SYLLABUSUnit 1: Living things
The work in this first unit focuses on the characteristics and life processes of living things.
The introductory page reviews the differences between living and non-living things.
The rest of the unit uses speaking, listening, reading and writing activities to describe the life processes that are shared by all living things: nutrition, sensitivity and reproduction. We learn about the characteristics that distinguish living things and classify them into different categories: animals, plants, fungi and micro-organisms.
A series of Can you ...? activities help students strengthen their skills and assimilate the information on each page.
This unit comes under the block The Diversity of Living Things.
This unit corresponds to the first fortnight of the first term. It has an estimated duration of about 15 days.
• Class CD1: Tracks 1-10
• Syllabus and worksheets CD:
- Mixed-ability worksheets: Unit 1
- Reading comprehension worksheets: Unit 1
- Speaking worksheets: Unit 1
- Vocabulary worksheets: Unit 1
• Evaluation worksheets: Unit 1
• Flashcards: Animals, Plants
• Posters
• Interactive whiteboard resources CD-ROM: Unit 1
Web resources:
• Living and non-living things
• Plants, fungi and micro-organisms
• Self-evaluation: Unit 1
• To differentiate living things from non-living things.
• To classify living things using scientific criteria.
• To understand the functions of living things: nutrition, sensitivity and reproduction.
• To stimulate interest in observing and studying living things.
Evaluation criteria
• To identify living things as different from non-living things.
• To know how to group living beings into animals, plants, fungi and micro-organisms.
• To recognise and explain the functions inherent in living things.
• To draw conclusions based on observing the process of plant sensitivity.
Key competencies
• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Competence in linguistic communication
• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Competence in linguistic communication
• Competence for learning to learn
Competence in linguistic communication
• Social and citizen competence
Competence in linguistic communication
• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: students are encouraged to make enquiries and acquire knowledge about their natural environment. They learn to process this knowledge in various formats and apply it to different situations. They are encouraged to show respect for their natural environment and other living things.
• Information processing and digital competence: students use systematic analysis and scientific investigation techniques to identify living things. They use ICT to practise and improve their content knowledge, stimulating their capacity to understand and use digital information.
• Competence in linguistic communication: the unit encourages students to interact with classmates to exchange opinions, facts and information through linguistic and nonlinguistic strategies. Students acquire language that enables them to understand and describe the characteristics of different types of living things.
• Competence for learning to learn: the content and activities in the unit allow students to understand the characteristics of different living things. They build on prior knowledge and experience to assimilate new information.
• Characteristics of living and non-living things.
• The types of living things: animals, plants, fungi and micro-organisms.
• The life processes of living things: nutrition, sensitivity and reproduction.
• Classification of living and non-living things.
• Explanation of the contents of a word map.
• Appreciation of life as something extraordinary.
• A sense of responsibility about taking care of the environment.
/SYLLABUSUnit 2: The human body
In this unit, students study people as living things and identify the characteristics that differentiate us from other animals: our intelligence and capacity for communication. We learn about our organism by looking at how the systems involved in each function of the human body work. We examine our body’s external features and the changes that take place during the different stages of our lives.
The unit opens with an introductory page of photos. Students focus on the activities taking place in each picture and how these activities relate to a healthy lifestyle.
The rest of the unit uses speaking, listening, reading and writing skills to explore the main themes: life processes in people; differences between people and animals; systems involved in life processes; organs of sensitivity; the human life cycle and stages of people's lives. The unit underlines the importance of keeping our bodies healthy.
A series of Can you ...? activities help students strengthen their skills and assimilate the information on each page.
This unit comes under the block The Diversity of Living Things.
This unit corresponds to the second fortnight of the first term. It has an estimated duration of about 15 days.
• Class CD1: Tracks 11-17
• Syllabus and worksheets CD:
- Mixed-ability worksheets: Unit 2
- Special Days worksheets: World Food Day
- Reading comprehension worksheets: Unit 2
- Speaking worksheets: Unit 2
- Vocabulary worksheets: Unit 2
• Evaluation worksheets: Unit 2
• Posters
• Interactive whiteboard resources CD-ROM: Unit 2
Web resources:
• Life processes
• The human life cycle
• Health
• Self-evaluation: Unit 2
• To understand the characteristics of people.
• To distinguish among the systems involved in the function of nutrition.
• To describe the parts of the body involved in the function of sensitivity.
• To understand the systems involved in the function of reproduction.
• To define the changes that occur in the human body over time.
Evaluation criteria
• To identify life processes in people and how they are different to animals.
• To list and define the systems involved in the function of nutrition.
• To identify the organs and systems involved in the function of sensitivity.
• To name the systems and organs involved in the function of reproduction.
• To provide examples to illustrate the different stages of the human life cycle.
Key competencies
• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Competence in linguistic communication
• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Competence in linguistic communication
• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Competence in linguistic communication
• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Competence in linguistic communication
• Personal autonomy and initiative
Competence in linguistic communication
• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: students learn to identify the differences between humans and other living things and recognise human life processes.
They become aware of the changes involved in human development from infancy to old age. The relationship between a healthy body and a healthy lifestyle is emphasised as we look at diet, hygiene and physical exercise.
• Information processing and digital competence: the use of ICT throughout the unit to practise or assimilate content builds familiarity with these technologies and increases the ability to understand and use digital information.
• Social and citizen competence: students are encouraged to develop healthy habits and good hygiene.
• Competence in linguistic communication: students use linguistic and non-linguistic strategies to interact with classmates and exchange opinions, facts and information.
• Competence for learning to learn: the unit content and activities allow students to appreciate that intelligence and communication are important features which distinguish human beings from animals. Prior knowledge and experience allow them to assimilate new information better.
• Life processes in people.
• Differences between people and animals.
• The body systems involved in life processes.
• The stages in people's lives.
• Dialogues and pairwork.
• Knowledge of the human body through texts and diagrams.
• A poster on the human life cycle.
• Respect for different families.
• Adopting healthy habits and appreciating how important they are for keeping healthy.
/SYLLABUSUnit 3: The senses
Through the work undertaken in this unit, students study the way people receive information via the senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. The organs and functions corresponding to each of the five senses are described and students are made aware of how they function.
A Let's speak! activity opens the unit, allowing students to talk about the senses and what they are used for.
The rest of the unit uses speaking, listening, reading and writing skills to explore the main themes of the unit. It shows how sense organs are located in different parts of the body and examines how they respond to stimuli. The unit highlights the importance of hygiene and the need to take care of our sense organs.
This unit comes under the block The Diversity of Living Things.
This unit corresponds to the third fortnight of the first term. It has an estimated duration of about 15 days.
• Class CD1: Tracks 18-28
• Syllabus and worksheets CD:
- Mixed-ability worksheets: Unit 3
- Reading comprehension worksheets: Unit 3
- Speaking worksheets: Unit 3
- Vocabulary worksheets: Unit 3
• Evaluation worksheets: Unit 3
• Flashcards: Food
• Posters
• Interactive whiteboard resources CD-ROM: Unit 3
Web resources:
- Hearing
- Smell
- Self-evaluation: Unit 3
• To relate the sense organs to the function of sensitivity.
• To be familiar with the senses, their organs and functions.
• To understand how the sense organs work.
• To appreciate that the senses are able to obtain information from outside us.
• To understand that our sense organs need looking after.
Evaluation criteria
• To recognise the importance of the senses in responding to stimuli.
• To identify the main sense organs and their functions.
• To explain how information is transmitted by each sense organ.
• To relate each sense to the kind of information it transmits.
• To list some good habits for protecting the sense organs.
Key competencies
• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Competence in linguistic communication
• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Competence in linguistic communication
• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Competence in linguistic communication
• Competence for learning to learn
Competence in linguistic communication
• Social and citizen competence
Competence in linguistic communication
• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: the entire unit is designed to enable students to understand the functions of the different senses and their relationship with the real world. They learn how to respect and take care of the human body and use this knowledge to express themselves.
• Information processing and digital competence: the use of ICT throughout the unit to practise or assimilate content builds familiarity with these technologies and increases the ability to understand and use digital information.
• Social and citizen competence: students are introduced to the human body by exchanging ideas about which senses are being used in certain situations. They are also made aware of the difficulties of members of the community who don’t have full use of all the senses.
• Competence in linguistic communication: precise language is used to enable students to talk about their emotions, opinions and experiences related to the subject. They learn strategies for interacting with each other and also produce written texts.
• Competence for learning to learn: the unit’s activities allow prior experience to be integrated to generate new knowledge. Students become aware of how the senses work and recognise language as a tool for expressing their knowledge.
• The function of sensitivity and the senses.
• The senses: organs and functions.
• Hygiene and care of our sense organs.
• Dialogues and pairwork.
• Drawing and labelling a human eye.
• Classification of types of taste.
• A guessing game.
• An investigation of types of sounds.
• Appreciation of personal effort as a way of overcoming difficulties.
• Respect for human differences resulting from disabilities.
• Encouraging care of the sense organs.
/SYLLABUSUnit 4: The skeletal and muscular systems
Through the work undertaken in this fourth unit, students become familiar with the skeletal and muscular systems. We describe the skeleton, its functions and some bones and joints and then look at the characteristics of the muscular system, some of its muscles and where they are located.
An introductory Let’s speak! activity opens the unit, allowing students to talk about the parts of the body they can see and those we use when jumping.
The rest of the unit uses speaking, listening, reading and writing activities to explore the main topics of the unit: types of movement, the bones in the skeleton and the different kinds of joints and how we move our muscles. Students also revise the senses and the human body.
The Learning to learn section at the end of the unit allows students to consolidate the material learnt.
This unit comes under the block The Diversity of Living Things.
This unit corresponds to the fourth fortnight of the first term. It has an estimated duration of about 15 days.
• Class CD1: Tracks 29-39
• Syllabus and worksheets CD:
- Mixed-ability worksheets: Unit 4
- Special Days worksheets: Human Rights Day
- Reading comprehension worksheets: Unit 4
- Speaking worksheets: Unit 4
- Vocabulary worksheets: Unit 4
• Evaluation worksheets: Unit 4
• Posters
• Interactive whiteboard resources CD-ROM: Unit 4
Web resources:
- The skeletal system
- The muscular system
- Science Challenge: A survey on health
- Self-evaluation: Unit 4
• To understand how the skeletal and muscular systems are related to movement.
• To learn the most important bones and muscles.
• To practise healthy habits related to the skeletal and muscular systems.
• To observe and understand how the skeletal and muscular systems work.
Evaluation criteria
• To recognise the parts of the body involved in movement: bones, muscles and joints.
• To list the main bones and muscles in the head, trunk and limbs.
• To identify healthy habits involving the skeletal and muscular systems.
• To identify the functioning of the skeletal and muscular systems in one's own body.
Key competencies
• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Competence in linguistic communication
• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Competence in linguistic communication
• Social and citizen competence
Competence in linguistic communication
• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Competence in linguistic communication
• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: the unit is designed to impart knowledge about the workings of the skeletal and muscular systems and relate this knowledge to the real world. Students develop a caring and respectful attitude toward the human body and apply this knowledge in different ways.
• Information processing and digital competence: the use of ICT throughout the unit to practise or assimilate content builds familiarity with these technologies and increases the ability to understand and use digital information.
• Social and citizen competence: the unit introduces students to the importance of good nutrition and exercise. They are made aware of the stages of the life cycle in both people and animals.
• Competence in linguistic communication: this unit works precise language to express experiences in relation to the subject. Using various formats and resources, students learn to express their thoughts, emotions, experiences and opinions and to establish connections with each other.
• Competence for learning to learn: the unit’s activities allow prior knowledge and experience to be integrated and generate new knowledge. Students become aware of how the human body works and the importance of treating it with care and respect. They recognise language as a tool for expressing themselves.
• The human body and movement.
• The function of the skeleton: bones and joints.
• The main muscles and what they are for.
• Healthy habits for looking after the skeletal and muscular systems.
• Dialogues and pairwork.
• Illustrations of the skeleton and muscles used to identify their main parts.
• A survey on health.
• Understanding the importance of a healthy diet.
• Acceptance of the limitations of one's own body.
• Showing solidarity with handicapped people.
/SYLLABUSUnit 5: Animals
In the unit students become more closely acquainted with what animals have in common and what distinguishes them as living things. We learn different ways of classifying animals according to what they eat, how they move and the way they reproduce. We also discover how to classify them as vertebrates and invertebrates, as well as how to identify the different categories of vertebrates and invertebrates.
An introductory photo and Let’s speak! activity get students to talk about which animals eat plants and ask themselves what human beings eat.
The rest of the unit uses speaking, listening, reading and writing activities to study how animals are classified and understand their movement and reproduction.
This unit comes under the block The Diversity of Living Things.
This unit corresponds to the first fortnight of the second term. It has an estimated duration of about 15 days.
• Class CD1: Tracks 40-46
• Syllabus and worksheets CD:
- Mixed-ability worksheets: Unit 5
- Special Days worksheets: School Day of Non-violence and Peace
- Reading comprehension worksheets: Unit 5
- Speaking worksheets: Unit 5
- Vocabulary worksheets: Unit 5
• Evaluation worksheets: Unit 5