Puppy Questionnaire

Sancha Samoyeds

Contact information: Name______Phone # ______

Address:______City:______Prov/State: ______Postal/Zip Code______

Email address______

Are you married?_____or in a relationship?______how long?______Any kids?______

How old are you (both)?______and your children______

If you do not now have children, are you planning to, any time soon?______

Is anyone in your home allergic to any animals?______

Have you ever owned a Samoyed before? ______

Why have you chosen to get a Samoyed?______


Have you owned any dogs or other pets before? If so, please tell us something about them, and if you still have them. If not, what happened to them?______



Are you looking for a male?_____female_____? Puppy?______Adult?______Any reasons for your preference?______

If you have other pets now, what will you do if they do not get along with this puppy/dog? ______

Do you live in a house______apartment______townhome______on acreage______?

Do you own your home ______rent/lease?______how long there______?

If you rent, is your landlord aware and does he approve you getting a puppy? ______

How big is your yard?______Is it fully fenced?______

If not, are you prepared to fence it securely prior to receiving this puppy/dog?______


Are you aware of the exercise requirements of this breed? How do you plan to exercise your new puppy/dog? ______

Do you understand the need this breed has for companionship? Will this dog live indoors or outside?______

Do you realize this dog will shed?______This dog will require considerable grooming – who will do that?______

Do you think you might like to breed this dog someday? ______

Will you be taking your puppy to training classes?______

Do you already have a Veterinarian you have used in the past? Please provide the name and address and phone number of that Veterinarian or of the Vet you would plan to go to:______


Are you prepared to commit the next 10-15 years to the care of your Samoyed?______


Completing this questionnaire does not guarantee you a puppy, nor does it automatically put you on a waiting list. Please contact us to discuss what we might have available for you.