CCWG Meeting Minutes

[July 23, 2009]


·  Jared discussed PMT’s decision on CRs with CCWG members

·  Jared and Regina will meet with Paradigm to prepare September’s meeting agenda

·  Next meeting is scheduled for [August 6th, 2009]


CRs reviewed include the following:

ECM Control # / CR Title / Description / Status
5813133 / Packer Inquiry Letters / See Folder / CCWG recommends using instructions as a workaround for now but would like a team consisting of members from PSU, CRU, BEAD, and BPU to put an SOP together and have on hold to be built later.
5865374 / SOP for Annual Rpt Deficiency / See Folder / The updated SOP was added to the folder, CCWG members reviewed and approved the updates but with condition that the step that refer to R&I log be change to PSAS. Also the CCWG recommends that RO 1 be updated also to account for those created from the AR process.
5878725 / Foreign Buyer Section of Employee Library / See Folder / Tabled until response from OGC is received and team reviews proposed wording.
5878727 / Modification of Standard NOV/NOD for Registration/Bonding / See Folder / Team debated adding standard wording to the NOD Registration/Bonding template, so CCWG suggests creating WI to help employees on how to use the NOD template
5859615 / 2nd Investigator on Regulatory Reviews - PMT already approved / See Folder / PMT already approved
5914251 / Custodial Account Report Workflow / See Folder / Team approved CR but asks the PMT to include any other standard letters in the SOP and to also include sections in AMS that will track the data.
5911696 / System Gap - Notification that a Formal Enforcement Action is Pending / See Folder / Team approved but asks that PMT designate which unit is responsible for changing the entity’s status when Enforcement is Pending. Capability already exists but not being used because there’s confusion on who’s responsible. CCWG thinks it should be done by PLD.
5911643 / Bond Termination Notice Timing Problem (Duplicate CR 5911680) / See Folder / Tabled until Regina can research in issue in the test environment


Jared Koch, Bart Di Giovanni, Nilsa Taylor, Adam Fast, Amy Blechingcher, Tina Dillard, Kevin Studer
AJ Howard, Regina Ware
Patti Tolle Proxied Jared