Supplementary materials

Table S1a. Cultural characteristics of strain YIM63101T

incubated at 28°C for 21 days.

Agar medium / Colour of mycelium / Soluble pigment
Aerial / Substrate
Czapek’s / white / orange yellow / absent
Potato-glucose agar / gray / yellow / absent
Nutrient agar / white / orange yellow / absent
Yeast extract-malt extract (ISP 2) / white / orange yellow / absent
Oatmeal (ISP 3) / white / brown / absent
Inorganic salts-starch (ISP 4) / white / orange yellow / absent
Glycerol asparagine (ISP 5) / yellow-pink / yellow / absent

Table S1b. Cultural characteristics of strain YIM63587T

Agar medium / Colour of mycelium / Soluble pigment
Aerial / Substrate
Czapek’s / white / orange yellow / absent
Potato-glucose agar / white / brown / absent
Nutrient agar / absent / orange yellow / absent
Yeast extract-malt extract (ISP 2) / absent / orange yellow / absent
Oatmeal (ISP 3) / yellow-white / brown / absent
Inorganic salts-starch (ISP 4) / white / orange yellow / absent
Glycerol asparagine (ISP 5) / white / orange yellow / absent

Colours are according to the ISCC–NBS Color Charts Standard Sample No. 2106 (Kelly, 1964).

Table S2. Fatty acid profiles (%) of strain YIM63101T and "P. artemisiaeYIM63587T".

Fattyacid / YIM 63101T / "P.artemisiaeYIM 63587T"
C14: 0 / 0.44 / 0.52
C15: 0 / 0.95 / 1.98
C16: 0 / 2.30 / 2.01
C17: 0 / 0.36 / 0.32
C18: 0 / 0.25 / -
C16: 1 2-OH / 0.28 / 0.34
C15: 1ω6c / 1.23 / 2.40
C17: 1ω8c / 2.20 / 2.07
C18: 1ω9c / 0.68 / 0.35
iso-C14: 0 / 6.09 / 10.31
iso-C15: 0 / 7.37 / 7.68
iso-C16: 0 / 46.27 / 44.67
iso-C17: 0 / 1.84 / 1.82
iso-C18: 0 / 0.35 / 0.25
iso-C16: 1 H / 11.74 / 9.82
anteiso-C15: 0 / 0.65 / 0.56
anteiso-C17: 0 / 2.43 / 2.40
anteiso- C17: 1ω9c / 0.21 / 0.26
C16: 0 10-methyl / 5.30 / 4.72
C17: 0 10-methyl / 1.37 / 1.54
Summed feature 3† / 6.93 / 4.67

Note: -, negative or absent.

†Summed features are groups of two or three fatty acids that cannot be separated by GLC with the MIDI system. Summed feature 3 contains one or more of the fatty acids C16 :1ω7c and C15 : 0 iso 2-OH.

For cellular fatty acid analysis, the two strains were obtained by cultivation in shaken flasks (about 200 r.p.m) using tryptic soy broth medium at 28 ºC for 1 week.

Fig.S1. Scanning electron micrograph of strain YIM63101T grown on ISP 2 medium for 2 weeks at 28 °C.

Fig.S2. Maximum parsimony tree showing the relationships between strain YIM63101T and members of the genus Pseudonocardia.KutzneriakofuensisNRRL B-24061T (AF114801) was used as outgroup. Bootstrap percentage based on 1000 resamplings are listed at the nodes.

Fig.S3. Maximum likelihood tree (PHYLIP version 3.6) showing the relationships between strain YIM63101T and members of the genus Pseudonocardia.KutzneriakofuensisNRRL B-24061T (AF114801)was usedas outgroup. Bootstrap percentages based on 1000 resamplings are listed at the nodes.

Fig.S4. Maximum likelihood tree(PHYML) showing the relationships between strain YIM63101T and members of the genus Pseudonocardia.KutzneriakofuensisNRRL B-24061T (AF114801) was usedas outgroup. Bootstrap percentages based on 1000 resamplings are listed at the nodes.