Software Business Case

Design and Campaign WorkflowSolution

for the Department of Public Affairs

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

1.Problem Definition

2.Addressing Problem with CWU existing tools and products (i.e. Team Dynamix)

3.Organizational Impact

4.Benefits of Workamajig



7.Timing / Schedule

8.Technology Migration/Resource Identification

9.Product Life/Application Sunsetting or Decommissioning


11.Recommendation...... 6


Executive Summary

The current manner in which Public Affairs manages its internal workflow is by using large hard-copy manila envelopes that contain assignments from our clients with any brochures, rack cards, etc., that we have completed for that client previously inside. The envelope is then handed to the graphic designer and all writing, Website, video, or social media assignments affiliated with that project are divvied outto fellow staff in the content, video, and Web units through GroupWise email. All correspondence with clients across campusis conducted through GroupWise email or by phone.

The Public Affairs office is in dire need of an onlinedesign workflow solution. In this document, we will provide the reasons why we do not think Team Dynamix is sufficient for our uses. We will also provide our proposal for a solution that we have researched. A third option will be provided: to leave things as they are, and we will state our concerns regarding that option as well.

Date of Business Case Preparation: 06/2014

Contact Person Name/Phone: Director of Public Affairs Jackie O’Ryan, 509 963-2845

New Product/Service

A copy of the contract provided by Workamajig is attached.

1.Problem Definition

The elements of comprehensive campaigns that the Department of Public Affairs develops and implements for clients across campus (some of whom spend tens of thousands of dollars in our unit every year), can include video projects, legislative outreach, social media, Websitedesign elements and content, press relations, and designproducts,are executed from a hard copy envelop, GroupWise and DropBox.

The Public Affairs unit has about 20 full-time staff working from two locations on campus, writing in Microsoft Word, designing in InDesign and PhotoShop (Adobe Suite), creating videos edited in Premier Final-Cut Pro, solvingcomplex Web site issues, and running social media campaigns on various platforms. It’s complex terrain, and we need an onlineworkflow solution so we can serve the campus in an organized and effective process. Further, we need to track our efforts to assure we are using our time effectively and we are providing the best possible results.

2.Addressing Problem with CWU existing tools and products (i.e. Team Dynamix)

Team Dynamix was created for use on PCs for Information Systems. The majority of the staff in Public Affairs works on Macs. We are a design shop, working in very large files. Currently, those files are stored on the desktops of the Mac hard drives of our designers. Using Team Dynamix, our designers would have to download files from the cloud onto their desktops before their work can be done. When the work is completed, they will then upload the files again to the cloud. We estimate that this would take a few hours out of each day for each of our designers.

Team Dynamix will not be able to take on the Public Affairs Department for about another six months. That would put us at the start of fall quarter – a very busy time for Public Affairs. We would be forced to put off training and implementation until next summer. Thus, a solution would be at least a year away.

The Public Affairs Department had teams researching various possible online companies to utilize as our online solution. Here is the list we considered and gathered information on.

  • Trello
  • WorkZone
  • Cumulus
  • Asana
  • Streamtime
  • Podio
  • Team Dynamix
  • Quip
  • Workamajig

Workamajigwas chosen primarily because it is a network-based system built for the creative industry. It was designed for the kind of work done by advertising agencies…and that of CWU’s Public Affairs Department.

3.Organizational Impact

The mission of the Department of Public Affairs is to tell of the remarkable people, programs, and accomplishments at CWU. We help staff, students, and faculty communicate their successes, opportunities, and discoveries to key audiences.

We coordinate and set standards for communication with external audiences on behalf of the university. Our goal is to ensure the highest standards of communication across all platforms: web-based media, video, print, and more.

With the right design workflow tool,the Department of Public Affairs can deliver stellar results on time and on budget while focusing on the named goal of each project we take on.

4.Benefits of Workamajig

Public Affairs can embark immediately on a communications campaign to let all of our clients across campus know we are undergoing a transition this summer. The Public Affairs office could be trained and have an online tool up and running by end of this August – before the start of fall quarter.

  • The files used by Workamajig will be stored on the network, eliminating the need to open files remotely downloading and uploading to and from the desktop.
  • We can control scope creep and even manage change easier.
  • We can get project buy-in from disparate groups across campus through online tools and define the critical path to completion clearly.
  • Through reporting tools we can determine best practices by defining project resources, time, and costs.
  • We can communicate project progress with our clients much more effectively – naming the risks early and regularly and executing changes successfully.
  • We can fish out any assumptions we’ve made that are continually incorrect and prepare for the unexpected issues that continually show themselves.
  • We can see how well we’re doing and debrief quickly, dissecting and analyzing the reports for patterns and opportunities for improvement.
  • We could track each client’s requests and history within a complete file in a system that keeps everything in one place—for as long as we need it there.


Team Dynamix: We were provided the following figures identified as: Services; One Time; and Recurring costs. Funding is covered by Public Affairs.

One Time Cost

Implementation by Team Dynamix$ 20,000

Annual Recurring Costs

Yearly Licensing $ 8,300

Workamajig($36 per user per month. Paying up front saves one month’s cost):

Annual Recurring Costs: $ 7,920


Do Nothing / We don’t recommend this option. All files are currently stored on local computers and are vulnerable to loss. The hard copy files (envelopes) are vulnerable to fire and other hazards.
Team Dynamix / The entire unit viewed the Dynamix demo and key members raised concerns that this option would create work for the unit. Because staff would have to do its work outside the product, they may not keep the Dynamix logs current, thus, rendering the product useless to the department. (This has happened before.)
Workamajig / The entire leadership team (8) enthusiastically supported this product after a two-hour demo and voted unanimously to bring it to the unit.

7.Timing / Schedule

Task / Target Date
Secure Funding / 6/2014
Customization and training / 7/2014
Implementation - Ready for the start of the school year / 8/2014

Based upon feedback from other institutions, the full training and implementation process is 2months.

8.Technology Migration/Resource Identification

Resource / June / July / AUGUST / SEPT
PROJECT MANAGER / 8 / 15 / 13
TEAM (4) / 3 / 10 / 8
STAFF (15) / 10
NETWORK/OPS(Any possible
firewall issues) / 2

The Public Affairs staff found Workamajig to be robust, yet intuitive and clear. Workamajig’s Web-based training sessions are followed immediately by hands-on practice. This style of short sessions, followed by practice, cements the new knowledge. They claim—and our research of their current clients supports—that ten hours of training is probably more than we’ll need. Our implementation team will be the experts on the floor.

9.Product Life/Application Sunsetting or Decommissioning

If the Public Affairs unit goes forward with Workamajig, and Team Dynamix improves their product to encompass the kind of work we do, we can discontinue our contract with Workamajig and commence with Team Dynamix so the campus can work in sync.


When we researched this product we called PYRAMID Communications, a marketing firm for non-profits that has used Workamajig for 4 years. “We do all our work through Workamajig. Designing, campaign planning, invoicing clients. It’s all there. It’s never had a hiccup. The training was complete and when we were lame, they were eager to help.” Myrna Caywood, Creative Team

“Workamajig understands Mac users and creative types. But they have the systems down so no one gets by with mediocrity.” Tony Campbell, Pioneer Designs


It is the recommendation of the Public Affairs Department that, based on their research and needs, they be allowed to contract with Workamajig for its design workflow solutions.


The following actions have been taken by the appropriate Sub-Council:

Date / Action / By
7/7/2014 / Approved / EISC

Upon approval by the Enterprise Information System Committee (EISC) and/or one or both of the two Sub-Councils (Academic or Non-Academic), CWU procurement policies and procedures should be used to initiate a purchase. Please contact the Purchasing office at x1001 with any questions regarding the procurement process.

If you have any questions, please contact Sue Noce 963-2927, Ginger McIntosh 963-1466, or Tina Short 963-2910.