Leased Assets > Summary or Detail / Entered Leased Asset.
Lease Detail Information
(AMLE2100) / This report provides lease detail information. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Leased Assets > Summary or Detail / Entered Leased Asset.
Detail Amortization Schedule
(AMLE2200) / An amortization schedule includes principal * interest payments. It would show the remaining dollar amounts on a capital lease only. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Leased Assets > Summary or Detail / Entered Leased Asset.
Account Entry and Account Activity Reports
Account Entry Detail - All (AMAE2100) / Run the Accounting Entry Detail report to list accounting entry details per account. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Accounting Entries > Account Entry / The Accounting Entry Creation process ran in a nightly batch.
Account Activity Summary - Cost
(AMAS2030) / Run the Account Activity Summary report to list cost and related transaction amounts per account with ChartFields, book and report totals. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Accounting Entries > Account Activity Summary / The Accounting Entry Creation process ran in a nightly batch.
Account Activity Summary - Depreciation
(AMDP2030) / Run the Account Entry Detail report to list depreciation and related transaction amounts per account with Chart-fields, book and report totals. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Accounting Entries > Account Activity Summary / The Accounting Entry Creation and Depreciation Calculation processes ran in a nightly batch.
Account Activity Summary - Net Book Value
(AMDP2130) / The Account Activity Summary - Net report lists cost balance, YTD and LTD Depreciation and NBV amount per account. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Accounting Entries > Account Activity Summary / The Accounting Entry Creation and Depreciation Calculation processes ran in a nightly batch.
Cost and Depreciation Reports
Cost Activity Detail Report
(AMAS2000) / Run the Cost Detail report to sort cost activity by ChartField, Category, and Account. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Cost and Depreciation > Cost Activity Report / The Depreciation Calculation process ran in a nightly batch.
The Load Depreciation Report Table process ran monthly.
Depreciation Activity Detail
(AMDP2000) / Run the Depreciation Activity Detail report to sort depreciation activity information by ChartField, Category, and Account / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Cost and Depreciation > Depreciation Activity / The Depreciation Calculation process ran in a nightly batch.
The Load Depreciation Report Table and the Depreciation Close processes ran monthly.
Depr by Year - Asset Det (AMDP2300) / Run the Depreciation by Fiscal Year — Asset Level report to sort assets by fiscal year depreciation. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Cost and Depreciation > Depreciation by Fiscal Year / The Depreciation Calculation process ran in a nightly batch.
The Load Depreciation Report Table process ran monthly.
Depr by Period
(AMDP2200) / Run the Depreciation by Period report to sort assets by period depreciation. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Cost and Depreciation > Depreciation by Period / The Depreciation Calculation process ran in a nightly batch.
The Load Depreciation Report Table process ran monthly.
Asset Net Book Value Detail
(AMDP2100) / Run the Asset Net Book Value Detail report to sort asset net book value information by ChartField. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Cost and Depreciation > Asset Net Book Value / The Depreciation Calculation process ran in a nightly batch.
The Load Depreciation Report Table and the Load Net Book Vale Table processes ran monthly.
Asset Reclassifications by Chartfield
(AMAS2400) / The Asset Reclassifications by ChartField report lists asset Recategorizations and is ordered by ChartField. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Cost and Depreciation > Asset Reclassifications Reports / Recategorized an asset.
Asset Transfers by Chartfield
(AMAS2300) / The Asset Transfers by ChartField report lists asset transfers transactions and is ordered by ChartField. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Cost and Depreciation > Asset Transfers Reports / Transferred an asset.
The Depreciation Calculation process ran in a nightly batch.
Reconciliation AP/AM
(AMDE5001) / Use the Reconciliation AP/AM page to run a report that will help you reconcile AP Asset Vouchers with AM asset transaction information. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Cost and Depreciation > Reconciliation AP/AM / The Depreciation Calculation process ran in a nightly batch.
Retirement Reports
Retirement Activity
(AMRT2100) / This report lists retirement related information for assets. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Retirement > Retirement Activity Report / Entered and retired assets.
Retirement Report by Chartfield
(AMRT2000) / Run the Retirement by ChartField report to sort retirement information by ChartField. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Retirement > Retirement Information Report / Entered assets with chartfield information and retired them.
Retirement Report by In Service
(AMRT2010) / This report lists retirement information with totals per In Service Year/Period. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Retirement > Retirement Information Report / Entered and retired assets.
Asset Maintenance Reports
List of Asset Warranties
(AMAS1600) / The Asset Warranties report lists all of the warranties that are in place for a specified business unit as of a date that you select. / Asset Management > Service and MaintenanceReports > Warranties / Entered Asset Warranties under a specific Business Unit.
List of Asset Licenses
(AMAS1700) / Enter License information for an asset on the Basic Add pages. / Asset Management > Service and maintenance > Reports > License Information / Entered License information for an asset.
Asset Category Report
List of Asset Categories
(AMAS1100) / List of Asset Categories. / Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Asset Management > Reports > Asset Categories / Run by the Central Asset Processor.
Physical Inventory Reports
Physical Inventory Extract
(AMPI2000) / Run this report to gather PI extract data. / Asset Management > Physical Inventory > Run Physical Inventory Reports / Ran the Physical Inventory Process.
Physical Inventory Results - Inventoried
(AMPI2200) / Run this report to gather PI inventoried results. / Asset Management > Physical Inventory > Run Physical Inventory Reports / Ran the Physical Inventory Process.
Physical Inventory Results - Unders
(AMPI2210) / Run this report to gather PI unders results.
Does not record all the assets from the scan scope. / Asset Management > Physical Inventory > Run Physical Inventory Reports / Ran the Physical Inventory Process.
Physical Inventory Results - Overs
(AMPI2220) / Run this report to gather PI overs results.
Records the same asset multiple times. / Asset Management > Physical Inventory > Run Physical Inventory Reports / Ran the Physical Inventory Process.
Capital Acquisition Planning Reports
Capital Acquisition Planning
(AMCP2000) / Run this report to gather capital acquisition planning information. / Asset Management > Asset Transactions > Capital Acquisition Planning > Run Report / Entered CAP and associated assets to the CAP.
CAP by Department
(AMCP2010) / Run this report to gather capital acquisition planning by department. / Asset Management > Asset Transactions > Capital Acquisition Planning > Run Report / Entered CAP.
CAP Assets
(AMCP2100) / Run this report to gather capital acquisitions planning by asset ID. / Asset Management > Asset Transactions > Capital Acquisition Planning > Run Report / Entered CAP and associated assets to the CAP.
Account Entries Reports
Account Entry Detail - All
(AMAE2100) / Run the Accounting Entry Detail report to list accounting entry details. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Accounting Entries > Account Entry / The Accounting Entry Creation process ran in a nightly batch.
Accounting Entry Detail - Cost
(AMAE2110) / The Account Entry Detail By Cost Report lists cost and related transaction amounts per asset, with ChartFields, book and report totals. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Accounting Entries > Account Activity Summary / The Accounting Entry Creation process ran in a nightly batch.
Accounting Entry Detail - Depreciation(AMAE2120) / Run the Account Entry Detail By Depreciation report to list depreciation and related transaction amounts per asset, with Chart-fields, book and report totals. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Accounting Entries > Account Activity Summary / The Accounting Entry Creation and Depreciation Calculation processes ran in a nightly batch.
Accounting Entry Detail - NBV
(AMAE2130) / Run the Account entry Detail Net Book Value report to list cost balance, YTD and LTD Depreciation and NBV amounts per asset. / Asset Management > Financial Reports > Accounting Entries > Account Activity Summary / The Accounting Entry Creation and Depreciation Calculation processes ran in a nightly batch.

Updated January 5, 2007