The Meeting Minutes
May 22, 2012
1)The Ascension- St. James Airport and Transportation Authority met May 22, 2012, at 6:00 PM at the airport site with Chairman Doyle M. Philippe presiding. The following members were present: George Rodeillat, Calvin Narcisse, Robert Jackson, James Mitchell, Roger Keese and Jared Amato.
2)Others attending included Jeff Sumner, Richard Johnson, and Janet Gonzales.
3)A motion and second were made by Jared AmatoandJames Mitchell, respectively, to accept the April 24,2012 regular meeting minutes. The motion carried unanimously.
4)Roger Keese presented the April credit card statement for review, a motion and second were made by George Rodeillatand Calvin Narcisse, respectively, to approve payment of the credit card bill. The motion carried unanimously.
5)A motion and second were made by George Rodeillatand Calvin Narcisse, respectively, to approve the engagement agreement for Latuso and Johnson to conduct the 2011-2012 audit. The motion carried unanimously.
6)A motion and second were made by Robert Jacksonand Jared Amato, respectively, to approve the 2011-2012 budget amendments. The motion carried unanimously.
7)A motion and second were made by George Rodeillatand Calvin Narcisse, respectively, to advertise and make available for public review the proposed budget for 2012-2013 and to have a public hearing on the budget on June 26th at 6 PM. The motion carried unanimously.
8)Roger Keese presented the financial report for May 2012. A motion and second were made by Robert Jackson and Jared Amato respectively, to accept the financial report. The motion carried unanimously.
9)Jeff Sumner presented the Engineers Report.
10)A motion and second were made by George Rodeillatand Calvin Narcisse, respectively, to accept PEC’s recommendation of final completion of the lighting project pending the receipt of the Leveling Device for the runway lights. The motion carried unanimously.
11)A motion and second were made by George Rodeillatand Robert Jackson, respectively, to accept PEC’s recommendation to award the sealcoat project to low bidder, Pavement Maintenance Unlimited. The motion carried unanimously.
12)A motion and second were made by Jared Amato and George Rodeillat, respectively, to authorize the chairman to sign the notice to proceed for the sealcoat project with contingency for the movement of aircraft. The motion carried unanimously.
13) Janet Gonzales presented the Airport Managers Report
14).A motion and second were made by Jared Amato and Roger Keese to send a letter to LADOTD requesting a traffic light at the intersection of Hwy 44 and Loosemore. The motion carried unanimously.
15)Doyle M. Philippe gave the chairman’s report
16)A motion and second were made by Calvin Narcisse and Roger Keese respectively to approve a 10% raise for the airport manager beginning July 1, 2012. The motion carried unanimously.
17) Chairman Philippe announce that he had received word from Senator Amedee’s office that we would received funding for parking lot improvements in the 2012-2013 State’s Capital Outlay Budget.
18) The next meeting date will beJune 26,2012.
19)A motion and second were made by George Rodeillatand Calvin Narcisse respectively, to adjourn.
Doyle M. Philippe, ChairmanCalvin Narcisse, Secretary
May 22, 2012 Minutes
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