To Paul Ellis

Response to FOI request 391

I am writing in response to your request for information about Research Contracts which you requested on 4th March 2009

“Do you hold information which is publicly available on research

contracts which have been let to companies, contractors etc...?

I need to see the name of companies, value of contracts, title of

contracts, the winning proposals, for the last 2 years?”


On 12th March we agreed with you that we would provide details of the Contract Titles, the Supplier and in some cases the Contract Value.A copy of that information is enclosed.

If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me. Please remember to quote any reference number given above in any future communications.

If you are not satisfied with my handling of your request please tell me why within two calendar months of the date of this letter. I will then arrange for someone to conduct an internal review of your request and the handling of it. The review will be conducted by another officer, usually of a more senior grade to me. This person will have taken no part in the original handling of your request. You will be advised you of the reviewing officer’s decision in writing.

If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner to look into the way your request has been handled. Please note that generally the Commissioner cannot make a decision unless you have first exhausted DWP’s own complaints procedure. The Commissioner can be contacted at:

FoI Complaints Resolution

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Fax: 01625 524 510



Kate Callow MCIPS

Senior Commercial and DWP Research Framework Manager

Commercial Support & Knowledge Management


Floor 10



S1 4PQ

Tel 0114 2667 291

Mob 07779 357373

Project Title / Contractor / Contract Value
Experiment on the Perceptions of Gains to Work (Sampling) / ECOTEC Research and Consulting Ltd / £9,005
Personal Accounts extension to NIESR lifecycle savings model / National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) / £8,450
The Costs to Pension Schemes of Regulation / RS Consulting Ltd / £134,875
UK Progress Report on the Implementation of the ‘Education and Training 2010’ work programme / Centre for Research into the Older Workforce / £19,800
ADMID2 – Investigating the feasibility of using capture-recapture techniques for the purpose of population estimation of problematic drug users who access DWP benefits. / University of Bath Centre for Analysis in Social Policy (CASP) / £20,000
Pension Service Customer Survey 2007 / BMRB International / £317,300
Household Assets Employer Follow-up Study / BMRB International / £93,362
NEP Able to Work: Realising Potential pilots evaluation / SQW Ltd / £41,002
JRRP reanalysis / National Centre for Social Research (NCSR) / £19,830
Skills screening for Jobcentre Plus Customers - the use of diagnostic tools: a Literature Review / Warwick Institute for Employment Research / £64,403
A User Voice Study / Carol Goldstone Associates / £44,800
Joint Pilots Baseline Study / Institute for Employment Studies / £314,204
Investigation of the gaps in individuals' National Insurance Records - Mainstage Research / National Centre for Social Research (NCSR) / £89,000
What influences upward social mobility (for DWP customers) – Qualitative Strand / LeedsMetropolitanUniversity / £91,540
Partner Outreach for Ethnic Minorities / Institute for Employment Studies / £149,605
Transitions to work: Longitudinal Qualitative Research / University of Bath Centre for Analysis in Social Policy (CASP) / £88,678
Public consultation - "How do people think DWP should respond to the future? - Scotland and Wales" / MORI / £72,647.50
Public Attitudes to Personal Accounts - Quantitative Survey / MORI / £455,500
Customer Service Target (CST) Mystery Shopping / GfK NOP (formerly NOP World) / £335,274.40
Review of interventions delivery target / NorthumbriaUniversity - Centre for Public Policy / £156,012
Effects of benefits sanctions on lone parents' employment decisions and moves into employment / NorthumbriaUniversity - Centre for Public Policy / £75,000
Customer experience of change of circumstances when interfacing with benefits and credits / National Centre for Social Research (NCSR) / £130,116.50
Review of AAT / LeedsMetropolitanUniversity / £64,780
Evaluation of the sanction of housing benefit in relation to anti-social behaviour / Centre for Regional Economic & Social Research (CRESR) / £226,995
Pensions and savings research: omnibus questions / BMRB International / £10,975
Impact of Voice Risk Analysis for fraud detection / IFF Research Ltd / £36,900 increased to £125,000 14/4/08
Examining the Labour Market Choices and Constraints of Non-working Couple Mothers in Low-income Households / SPRU (Social Policy Research Unit) / CANCELLED
Examining the Labour Market Choices and Constraints of Non-working Couple Mothers in Low-income Households / University of Bristol / £74,952
Knowledge of Community Care Grants 2007 / BMRB International / £11,280
Information Needs at Retirement / RS Consulting Ltd / £118,693
Guaranteed investments in Personal Accounts / ImperialCollegeLondon * / £62,000
An assessment of the potential impact of changing child maintenance disregards on work incentives and compliance. / Frontier Economics / £53,300
Customer views of New Deal and Employment Zones / IFF Research Ltd / £23,900
Client Choice in Employment Zones: who chooses and why? / National Centre for Social Research (NCSR) / £206,233
Evaluation of Provider Led Pathways / Policy Studies Institute / £978,121
Employer behaviour and personal accounts: development work / BMRB International / £12,500
City Strategy Pathfinders National Evaluation / Warwick Institute for Employment Research / £209,727
FAS costing model validation project / Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP / £99,000
Contracting out Welfare to Work in the USA: Delivery Lessons / Centre for Economic & Social Inclusion (CESI) / £13,458
At Retirement Monitor / Marketing Sciences Ltd / £21,100
2006 Retirement Planning Monitor / Marketing Sciences Ltd / £8,025
Deliberate consultation - DWP and Employers - a coherent strategy for engagement. / MORI / £84,927.50
FACS Consultancy / University of BirminghamSchool of Public Policy / £5,000
DWP/HMRC In and Out of Work Pilots / IFF Research Ltd / £100,686
Age Addition Omnibus Questions / BMRB International / £5,590
Why might people opt out of or stay in personal accounts / MORI / £73,320
CSA Employer Research / ECOTEC Research and Consulting Ltd
Material Deprivation Work / University of BirminghamSchool of Public Policy / £13,250
Face to Face Guidance Pilot for older workers / LoughboroughUniversity (CRSP) / £261,984
Fraud and customer error, further research on claimant perceptions and experiences / SPRU (Social Policy Research Unit) / £48,594
Retention, progression and advancement for low income families / IFS (Institute for Fiscal Studies) / £69,605
Understanding Employer Behaviour in relation to Personal Accounts Reform – Qualitative research. / BMRB International / £85,993
Cognitive testing of additional question on the ONS Omnibus Survey / National Centre for Social Research (NCSR) / £26,895
JRRP Reanalysis Report / National Centre for Social Research (NCSR) / £6,972
ADMID Stage Two (Linking postcode level data) / Cambridge Econometrics / £49,800
Validation of the Pension Service "Odyssey" Customer Segmentation Tool / IFF Research Ltd / Cancelled
Ethnicity and Child Poverty / Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) / £9,832
Disability Living Allowance and Work: does it help or hinder? / Insite Research and Consulting / £305, 250
Jobcentre Plus Telephone First Contact Customer Satisfaction Survey / LeedsMetropolitanUniversity / £155,705
Analysis of Q Health survey data / Warwick Institute for Employment Research / £18,000
Public Attitudes to investment choice and risk / University of Bristol
CSA Survey of Parents with Care / GfK NOP (formerly NOP World) / £100,000
Annual Employer Survey (AES) 2007-08 / IFF Research Ltd / £179,500
Personal account management charges research - research specification / BMRB International / £62,760
Partnership Fund Conference / National Centre for Social Research (NCSR) / £2,279.60
Lone Parent Trailblazers - Group Seminars Evaluation / GHK Consulting Ltd / £48,128
Pensioner Material Deprivation - Onibus Survey / National Centre for Social Research (NCSR) / £128.400
Managing Mental Health in Employment / SPRU (Social Policy Research Unit) / £66,221
Mapping the contracted provision / Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP / £69,379
Employer discrimination testing / National Centre for Social Research (NCSR) / £168,700
Evaluation of Work First Group sessions / GHK Consulting Ltd / £35,000
Peer review of flexible New Deal evidence paper / Institute for Employment Studies / £2,000
Labour Supply Modelling of the Disabled / University of Nottingham / £30,000
Material deprivation: cognitive testing study / National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) / £35,599
Building the business case for wellness at work Phase 1 / Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP / £150,000
Peer review of flexible New Deal evidence paper / Warwick Institute for Employment Research / £2,000
DCS Customer Service Survey 2008 / MORI / £122,000
Child Maintenance Redesign: Informing the Piloting of Mandatory Deduction from Earnings Orders / ECOTEC / £100,758
DWP Self Service Qualitative Research Project / Carol Goldstone Associates / £89,600
Possible Work Place Personal Pensions Exemption from Duty to Auto-enrol employees / CRA International / £35,000
Evaluation Toolkits (to identify the best mix of activities for helping reduce fraud and error in Housing Benefit) / Risk Solutions / £46,823
Communications' Toolkit (to help reduce fraud and error in Housing Benefit) / Risk Solutions / £48,603
City Strategy Pathfinders National Evaluation: Area Evaluation Adviser for East London, West London and Heads of the Valley / Institute for Employment Studies / £185,170
EMETF Procurement Pilot Evaluation / Institute for Employment Studies / £114,191
City Strategy Pathfinders National Evaluation: Area Evaluation Adviser for Blackburn, Leicester, Notthingham and South Yorkshire / CRESR / £185,000
City Strategy Pathfinders National Evaluation: Area Evaluation Adviser for Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Rhyl, Tyne and Wear, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow / Warwick Institute for Employment Research / £379, 744
Feasibility Study for Benchmarking Jobcentre Plus / MORI / £45,505
Employment and Support Allowance Programme / ORC International / £35,000
Employment support for carers / University of Kent at Canterbury / £98,546
Review of International evidence on extra costs of disability / Mathematica Policy Research Institute / £46,069.49
DWP/HMRC In and Out of Work Pilots: Follow Up / IFF Research Ltd
Macroeconomic Evaluation of the Introduction of Jobcentre Plus / National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) / £145,322.00
Child Maintenance Redesign: Examination of Child Maintenance Assessment Regime / University of Birmingham, School of Public Policy
Gender Equality Tool - A Qualitative Evaluation / IFF Research Ltd / £18,150
Why some eligible employees don’t participate in pension schemes. / MORI / £69,870
Life time earnings and retirement income outcomes / IFS
CST target for 08/09 / GFK NOP / £344,986
Feasibility Study - Impact of DLA / ISER / £9,920
Jobcentre Plus Qualitative Customer Satisfaction Research / LeedsMetropolitanUniversity / £176,395
PSA 17 Later Life Indicators - Omnibus questions / National Centre for Social Research (NCSR) / £13,620
INCAPACITY CLAIMANTS IN THE EAST MIDLANDS - Identifying their characteristics and needs in order to pave the way for integrated employment and skills (IES)activity - LSC Project (Non DWP) / CRESR / £24,500
Peer review of the evaluation strategy for the revised JSA regime and Flexible New Deal / Warwick Institute for Employment Research / £2,500
Peer review of the evaluation strategy for the revised JSA regime and Flexible New Deal / IES / £3,700
Information needs of micro-employers for auto enrolment in 2012 / MORI / £89,810
Peer review of the evaluation strategy for the revised JSA regime and Flexible New Deal / Policy Studies Institute / £45,505
Ethnicity and child poverty (Mainstage) / Institute for Social and Economic Research / £52,705
Smoothing the retirement cliff edge / MORI / £4,480
Parent Policy Evaluation Research Consortium / CONSORTIUM of:
Uni of Northumbria / £935,000
Investment over the life cycle / ImperialCollegeLondon / CANCELLED
Literature Review of International evidence on workfare programmes for the long-term unemployed / CRESR / £15,000
Qualitative evaluation of the Flexible New Deal and Skills Pathfinders / Institute for Employment Studies / £136,140
JOT Off Flow Pilots Qualitative Evaluation / NorthumbriaUniversity Centre for Public Policy / £120,000
JOT Validation Survey / IFF Research Ltd / £100,000
Building the business case for wellness at work Phase 2 / Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP / £150,000
Citizen's Juries - People's priorities in the benefit system / MORI / £164,185
Jobcentre Plus Diversity Monitoring Research / Centre fro Economic and Social Inclusion (CESI) / £160,000
The impact of financial incentives in welfare systems on family structure / University of Nottingham / £49,741
Omnibus survey for the Pensions Tracing Service / GFK NOP / CANCELLED
Measuring material deprivation among older people / University of Birmingham, School of Public Policy / £13,750
Jobcentre Plus National Customer Satisfaction Survey 2007: Regional Reports / LeedsMetropolitanUniversity / CANCELLED
Study of the Regulation of Pension Funds / ImperialCollegeLondon * / £20,000
DLA Take-up feasibility study: extension to AA and children - Stage Three / Policy Studies Institute / £30,650
Employer attitudes to risk sharing in pension schemes / BMRB International / £37,061
Flexible working: parents and carers / BMRB International / £39,950
State Pension Equalisation mailing - creative development testing / MORI / £24, 175
IESS Evaluation Strategy - High Level Design / Institute for Employment Studies / £2,860
DLA Claimants - Improving the Information Database Secondary analysis of IB Survey Data / Centre for Regional Economic & Social Research (CRESR) / £25,200
Baseline to the Review of Disability Employment Services (WORKSTEP Survey) / NorthumbriaUniversity - Centre for Public Policy / £350,000
Fair Cities Pilots: Policy Lessons / Institute for Employment Studies / £10,110
Think Pieces on the Vision for Child Poverty / University of Bristol / £30,000
Employer Desk Research / RS Consulting Ltd / £36,917
Intergenerational relationships / BMRB International / £7,340
Jobcentre Plus and the referrals process / SPRU (Social Policy Research Unit) / £100,000
What can longitudinal survey data tell us about training and employment retention and advancement? Feasibility study / University of BirminghamSchool of Public Policy / £7,260
The experiences of self-employed families with children living on low incomes / SPRU (Social Policy Research Unit) / £70,000
External Review of DWP Research / Frontier Economics / £73,450
Pension Industry Responses to the Private Pensions Reforms / RS Consulting Ltd / £77,996
ESF Cohort Study / National Centre for Social Research (NCSR) / £950,000
Scoping of literature on differential pricing / Centre for Economic & Social Inclusion (Inclusion) / £10,000
Datamatching DWP and HMRC Administrative and Operational Records and Family Survey Data / Office for National Statistics / £15,015
JOT Off Flow Pilots Destinations Survey / IFF Research Ltd / £300,027
Threshold flows and labour market briefing / Cambridge Econometrics / £15,830
Current practices in the WPP market / RS Consulting Ltd / £55,157
MAP 2030 supplementary work on measures of disability / University of Leicester, Department of Health Sciences / £52,845.90
Jobcentre Plus Partnerships Insight Research / BMRB International / £120,000
Identifying published evidence for service delivery models of a Fit for Work Service / Institute for Employment Studies / £20,000
Evaluation of the Proof of Concept project to revise the MED3 (sick note) / Andrew Irving Associates / £70,000
Automatic Payments of Income Related Benefits Qualitative Research / National Centre for Social Research (NCSR) / £44,928
Options Protoype Evaluation / National Centre for Social Research (NCSR) / £57,000
Older Children’s Views on Childcare and Parents Working / BrunelUniversity / £124,910.16
The living standards of families reporting low incomes / IFS (Institute for Fiscal Studies) / £72,364
Relationship between changes in childcare and employment (and other key changes over time) / National Centre for Social Research (NCSR) / £11,133
Proposal for feasibility study of the DWP Independent evaluation of the Local Employment Partnership programme / Policy Studies Institute / £8,570
Review of PSA16 on Social Exclusion / Institute for Employment Studies / £38,420
Voice Risk Analysis Evaluation / IFF Research Ltd / £120,000
Comms Attitude and Behaviour Segmentation Project / Centre for Disability Studies / £8,900
Teens Talk Back / MORI / £25,000
Regional ESF Frameworks / LeedsMetropolitanUniversity / £74,015
Financial Incentives to Save for Retirement: A review of existing evidence to explore perceptions, understanding and behaviour / Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP / £31,821
National Customer Satisfaction Follow Up Regional Work / LeedsMetropolitanUniversity / £30,000
50 Plus Literature Review and Indicative Guide for Secondary Data Analysis / Policy Studies Institute / £42,320
Additional Qualitative Research with Dissatisfied Customers / BMRB International / £33,021
Evaluation of the Better-Off in Work Credit / National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) / £300,000
DCS Ethnic Minority Customers / MORI / £40,000
Child Maintenance Arrangements / National Centre for Social Research (NCSR) / £133,750
IFS HBAI Project / IFS (Institute for Fiscal Studies) / £48,818
Improving DWP assesment of the relative costs and benefits of employment programmes / Policy Studies Institute / £98,575
Children and Families' Own Experiences of Poverty: Evidence Review / University of Bath Centre for Analysis in Social Policy (CASP) / £31,600
PSA 17 Later Life Indicators - Omnibus Questions - continuation of previous contract / National Centre for Social Research (NCSR) / £36,900
Evaluation of 'Pensions Champions' / IFF Research Ltd / £28,780
Evaluation of the cost efficiency of the Pensions Education Fund / Risk Solutions / £57,859
Review of Conditionality regimes within US WtW provisions / University of Bristol / CANCELLED
A study to provide information on the nature and extent of benefit uptake, mental ill-health and job readiness by problematic drug users / University of Bath Centre for Analysis in Social Policy (CASP) / £20,000
The role and information needs of intermediaries / BMRB International / £63,020
Independent Advocacy Evidence Review / University of Bristol / £56,824
The financial Assistance Scheme - customer and Stakeholder Survey / BMRB International / CANCELLED
Drivers of the Gender Pay Gap / Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research / £101,479
Measuring Inequality - Autonomy or the degree of choice and control / University of Oxford, Dept of Social Policy and Social Work / £139,625
Resource on Independent Living and Older Disabled People / Older People's Programme/Independent Living Review, ODI / £50,000
Better Off In Work Credit / LeedsMetropolitanUniversity / £845.00
Evaluation of JobcentrePlusJobTower Pilot Offices / GfK NOP (formerly NOP World) / £20,000
Older People: Regional Initiative / Older People's Programme/Independent Living Review, ODI / £359,678
Nursery Programme End to End Evaluation / IFF Research Ltd / £5,500
Integrated Employment and Skills Trial evaluation / Institute for Employment Studies / £200,000
Local Employment Partnerships / Institute for Employment Studies / £1,105,000
How best to present information around state pension to raise understanding and support retirement planning. / BMRB International / £74,310
Survey of Eligible Non-Recipents of Pension Credit / BMRB International / £120,001
Options evaluation phase 2 and 3 / National Centre for Social Research (NCSR) / £455,883
Literature review on personal accounts target audience / University of Bristol / £6,518
Qualitative Research on the Impact of DLA and AA / SPRU (Social Policy Research Unit) / £120,000
Survey of Eligible Non-Recipents of Pension Credit / BMRB International / £120,001
Qualitative study exploring the influence of outcome based contracting in Provider-Led Pathways to Work / PSI / £75,000
Support, Advocacy and Brokerage Action and Learning site: qualitative impact / University of Bristol / £148,884
A comparative study of effective governance structures for the delivery of employment outcomes internationally and in Britain / ECOTEC / £76,500
Measuring attitudes to ageing over time / University of Kent / £98,546
NatCen Omnibus Survey Follow-Up - Independent Living / NatCen / £9,723
Qualitative study of Provider Led Pathways to Work in Phase 2 Areas / NatCen / £123,499
Investigating the Impact of Disability Living Allowance and Attendance Allowance: Secondary Analysis of Existing Data / PSI / £70,170
Information Sharing for PSA16 client groups; Adult offenders under probation supervision (ADMID3.1) / University of York, Centre for Housing Policy / £119,300
Accessing Jobcentre Plus Services (AJCS) Evaluation / University of Nottingham / £118,600
Evaluation of the 'work-focused services in Children's Centres' pilot / IES / £413,610
Communications Economic Research / MORI / £90,000
How best to present information around state pension to raise understanding and support retirement planning. / BMRB International / £74,310
International Review of Theory and Practice in Performance Management in Labour Market Services / LeedsMetropolitanUniversity / £60,000
Rapid Evidence Assessments of Disability Research for the Office for Disability Issues / Centre for Disability Studies / £50,003
Contact Centre Resourcing / IES / £20,000
Understanding the Dynamics and Charactersistics of Deprived Areas / University of Oxford, Dept of Social Policy and Social Work / £220,000
Pocket Pressure / YouGov (Non Framework)
Small employers and how they will cope with the costs of the workplace pension reforms / BMRB International / £69,768
NatCen Omnibus Follow-up - Independent Living / NatCen / £80,000
2009 Survey of Individuals' Attitudes and Likely Reactions to the Workplace Pension Reforms / NatCen / £550,000
Review of Activation Policies / Middlesex University-Non Framework / £11,800
Defined Contribution - Landscape Review / Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP / £78,534
LHA Money Advice Project / CRSP / £60,000
Characteristics of those aged around the state pension age who are in and out of paid work: stage 1 / IFS / £17,020
Customer experiences and satisfaction of the Pensions Advisory Service / GHK Consulting Ltd / £80-90,000
Maternity Rights and Mothers' Employment Decisions 2009 / NatCen / £409,000
Family and Children Survey (FACS) data improvements / NatCen / £23,710
An exploration of the nature of unappointed face to face contacts in Jobcentres / MORI / £212,425
Scoping Study for a Longitudinal Survey of JCP and DCS Customers / NatCen / £48,138.50
Harmonisation of Disability Questions / Wendy Sykes / £20,855
Development of Treatment of Hidden Recipients of Pension Credit in the Family Resources Survey / ONS / £7290
Managing investment performance risk in defined contribution occupational pension schemes. / Pricewaterhouse Coopers / £99,990
Jobseeker Regime and Flexible New Deal Evaluation / PSI / Approx 2 million
Distance Travelled Approach for 2010 Drugs Pilots / NorthumbriaUniversity / Approx 6-8 thousand
PSA 17 Later Life Monitoring Questions / ONS / £31,701
Training, Skills and Labour Market Progression / University of Birmingham / £49,350
Attitudes To Pensions 2009 / NatCen / £225,000
Member-Nominated Trustees / BMRB International / £50,000
Evaluation of the London ESOL Pilots / IES / £100,000
ESA Evaluation / IES / £750,000
RCT Detailed Design Study for 2010 Drugs Pilot / PSI / £5000
Pension, Disability, Carers Service Partnership Measures / MORI / £45,000
Grossing Factors Test-Run / ONS / £5,600
Support for the HB Reform Consulatation Process / University of Oxford, Dept of Social Policy and Social Work / £1,950
Support for the HB Reform Consultation Process / University of York, Centre for Housing Policy / £1,992
Saving in the Small and the Large / NIESR / £36,500
A Process Evaluation of the Prisoner Finance Gap based on Four Prisons in the North East of England / CRESR / £180,000
Pre Tendering Design Advice for the Gregg Pathfinders / PSI / £24,000
Pocket Pressure, Part 2 / YouGov – Non framework / £10,000
Preliminary review of the evidence on the impact of economic downturn on disadvantaged groups / University of Nottingham / 14,250
DSO Employer Indicator Research (Working Title) / MORI / £97,155
Pensions Scheme Administration Costs / MORI / £35,000
Pensions Tracing Service - Customer profiles and outcomes surveys / IFF / £70,000
International review of pension reform / University of Bristol / £70,000
A survey of charging in money-purchase pension schemes / MORI / £200,000
Employment Retention and Advancement Evaluation (Phase II) / MDRC / $1,636,273
Local Authority Omnibus Survey, Waves 20-25 / GfKNOP / £240,000
Independent Living quarterly questions / ONS / £40,000
Consultancy work for the statistical performance comparison of Jobcentre Plus Pathways and Provider-Led Pathways / NIESR / Around 5-10 days at £585 per day
PPI Decumulation Project / PPI / £25,000
How to best present state pension information / BMRB / £59,109

As previously stated, we hold the information on costs for the following projects however the cost of retrieving it would exceed the appropriate limit of £600. If there were any specific contracts you require this information for then we may be able to provide that. Please let me know the details of the contract(s) and I will investigate them individually