Sensory Stimulation Kit “GOING TO AN OUTDOOR CONCERT”


Kit Contents:

  1. Visual: Outdoor concert tickets
  2. Visual/Tactile: lawn chair
  3. Visual/Tactile: Towel to sit on
  4. Auditory: Music from live concerts
  5. Visual/Tactile: concert t-shirt
  6. Tactile: Grass
  7. Auditory/Gustatory/Tactile: Beer cans- non-alcoholic (or soda cans)
  8. Auditory/Visual: (live full length Dave Matthews Concert outside) – or a concert appropriate to the age group you are supporting
  9. Gustatory/Tactile/Auditory: hamburgers & chips
  10. Visual/Tactile/Auditory: Lighter
  11. Tactile: Fan (wind)
  12. Auditory: Small speaker
  13. Tactile: Water bottle

Additional Equipment/Supplies Required: Computer or projector to screen live concert, speaker to play music, CD player, napkins, plates, and a grill. (If you are conducting this activity inside, another option can be boiled hotdogs and buns, with different flavored mustards, barbeque sauce, chips, pretzels. )


Visual:Give everyone concert ticket; if you do not have real tickets to share, create concert tickets, or print examples from the internet. Have clients identify what concert they are going to and where they are sitting (either at an outdoor venue or lawn seats). Discuss the bands they are going to see, what songs they are excited to hear, (if they know the band) and some of their favorite other bands. Afterwards, have everyone try out the lawn chair or a towel depending on what they prefer. Ask the participants whether or not they would like to put on the concert t-shirt and ask if they have ever purchased a t-shirt or concert memorabilia. Then ask about everyone’s experience going to his or her favorite concert. Bring up the video of the live Dave Matthews Concert (or the live concert they would like to watch based on age and interest) and have everyone watch a short segment of the concert, depending on their interest and/or attention span. After, discuss the best songs that they heard and what they thought about the concert. Before watching the concert have everyone give you their ticket to rip and give back before starting the show, give everyone an object that represents a lighter such as a small flash light, or key ring with a bright light on . (Turn lights off if permitted) .You can demonstrate a concert-goer holding up a lit lighter to see if clients ever recall seeing this.

Auditory: When everyone enters the room, have a CD playing in the background to set the mood. Once you start the video version of the live concert hand everyone (who is allowed) one non- alcoholic beer can or a can of soda, to open and hear the snap of it opening releasing a sense of relaxation and enjoyment. Start up the grill (if outside) so that way everyone can hear the burgers cooking or hand out hotdogs, and other food items. Encourage participants to sing, hum or clap along with the songs during the concert.

Tactile: Give everyone a ticket to hold and describe. Ask them if they remember how much concert tickets would cost. Ask them to guess how much these tickets cost today. Give everyone some fresh grass (if using outdoor grass be sure that no one ingests the grass) to either put under their feet or on their towel. Start the fan so everyone can feel the wind blowing on them and the grass giving them an outdoor environment. Give participants a soda can to hold and sip on during the performance along with a the small flash light to hold up during the slow songs. Once everyone gets hungry give everyone food (burger & chips or hotdogs) to hold and eat while watching. Give the participants additional time to feel the ticket, the towel, the chair, the non-alcoholic beer can or soda can, and the grass.

Smell: Talk about the smells that are associated with outdoor concerts. Cook the burgers on the grill giving the outdoor area a nice barbeque aroma. If held outdoors, the barbeque, smell of gas or coal, or wood burning would be good olfactory stimulation. If you have to hold inside (with no grill), you could try letting participants smell and taste barbeque sauce, cooked hotdogs, mustards, barbeque flavored chips.. scented wood chips (not to eat!)

Taste: Ask the participants what they used to eat or drink at concerts. What is their favorite? How much did it cost? Offer the participants some soda, water, burgers or hotdogs depending on what you are able to share with them. Ask the participants to describe the taste… (barbeque sauce, hotdogs, mustard..)