ROLL CALL: Donna Robinson, Drake Underwood, Brian Underwood, Nick Castleton

OTHERS PRESENT: Jody Carlson, Arnold Carlson, Sharon Brewer, Glen Wahlberg, Warren Holman, Dale Robinson, Billy Baum, Krystal Gout, Brandy Montgomery, Laura Kirgan

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Drake made a motion to approve March’s minutes, Donna Robinson seconded. All in favor.


Patricia stated she will be getting with the auditor about some issues. Brian made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Drake Underwood seconded. All in favor.


Patricia explained the status of the Baseball teams. Drake made a motion to approve the claims. Donna seconded, all in favor.

Nick Castleton- He mentioned that he has been trying to contact the company that owns the solar wind towers. He hopes to put a cell tower as well.

Drake Underwood- He stated he has been waiting to hear about the streets project. He would like the park watered and fertilized before baseball season. Nick mentioned he talked with Centracom, and talked about fiber optics.

Brian Underwood- He mentioned he talked with Lynn about what’s going on with the water project. He wants to know what’s going on with Sunrise Engineering and keep up to date.

Donna Robinson- She mentioned she is still trying to get a hold of the auditors. She hasn’t been able to get a hold of Juab County. She read through the proposal from Country Garbage.

Ferrel- He met with the Planning Commission. Nick mentioned that businesses have to be up to code, and in the right building. Building restoration needs to have a structural engineer. Ferrel mentioned having resident and business zones together. Nick said it has to be inspected as a business. Ordinances still need to be followed for home businesses. Drake mentioned that the State of Utah is strict with building codes. If there is a Historical Plaque, guidelines need to be followed. He mentioned having a few more businesses to attract more people. Donna mentioned that the City needs to support small businesses a little more. Nick mentioned the rumors of the City Council opposed to business. He stated that they have never turned down a business, and are always ready and willing to help.

Arnold- He wants an approval for an Eagle Scout project. He wants to put up a fence around the monument at the City Park. It will be an aluminum fence. DUP stated they have agreed with the project. Nick stated he will be fine as long as its 4 feet.

Nathan Charlesworth would like to put 2 horses on the City’s property. Drake mentioned putting it in Executive Session.

Agreement with Mammoth

Glen Wahlberg- the Council went over the agreement. Nick asked about the separate meter. Glen explained that they didn’t want others to use their meter. Nick stated the fire hydrant is the back up. Glen stated if the City can’t come to an agreement, they will lease the water to someone else. Drake asked why it’s necessary for two meters. One meter will do the same job. Nick mentioned he has no problems with the Supplemental Water Agreement. Brian made a motion to approve the Supplemental Water Agreement. Drake second. All in favor. Glen mentioned it needed to be notarized and signed. Patricia stated it has never been notarized before. There a couple of other issues with the other agreement. Donna mentioned not being able to combine two agreements. Glen stated the Supplemental Water Agreement they brought, was already signed.

Crystal Gout- She asked if she could do a five year business license. Patricia stated it would be the same fee, but she would need to provide a new copy of food handler’s permit if required.

Nick asked if there was an application from Brandy for the Planning and Zoning. She would like to join. Drake made a motion to accept Brandy onto Planning and Zoning, Brian seconded. All in favor.

Mayor City Recorder

Nick Castleton Patricia Bigler