Thoughtful Team Builder Ice Breakers
- What was the worst day of your life and why?
- What would you most like to be remembered for when you are reminiscing about your life in your old age?
- What aspect of your personality adds the most value to the world?
- If you could change one thing about yourself, what change would you make?
- If you could choose any one person, living or dead, whom would you most want to emulate? Share why.
- Who had the most influence over the choices you eventually made for your life when you were growing up?
- What was the best day of your life and why?
- What soothes your spirit when you are unhappy or in a bad mood?
- What talent do you have that is not utilized successfully in your workplace?
- What are three things that you would change about your work environment that would make you a more successful employee?
- If you had your work life to live over, at what point would you have chosen a different path that would have led you to more success and happiness?
- What are the skills that you bring to your workplace that are currently underutilized?
- What is one activity, which if you could do it every day at work, would most increase your appreciation of your current job?
- Are you a day person or a night person and how does this affect how you work?
- What words would you most like to hear from your boss that would help you feel motivated and successful in your job?
- What would you like to do next in your current organization? What would you bring to the new position?
- What are the most significant characteristics of the people who have been your best bosses during your career? What made them best bosses?
- What are the most significant characteristics of the people who have been your worst bosses during your career? What made them the worst bosses?
- Would you make a good boss? What makes you answer the question the way you did?
- Do you get to do something at work every day that you love? If so, what is it? If not, what can you do about that?
- Do you have a best friend at work? Who is it and what draws you to this person?
- If you invited a child toa take your children to workday/event, what would you show the child about what you do at work? What would you tell the child about your job?
- Looking at your whole life, not just your work life, what are three areas or activities in which you wish you were spending more of your time?
- What five characteristics must your work environment or culture have to make you feel engaged, alive, excited, and contributing as an employee?
- What are the one or two things in a work environment or culture that would absolutely drive you to look for a new job and leave?
- What event do you remember most fondly from high school?
- Who was your favorite elementary school teacher and why?
- What's a favorite family memory that has stuck with you into your adult life? Why?
- How do you use the information that you learned in your favorite class in your life today?
- What spectator activities do you most enjoy attending and watching?
- What was the most memorable event that you experienced in college?
- What is the most memorable vacation you've taken in the past?
- What's rocking your world this month?
- What's the craziest thing you've ever done in your life?
- What's your favorite activity to do locally and why?
- Can you share three things about you that you think no one here knows?
- What was your least favorite class in college and why?
- What part of your current job is your favorite?
- Share one thing that you love to do that you get to do nearly every day.
- What's your most significant current challenge?
- What would you like to accomplish in your job this year?
- What is your favorite local restaurant and the meal you most enjoy eating when there?
- What outdoor activities do you most enjoy? How often do you get time to participate?
- What is one goal that you plan to accomplish during your adult lifetime?
- Describe your dream vacation.
- What do you enjoy in your favorite breakfast that you make at home?
- What is the best meal that you have ever made for dinner?
- If you could only travel to one more country, which country would you choose?
- What are you most worried about at work this month?
- What characteristic do you value the most in your coworkers?
- What is the most important personal attribute that you bring to your job?
- What are you most excited about in relation to your job this year?
- What's one work-related skill that you'd like to develop, especially if you could do it easily?
- What coworker characteristic do you find most irritating?
- What's the one word that you'd like to hear from your boss?
- If your workplace was a tree, what kind of a tree would it be and why?
- What one factor or facet of work do you complain, moan, and groan about the most?
- What's the single most important factor that you would change about your job?
- What is the most significant factor that your organization has control over, that interferes with your success?
- What is the single most significant factor, that your organization controls, that is fueling your success?
- If you were the king of your workplace, what are the three missing factors that you would add?
- What coworker habit drives you crazy or bugs you the most?
- Describe the work culture in which you could most successfully contribute your best work. How far from your ideal is your current workplace?
- You often hear that people are an organization's most important resource. Is that true for the organization that employs you?
- How much money would you need to win to walk away from your current job?
- What are the circumstances that would have to happen in your current job that would cause you to secretly job hunt?
- When you have worked with a successful team, what factors were present in the working relationships?
- When you have worked with an unsuccessful team, what contributed to its failure?