Gamer Maker Glossary


·  Sprites: Two-dimensional bitmap images drawn on a transparent background that are used to represent objects during game play. For example, in a Pac-Man game, sprites would be used to represent Pac-Man and the ghosts that chase him. Sprites can consist of any number of images that are used to generate animation.

·  Objects: A logical representation of an item in a computer game. Objects provide the basis for creating things like ships, tanks, monsters, etc. Resources in games that you control and interact with what playing.

·  Instances: the representation of an object within a computer application. One or more instances can be created for each object in a game. Instances are generally, though not always, represented by sprites.

·  Scripts: Collections of code statements that outline the programming logic that controls the operation of object instances within games.

·  Rooms: An area within a game where sprites interact with one another as the game is played.

·  Backgrounds: A graphic image used to decorate a room and provide it with appropriate background scenery. Backgrounds can be tiled or stretched as necessary to fill a room.

·  Sounds: audio files (wave and midi files) played when events occur during game play or played as background music in order to provide the game with appropriate atmosphere.

·  Paths: A predetermined directions and course along which are played.

·  Fonts: Definitions that specify the type, size, and other attributes of the fonts used to display text in games.

·  Time Lines: Timers that execute predefine actions at predetermined intervals during game play.

Move Actions

Category / Icon / Action / Description
Move / Move Fixed / Moves an instance in one of a number of predefined directions
Move / Move Free / Moves an instance in a specified direction
Move / Move Towards / Specifies a position and speed an instance should move toward
Move / Speed Horizontal / Sets the speed of an instance as it moves horizontally
Move / Speed Vertical / Sets the speed of an instance as it moves vertically
Move / Set Gravity / Specifies the direction and speed at which gravity affects an instance
Move / Reverse Horizontal / Reverses the horizontal direction of an instance
Move / Reverse Vertical / Reverses the vertical direction of an instance
Move / Set Friction / Applies friction to an instance as it moves
Jump / Jump to Position / Jumps an instance to a specific location
Jump / Jump to Start / Jumps an instance to where is was created
Jump / Jump to Random / Jumps an instance to a random location within a room
Jump / Align to Grid / Ensures that instance’s location is kept in alignment with the rooms grid
Jump / Wrap Screen / Moves an instance exiting one side of the room to the other side of the room
Jump / Move to Contact / Moves an instance until it collides with another instance
Jump / Bounce / Bounces an instant away from another instant when a collision occurs
Paths / Set Path / Instructs an instance to follow a specific path
Paths / End Path / Instructs an instance to stop on its specified path
Paths / Path Position / Changes an instance’s position on a path
Paths / Path Speed / Modifies the speed at which an instance moves along a path
Steps / Step Towards / Instructs an instance to move toward a position on a path
Steps / Step Avoiding / Moves an instance along a path while attempting to avoid any obstacles that may be in the way


Category / Icon / Action / Description
Objects / Create Instance / Creates a new instance of a specified object
Objects / Create Moving / Creates a new object, assigning it a speed and direction
Objects / Create Random / Creates an instance using a pool of 1 to 4 objects at specified location
Objects / Change Instance / Changes the current instance of an object into an instance of another object
Objects / Destroy Instance / Destroys an instance of an object
Objects / Destroy at Position / Destroys any instances within a specified area
Sprite / Change Sprite / Changes the sprite or subimage used to represent an instance
Sprite / Transform Sprite / Changes the size and orientation of an instance
Sprite / Color Sprite / Changes a sprite’s color by blending its colors with a specified color
Sounds / Play Sound / Plays a specified Sound resource
Sounds / Stop Sound / Stops playback of a specified Sound resource
Sounds / Checks Sound / Checks to see if a sound resource
Rooms / Previous Room / Moves to the game’s previous room
Rooms / Next Room / Moves to the game’s next room
Rooms / Restart Room / Restarts a room back to its initial state
Rooms / Different Room / Move to specified room
Rooms / Check Previous / Checks to see if a previous room exists
Rooms / Check Next / Checks to see if the next room exists

Main 2 Action

Category / Icon / Action / Description
Timing / Set Alarm / Sets one of twelve alarm clocks for an instance
Timing / Sleep / Pauses a scene for a specified amount of time
Timing / Set Time Line / Assigns a timeline to an instance
Timing / Time Line Position / Sets or modifies the positions within a timeline
Info / Display Message / Displays a text string in a dialog window
Info / Show Info / Displays game information in a window
Info / Show Video / Plays a video
Game / Restart Game / Restarts a game
Game / End Game / Terminates a game
Game / Save Game / Saves the current status of a game
Game / Load Game / Loads game status for a previously saved game
Resources / Replace Sprite / Replaces a sprite with an image form a graphic file
Resources / Replace Sound / Replaces a sound with a sound loaded from an audio file
Resources / Replace Background / Replaces a background with an image loaded from a graphic file

Control Actions

Category / Icon / Action / Description
Questions / Check Empty / Determines if an instance would generate a collision if placed in a specified location
Questions / Check Collision / Determines if a collision has occurred
Questions / Check Object / Determines if an instance has come into contact with another specified instance
Questions / Test Instance Count / Counts the total number of instance for specified object
Questions / Test Chance / Generates a random value by rolling a virtual die
Questions / Check Question / Interacts with the player by displaying a text string and prompts the player to click on Yes or No button
Questions / Test Expression / Evaluates an expression and executes the next action if the expression evaluated as being true
Questions / Check Mouse / Determines whether a mouse button is being pressed
Questions / Check Grid / Determines whether an object is evenly aligned with the grid
Other / Start Block / Specifies the beginning of a block of actions
Other / Else / Executes the next action when the results of the previous evaluation proves false
Other / Exit Event / Stops the execution of actions for the current event
Other / End Block / Specifies the end of a block of actions
Other / Repeat / Repeats the execution of one or more blocks a specified number of times
Other / Call Parent Event / Calls an event within a parent object
Code / Execute Code / Executes GML code typed into the action form
Code / Execute Script / Executes GML code stored as a script
Code / Comment / Ads a comment line to the action lists, displays text in italic
Variables / Set Variable / Creates a variable and assigns a value to it
Variables / Test Variable / Evaluates the value assigned to a variable
Variables / Draw Variable / Draws the value assigned to a variable

Score Actions

Category / Icon / Action / Description
Score / Set Score / Sets or changes the player’s score
Score / Test Score / Evaluates the value of the player’s score
Score / Draw Score / Draws the value assigned to the players score
Score / Show Highscore / Displays the top ten scores for the game
Score / Clear Highscore / Clears out the values stored in the highscore list table
Lives / Set Lives / Sets or changes the number of lives the player has in one game
Lives / Test Lives / Evaluates the value of lives the player has left in one game
Lives / Draw Lives / Draws the number of lives the player has left in one game
Health / Set Health / Sets or changes the players health
Health / Test Health / Evaluates the value of the players health
Health / Draw Health / Draws the value assigned to the players health
Health / Score Caption / Allows you to specify whether game maker should display the players score , lives, and health in the game windows title bar

Extra Actions

Category / Icon / Action / Description
Particles / Create Part System / Creates a particle System
Particles / Destroy Part System / Destroys a particle system
Particles / Clear Part System / Clears out any currently displayed particles

Draw Actions

Category / Icon / Action / Description