Of The


Held on October 15, 2014


Alexandra Fraser President, TSI (Meeting Chair)

Audrey-Ann Pare Vice President, TSI

Greg Heenan Director, TSI

Khaled El Mostapha Director, TSI

Emilee Ritzer Director, TSI

Danica Quenneville Director, TSI

Daniel Hickey Director, TSI

David Martinez Director, TSI

Kirstin McBride Director, TSI

Samantha DeBoer Director, TSI


Stephanie Woodall Operations Manager, TSI (recording)

Mike Kerr Student Observer


1.1 Attendance

The meeting was called to order by Alex Fraser at 5:30pm and attendance was taken per above.


7.0 motion to ratify Samantha DeBoer as a director

3.0 Adoption of the agenda

The agenda was distributed and was approved as presented.

Motion: To approve the agenda of the October 15th, 2014 meeting of the Board of Directors of Thames Students Inc., as presented.

Moved by: Danica Quenneville

Seconded by: Daniel Hickey


4.0 Declaration of Possible Conflict of Interest

Motion 3.0 Danica Quenneville

Motion 4.0 Daniel Hickey

Motion 5.0 David Martinez

Motion 6.0 Kirstin McBride

Motion 7.0 Samantha DeBoer


Approval of the minutes of the Board meeting that took place on October 1st, 2014.

Motion: To approve the minutes from the October 1st 2014, meeting of the Board of Directors of Thames Students Inc.

Moved by: Emilee Ritzer

Seconded by: Khaled El Mostapha



6.1 Class Schedules/ Office Hours/ Booth

Please give Steph your class schedule so that we can make the booth and office hours schedule. You need to be doing 5 office hours a week and 2 booth hours a week as per our by-laws.

6.2 Thames Times

October 20th is the next due date. For all the current directors you will be writing about stress relief. The new directors will be writing about a background of themselves and also what they do to help relieve stress.

6.3 CSA October Conference

We are leaving tomorrow at 4pm from the back parking lot. The hotel is booked you are slightly off sight but still very close. Alex has the Agenda for everyone. Please do not skip the sessions and conduct yourself professionally. You must also dress business casual, no jeans or sweat pants.

6.4 Wellness Wednesdays

Greg will now be in charge of wellness Wednesday. Let’s get as many people as possible involved on these days so that we can reach as many students as possible.

6.5 Thames Hockey Program

We will need to cover the times for hockey to make sure students are using the ice. We have been having a lot of community members coming to use the ice that need to sign forms and pay. We also have a few Indian students who will be helping out.

6.6 Health Plex Equipment (Budget $10,000)

The TRX equipment will cost $4500.00. The health Plex will be giving out free sessions to students only. We would like to purchase a manual treadmill. (There is only one like it in the sportsplex in Windsor). WE looked at the cost for new and it is $7000. But we can get a used one for $4000. We are going to get a trial where we can have the machine so we can track its use before we commit to buying one.

6.7 Class Rep Search

We will send out a schedule that NEEDS to be completed by the end of the week. The faster we can get some class reps that better or programming will work.

6.8 Employee Performance Review

Has everyone had a chance to look through their reviews with Stephanie? IF not please do that by the end of the week.

6.9 Referendum

WE are looking at a 2, 110,000 renovation cost. We have $450,000 in our account that is allotted towards this venture. WE will borrow at hopefully a 3.9% rate. We would collect $195,000 a year to pay back and the project would be completed in 6-9 months. We usually carry over $50,000 each year to help with this project.

6.10 International Thanksgiving

Went really well, everyone had a great time. Dan Chauvin Sent an email with photos to a few people in the college. We will have to try to book another party in the future.

6.11 Academic Award Banquet

It was great food, Alex speech was great!

6.12 ManiCure Event

The esthetician students had an event where they painted nails for The Canadian Cancer Society. They raised $200.00 and we matched that donation. Tammy said she would love to help us out with future events and has suggested Massages for wellness Wednesdays.

7.0 New Business

7.1 Ratification of new BoD.

Motion: To ratify Danica Quenneville as a Director representing the Board of Directors of Thames Students Inc.

Moved by: Audrey Pare

Seconded by: Emilee Ritzer


Motion: To ratify Daniel Hickey as a Director representing the Board of Directors of Thames Students Inc.

Moved by: Danica Quenneville

Seconded by: Khaled El Mostapha


Motion: To ratify David Martinez as a Director representing the Board of Directors of Thames Students Inc.

Moved by: Audrey Pare

Seconded by: Samantha DeBoer


Motion: To ratify Kirstin McBride as a Director representing the Board of Directors of Thames Students Inc.

Moved by: Daniel Hickey

Seconded by: Khaled El Mostapha


Motion: To ratify Samantha DeBoer as a Director representing the Board of Directors of Thames Students Inc.

Moved by: Daniel Hickey

Seconded by: Kirstin McBride


7.2 Tea Time

Every Tuesday from 10:30-11:30 in the community room in the HealthPlex. Please go if you can make it. This is a program to help international students to speak better English.

7.3 United Way

We have had 2 meetings with United Way to help with promotion to our students. We have booked several events with them coming up in November and we have also talked about their programs and how we can help.

7.4 Reapers Realm

Saturday October 25, 2014 we will be taking a bus to reapers realm in courtright. WE will meet outside the arena at 7pm. Please let steph know if you can go she will save TSI spots on the bus.

7.5 MHFA/ASIST/ CPR training

This training is in November. We would like to bring someone here for MHFA the cap will be 24 max. It will be a 2 day workshop.

7.6 Halloween Pub

You will need to be here at 6:30 to help set up. You are able to have a 3 drink max if you are of age and you are not driving. Please be here on time this is usually a busy pub.

7.7 Directors Reports

Each week you must fill out a director report. These can be emailed to Stephanie. Please make sure that you are doing these they are what help us to pay you at the end of the semester. Also make sure that hours are being done within times that students are here 8am and 5pm. Anything outside of this will not count as office hours as these hours are in place to assist students.

7.8 Flaunt your Flannel

This run will be happening starting at the Healthplex on November 8th. They would like us to buy the scarves to wrap around people as they compete the race. They would like us to pay $585.00 to help with the cost of these. We will have a meeting to get a bit more information about the run. WE think it will be a much better plan to sponsor students to go into the race. It is a $25 entrance fee.


-Yoga should be done once a month on Wednesdays. Email Matt Cassidy from the Health Plex.

-Alex is away on October 27th for elections.


Ø  Next meeting is to be held on October 30, 2014 at 4 pm in Student Centre.


Motion: To Adjourn the Board of Directors meeting at 7:21pm.

Moved by: Audrey Pare

Seconded by: Samantha DeBoer


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