Wesclin Board of Education

Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting

Monday, August 21, 2017

I. Regular Meeting

A. Roll Call

The Board of Education of Wesclin Community School District # 3, Clinton and St. Clair Counties, Illinois, met in a regular session on Monday, the 21st day of August, 2017, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., at the Wesclin High School in said district.

At the above-named time and place there were present the following officers and members of the Board:

Members Present Members Absent

Sandy Padak, President: ______x______

Matthew Fridley, Vice President: ______x______

Stacy Wellen, Secretary: ______x______

Aaron Hoerchler: ______x______

Tina Litteken: ______x______

Connie Elmore: ______x______

A quorum of the Board members being present, the president the meeting to order and declared the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.

Administrators present:

Jennifer Filyaw, Superintendent: ______x______

John Isenhower: ______x______

Angi Woll: ______x______

Roger Freeze: ______x______

Jamey Rahm: ______x______

B. Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the previous regular meeting and of the executive session of July 17, 2017, were approved on a motion by Matt Fridley, seconded by Tina Litteken.

Vote: Connie Elmore-aye, Matt Fridley-aye, Aaron Hoerchler-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Sandy Padak-aye. Stacy Wellen-aye. Motion passes 6-0

C. District Finances

Motion made by Matt Fridley, seconded by Aaron Hoerchler to approve The Treasurer's Report and payment of payroll in the amount of $563,672.75 and bills in the amount of $486,089.49.

Vote: Connie Elmore-aye, Matt Fridley-aye, Aaron Hoerchler-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Sandy Padak-aye. Stacy Wellen-aye. Motion passes 6-0

D. Agenda modification

Motion made by Stacy Wellen, seconded by Connie Elmore to approve agenda as presented.

Vote: Connie Elmore-aye, Matt Fridley-aye, Aaron Hoerchler-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Sandy Padak-aye. Stacy Wellen-aye. Motion passes 6-0

E.  Superintendent Report

1. IASB Conference, November 17-19, we will make arrangements for those interested in attending.

2. Keith Hall Invitational is set for April 14. There should be five – six teams competing.

3. Update on bus maintenance vehicle purchase, looking at a 2014 Chevrolet Equinox.

4. Strategic Goals – still fine tuning goals that were set in June by the board. Top on the list is student improvement/student learning and the leadership and support and guidance to achieve these goals.

F. Principal Reports – the principals reported on their “solar eclipse” activities. After much preparation and practice for the event, the kids were well-behaved and excited during the eclipse. Some family members stopped by the elementary schools to participate in the viewing.

II. Visitors:

A. None.

III. Celebration of Success

A. Custodians have done a phenomenal job cleaning our schools again this year.

B. All roofs on our schools are fixed!

C. PALS Summer program was a success and concluded with a great end of year luncheon. A special thanks to Katie Wisnasky and all of the workers of the program and donations from Fine Swine.

D. Opening Day activities went very smoothly and we are excited for another year.

E. Huge thanks to the Thorpe-Klinsky family for the swing set and to the Booster Club for finishing the middle school playground.

IV. Items Requiring Board of Education Action

A. Tentative Budget

Motion by Matt Fridley, seconded by Tina Litteken to approve the tentative budget and set the budget hearing for September 18 at 7:00 pm. Everything is pretty well the same as last year’s budget since there is still no Illinois Budget. The budget will be amended as we get more information on state funding.

Vote: Connie Elmore-aye, Matt Fridley-aye, Aaron Hoerchler-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Sandy Padak-aye. Stacy Wellen-aye. Motion passes 6-0

B. Resolution Regarding Hazardous Bus Routes

Motion by Tina Litteken, seconded by Stacy Wellen to approve the Transportation Hazardous Route Resolution for 2017-2018.

Vote: Connie Elmore-aye, Matt Fridley-aye, Aaron Hoerchler-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Sandy Padak-aye. Stacy Wellen-aye. Motion passes 6-0

C. Fuel Bid

Motion by Stacy Wellen, seconded by Connie Elmore to approve Gateway FS bid of market price.

Vote: Connie Elmore-aye, Matt Fridley-aye, Aaron Hoerchler-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Sandy Padak-aye. Stacy Wellen-aye. Motion passes 6-0

D. Donation

Motion by Connie Elmore, seconded by Aaron Hoerchler to approve the donation of two clarinets from the Trimble family.

Vote: Connie Elmore-aye, Matt Fridley-aye, Aaron Hoerchler-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Sandy Padak-aye. Stacy Wellen-aye. Motion passes 6-0

E. Roof Top Unit, Middle School, Health-Life-Safety Amendment

Motion by Tina Litteken, seconded by Connie Elmore to approve the Health-Life-Safety Amendment to replace the HVAC unit at the middle school.

Vote: Connie Elmore-aye, Matt Fridley-aye, Aaron Hoerchler-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Sandy Padak-aye. Stacy Wellen-aye. Motion passes 6-0

F. Athletic Admission Fees and Increase Official Pay

Moton by Stacy Wellen, seconded by Tina Litteken, to increase in pay for the officials, scorekeepers, PA announcer as outlined as well as increase the admission fee for adults into our high school athletic events from $3.00 to $4.00.

Vote: Connie Elmore-aye, Matt Fridley-aye, Aaron Hoerchler-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Sandy Padak-aye. Stacy Wellen-aye. Motion passes 6-0

G. Title I District Plan

Motion by Tina Litteken, seconded by Aaron Hoerchler to approve the Title I district plan.

Vote: Connie Elmore-aye, Matt Fridley-aye, Aaron Hoerchler-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Sandy Padak-aye. Stacy Wellen-aye. Motion passes 6-0

H. Consent Agenda

a.  Resignation:

i.  Tami Kleinhoffer – yearbook advisor, middle school

ii. Brian Fark - assistant volleyball coach, high school

iii.  Brian Arentsen – Track coach, high school

b.  Volunteer:

i.  Mark Wessel – volunteer golf coach

c.  Leave Without Pay:

i.  Tim Zeisset – 2 separate days of leave without pay

d.  Employment:

i.  Rebecca Johnson – Kindergarten teacher at New Baden Elementary

ii. Sara Beer – 2nd Grade teacher at New Baden Elementary

iii.  Kay Lager – part-time PreK teacher

iv.  Lori Brandmeyer – part-time PreK aide

v. Christine Sohnrey – teacher aide at New Baden Elementary

vi.  Lydia Banker – teacher aide at New Baden Elementary

vii.  Lisa Middleton – teacher aide at the high school

viii.  Stacie Hoover – part-time parent education/coordinator

ix.  Chris Brown – assistant football coach

x. Laura Ringler – assistant HS volleyball coach

xi.  Darci Louden-Materkowski and Dorri Stempel, yearbook advisor, middle school

xii.  Extra Curricular Assignments

Motion by Tina Litteken, seconded by Matt Fridley to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Vote: Connie Elmore-aye, Matt Fridley-aye, Aaron Hoerchler-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Sandy Padak-aye. Stacy Wellen-aye. Motion passes 6-0

I. Closed Session

Motion by Tina Litteken, seconded by Connie Elmore to move into closed session for the purposes of discussing collective bargaining, personnel and school board nominations.(7:55 p.m.)

Vote: Connie Elmore-aye, Matt Fridley-aye, Aaron Hoerchler-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Sandy Padak-aye. Stacy Wellen-aye. Motion passes 6-0

Motion by Tina Litteken, seconded by Connie Elmore to return from closed session into the regular meeting. (9:04 p.m.)

Vote: Connie Elmore-aye, Matt Fridley-aye, Aaron Hoerchler-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Sandy Padak-aye. Stacy Wellen-aye. Motion passes 6-0

VI. Adjournment:

It was moved by Matt Fridley, seconded by Tina Litteken that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting was adjourned at 9:04 p.m.

Vote: Connie Elmore-aye, Matt Fridley-aye, Aaron Hoerchler-aye, Tina Litteken-aye, Sandy Padak-aye. Stacy Wellen-aye. Motion passes 6-0


President Secretary