Name ______number ______
Copyright Scavenger Hunt
Website: Taking the Mystery Out of Copyright
à Skim over the information then answer the questions.
1. Choose one date in the 1800s and tell why it was important for
Copyright Law.
Date: ______
Why it was important: ______
2. On what date was Copyright Law revised to include protection of musical compositions?
Date: ______
3. Describe the most recent change in U.S. Copyright Law.
4. List three legal, valid reasons for using someone’s copyrighted work.
5. What are the benefits of registering your copyright?
Website: Cyberbee
Mouse over an image to see the question. Click to see the answer.
6. When you use copyrighted material, what are the recommended amounts to use for motion media, text, and music?
Motion media ______
Text ______
Music ______
7: If you find something (text, image, recording) on a government website does that automatically mean it is public domain?
8. You find something online and you want to use for a project, but you can’t find copyright information on the page. What should you do?
9. If material is not copyrighted, do you still have to give credit to the person who created it?
Website: Copyright Kids!
Again, skim over the information then answer the questions.
10. When you find copyrighted information, that you didn’t create, which of the following are you allowed to do? (circle one)
A) make copies of it
B) distribute copies
C) perform it publicly
D) display it publicly
E) change it – modify, adapt, new use, new media
F) all of the above
G) none of the above
11. List four examples of works that are protected by copyright law.
12. To determine “fair use” there are four factors to look at. For each factor, which is more likely to be considered fair use?
· Purpose and Character: educational purposes OR commercial use? (circle one)
· Nature of the Work: less creative OR more creative? (circle one)
· Amount Taken: more taken OR less taken? (circle one)
· Effect on copyright owner: affects how much money copyright owner will make
OR does not affect how much money copyright owner will make. (circle one)