Application for Election Governance Board

The Election Governance Board, or EGB, is the USG entity in charge of planning, overseeing, and running USG’s yearly elections as well as enforcing the EGB election bylaws. EGB is an independent Board within USG and it is a wonderful way to play a crucial role in undergraduate student life, gain a better understanding of the inner workings of election systems, and to get involved in USG while focusing on individual projects that interest you.

Commitment is weekly meetings prior to election season (spring quarter) and a larger commitment of carrying out election projects during election season (about 3 weeks of Spring quarter). Included is some information about what we will be focusing on this year and an application to apply for EGB. All undergrads not currently involved in USG are encouraged to apply for a fun, creative, and important position.

Applicationsare due to the USG office, Room 201 of the OhioUnion,byOctober 21st, 2005 by 5:00pm. If you have any questions, email Liz Ghandakly, EGB Director, at .

EGB Timeline:

Friday, October 21: Applications due by 5:00pm to USG office

Wednesday, October 26 – Saturday October 29: Interviews

Friday, November 4: Notification of acceptance

Thursday, November 10: First EGB meeting

EGB Breakdown

Election Finance

Overseeing monetary transactions—receipts, bank statements, donation forms, budget sheets. Members will work closely with The OSU Accounting Club in overseeing finances of elections. During election season, members will oversee expenditures and budget sheets, along with receipts and donation forms, to make sure everything adds up and is within EGB bylaw spending guidelines. Investigate ways to best oversee candidate spending and raising of money and appropriate guidelines thereof.


Planning get-out-the-vote/meet-the-candidate events during election season Creativity is a must to come up with large and small scale event ideas and to plan them. Also must plan and carry out get-out-the-vote initiatives. Possible events and projects are meet-the-candidates picnics, a big concert at the Newport that students can only get into (for free) if they vote, working with the University to have a link to the voting website on the main OSU website, putting the voting website as the homepage in all computer labs during voting days, overseeing voting booths on voting days, etc.

Bylaws and Violations

Evaluation and interpretation of the Election Governance Bylaws that govern OSU’s elections. The members will study the current bylaws and come up with changes to take to USG senate as amendments. Some pertinent areas of examination include the duration of elections, the number of voting days, the cap on candidate expenditures and money-raising, Also, during election season, members will watch for and file bylaw violations against candidates. We will investigate problems with past bylaws by holding open forums with past candidates, current senators and cabinet members, and all undergrads interested.

Application for Election Governance Board

Name:______Current Date:______

Year at OSU:______Major(s)/Minor(s):______

Address:______Phone #:______


What is your availability on:

Wednesday, October 26:______

Thursday, October 27:______

Friday, October 28:______

Saturday, October 29:______

What are you involved in on campus?

Why are you interested in being on the Election Governance Board?

Have you served on EGB or been involved in USG or a USG campaign in the past? If so, explain.

How would you increase voter turnout in the USG elections?

How should one efficiently enforce campaign spending limits?

Do you have any particularly exciting ideas about how to better EGB and the election process?

What’s your favorite joke?