NCWISE –Posting Exam Grades and

Calculating the Final Average for a Semester and Year Long Course

Posting Final Nine Weeks Grades: This is a condensed version of the directions from 1st nine weeks. Make sure you have entered all your grades in the spreadsheet and you are ready to post.

Procedures for Nine Weeks grades:

1. To post grades you must be on the Spreadsheet screen

2. Choose the appropriate Reporting Term (ex. SM-2Nine Weeks or YR-4th Nine Weeks) from the drop-down menu at the top

3. Make sure that both Category and Assignment Type are set to “All

4. Click the Save icon

5. Click Post Marks to Report Card (yellow box, lower left-hand corner)

6. Click “Yes” at the warning message

7. How would you like to post these marks? Make sure Numeric is selected. Click OK

8. The Reporting Period Marks screen shows all grades that have been posted for each reporting term. If you need to change grades, you can change the grades in the Post column but not in the T.A. column. If you manually change a grade, it will appear in Red/Maroon.

·  For a student who has lower than a 60 or for any grade that needs to be adjusted manually, you will need to edit the grade here in the Post Column only.

·  There should be no grades over 100 in the Post column.

·  Note: If you have to repeat the Post process, please remember that Reposting writes over any grade changes previously made. Therefore, if you have to post grades a second time for that same reporting term, any grade that was changed earlier will have to be manually changed again. NCWISE will overwrite any manual changes if you click the yellow Post button a second time so keep that in mind.

9. After you have verified your grades and made any necessary changes, click the Save icon.

10. Click the “Go to the Grade Entry Screen” button.

11. Verify that your grades are correct.

12. To add comments, you have the following options

·  Type in a comment number in the Comment column if you have your paper list. –OR-

·  Click a “?” button to display a list of comments generated by your data manager. Scroll through the list of comments and highlight the one you want, and click OK.

·  To use the Find feature, click the question mark. Leave the percent mark at the beginning of the Find field and type the word or phrase for which you would like to search. Click Find. Highlight the comment and click OK.

13. Place a checkmark in the Mark Entry is Complete box. This is very important. If you do not check this box, all reports will indicate that you are not finished with grade reporting.

14. Click Save and Exit.

15. Click Exit and Click Continue.

16. Repeat these procedures for your other classes (if grades have been completed).

NCWISE – Posting Exam Grades and

Calculating the Final Average for a Course (Semester or Year Long)

Before beginning this procedure, make sure you have completed and posted your Grades for both Nine Weeks in the semester (for semester courses) or for all Nine Weeks (for year long courses). At the end of this process, NCWISE will calculate your nine weeks and exam grades. You do not have to manually calculate the grades.

Posting Exam Grades (for schools that have exams):

1. Enter the gradebook by clicking on the “Spreadsheet” button.

2. Please NOTE: You do NOT need to create an assignment for your exam. There is already a place for the exam grades.

3. Select the class you are working with from the “Class” drop-down box (upper-left).

4. Click the Reporting Term drop-down menu choose “SM2 Exam” or “YR Exam”.

5. Click on the “Reporting Term Grades” button (bottom-left).

6. You should see your nine weeks grades at this point. (If you do not, it means that you did not post all nine weeks grades yet. Go back to page 1 and do it.)

7. Click on the “Go to Grade Entry Screen” button in the lower right area of this screen

(NOT the Go to Comment Entry Screen button).

8. Within the Grade Entry screen:

a. Verify that “SM Exam” or “YR Exam” appears in the Report box (upper left).

b. Enter exam grades in the “Mark” column. For EOC courses, enter the highest grade that the child made on the test. Use your mouse or arrow keys to

move down. Do not use the “Enter” key, as it will take you across the page.

c. If a student is exempt from the exam, enter the letters “EX” in the Mark column for that student. NOTE: This is the only location that will accept these letters.

d.  If a student has not taken an exam but needs to (was absent, sick, etc.), put an INC for the grade.

e.  Do not leave the exam grade blank! There should be a numeric grade, EX (for exempt) or INC unless no exam was given for the course.

f. Once your grades are entered you may enter comments from this screen

i. If this course issued an EOC or CTE exam, you can enter the number “35” in the first comment column on this screen. Comment 35 states “EOC/CTE EOC state test is Final Exam in this course” if you would like to use it. This is not required but is a good practice.

ii. If you are giving a non-EOC course you do not need to enter this comment here, but may choose to enter other comments.

g. If you want to list additional comments like “Pleasure to have in class” you may

do so here as well by entering the appropriate comment number(s) or clicking the question mark and selecting a comment.

9. After all grades and comments have been entered place a check in the “Mark Entry is Complete” box. If it is not checked, it appears to the data manager and administration that your grades are not done and that will hold up report cards.

10. Click “Save” and exit this screen to return to the Reporting Period Marks screen

IMPORTANT: On the Reporting Period Marks screen, you should now have grades in the POST column for the appropriate grading periods.

***Do not worry if the grades in the T.A. column and the POST column are not the same.

The grades in the POST column are the grades that will appear on the report cards.

Calculating Final Averages for the Semester and/or Year:

11. You should now see your exam grades in the “Post” column (Note: “T.A.” column for Exam should be empty) if you have entered exam grades.

12. Click “Calculate Mark” button (lower-left)

13. Click “Yes” for the warning

14. Make sure Numeric is selected at How would you like to…?. Then click OK.

15. Verify that all of your grades are correct.

a.  Some final grades may appear in maroon with a blue background indicating

that the final grade in the Post column is different than the final grade in the

TA column. In most cases, this difference can be ignored…

b.  FYI - Remember that grades are calculated from the POST column and these grades are the ones that appear on report cards (TA grade does not show on report cards and does not have to match the grade in the POST column). Grades in the TA column consider decimals when rounding; grades in POST column use whole numbers

c.  If you need to change a Nine Weeks or Semester grade, type over the existing grade in the POST column. Never change the TA column.

16. Click “Save” and remain on this screen…

17. You must turn in a Reporting Period Marks Report to your data manager and/or

principal, and it is highly recommended that you save and print a copy of your grades for your records.

a. To print this report:

i. Click on the printer button at the bottom.

ii. Verify your grades to make sure they are correct.

iii. Click the printer icon in the upper left, change the number of copies if

you want to print more than one, and then click OK.

iv. Note: Your name does not appear on this report, so you will need to

print it near the top and sign at the bottom before giving it to the data


b. To save an electronic copy of this report:

i. Click on the Save a Copy button (upper left of the report)

ii. Rename the file to something you would recognize

iii. Select a place to (use your home directory, i.e. storage space with

your name) or flash drive to save it to and click save. Do not save to

My Documents.

iv. Close Acrobat Reader. Look at the task bar and go back to TAM.

18. Click Save and exit out the door icon, and click Continue.

19. Repeat these procedures for your other classes.

Questions or Need help?

Contact Rhonda Moses at or at (252) 326-0600. If you are at your computer and have a question, please make sure you are logged into Novell and know the IP address of your computer. (Your IP address can be found by holding your mouse over the white box with the black V in the lower right corner of your screen by the clock. The numbers are the IP address.)