Lesson Title: / Narrative writing illustrated with digital photography
Grade Level/Subject Area: / 7th grade students – Gifted students
Language Arts
Student Profile: / Number of Students: 12
Area: Writing, Technology
Special Needs: / Number of Students with Special Needs: 1 (autism)
Objectives: / Students will:
1.use a digital camera effectively
2.take photographs demonstrating good composition principles
3.conceive, plan and take digital photographs of items to illustrate a narrative story
4.enhance their writing skills
5.identify the elements of fiction
Curricular Connections: (IEP/Local or National Standards) / Georgia Performance Standards
ELA7R1 The student demonstrates comprehension and shows evidence of a warranted and responsible explanation of a variety of literary and informational texts.
ELA8R1 Evaluates the structural elements of the plot.
ELA7W1 The student produces writing that establishes a appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and provides a satisfying closure.
Assessment: /
- Pre and Post Test
- Student Self Assessment Sheet
- Teacher Assessment – Rubric
Technology Connections: /
- Digital camera
- Computer
- Keyboard
- Audio files
Materials: /
- Projector
- Printer
- Digital cameras
- Student worksheet (storyboard)
- Student Assessment sheet
- Rubric for Assignment
- Pre and Post tests on Photography
- Royalty Free Resource Site
Related URLs: (minimum of 3 required) /
- Digital Storytelling
- Royalty free clips to enhance your story.
- Examples of digital stories.
- Writing Narratives (notes)
Procedures: / Whole Group:
Step 1: Read a short story (picture book works best) aloud to the class.
Step 2: Review plot structure and plot the elements of the story you read together as a group.
Step 3: Explain to the students that they will be completing an assignment using digital photography to enhance and illustrate a narrative piece of writing that they have created.
Step 4: Give the students a pre-test on basic digital photography.
Small Group:
Step 1: Students will complete a directed reading assignment related to the camera manual.
Step 2: Students will brainstorm in small groups for digital story ideas including where to find pictures.
Cooperative Group: NA
Step 1: Handout the narrative digital story rubric and allow students to review the information and ask questions.
Step 2: Handout the storyboards and give class time for students to begin crafting their story including picture ideas.
Step 3: Students will be assigned a camera to capture pictures.
Step 4: Using Imovie or MovieMaker students will upload pictures, text, audio.
Step 5: Students will present their stories to the class.
Classroom Management: / Technology Management:
- Students will check out cameras through the library. We are fortunate that there are enough cameras for all 12 students.
- Students will have 4 class periods in which the class will reserve the computer lab for class time. Students will have access to both Imovie and MovieMaker.
- Students will need to convert files to .wmv to ensure the movie will play in the classroom for presentations.
- The classroom has computer access with @Quicktime and @Realplayer
- The classroom has an LCD projector connected to the computer and Smartboard.
Instructional Groups:
- The entire class will be given a lesson on the elements of fiction as a review
- In small groups the students will have an opportunity to learn about digital photography and specific applications of the camera they will be using.
- In small groups the students will brainstorm ideas for narrative stories.
- Individually and through teacher-student conferencing the students will revise their stories on the storyboard.
- Individually students will upload photos, text, and audio to create a narrative digital story.