Business Council for Africa


P.O.Box CT. 2873, Cantonments, Accra, Ghana

Telephone: +233 0302785777 Cell: +233 24 432 9622 Facsimile: +233 0302670518

E-mail: Website:

Membership Application Form

Please complete the following and return to the Council Chief Executive Officer at the address above.

Your application will be considered by the Membership sub-committee, which will respond to you in writing.

Company Name ______

Main Contact


Surname______Status in Company______

Tel No______Fax______Cell No ______

E-mail ______

Please Nominate an Alternate Contact

Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other1______Initials ______Forename______

Surname ______Status in Company______

Tel No ______Fax______Cell No ______

E-mail ______

Postal Address



Nature of Main Business/Commodities Traded



1.Under BCA Gh rule 3, each member is entitled to nominate a 'Member of the Council'. This person will act as the members' principal but not exclusive contact. The Council also encourages the nomination of alternates and welcomes attendance and input from them.

2.Unless otherwise notified BCA Ghana will publish this in its website and in its reports.

Subscription Rates (as at 1 May 2008)
International Company (with Head Office outside Ghana)
USD 800 per annum
Ghanaian Company (with business outside Ghana)
USD 400 per annum
Individual Consultant
USD 200 per annum
(Cedi equivalent accepted)
Members may join BCA W&S (inUK) at 10% reduced rates – see for full rates
Subscriptions are payable in dollars or cedi equivalent. Cheques should be made payable to “BCA(GH)”

Areas of interestplease tick all that apply to yourcompany. The details will be included on the website

Export to / Import from / Future interest / Represented in / Manufacturing Presence / Investment in / Service provider*
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Côte d’Ivoire
Eq Guinea
Sierra Leone

Market Sectors: (Please circle your sector)

1 - Aerospace & Related Industries; 2 - Agriculture, Horticulture & Fisheries; 3 - Automotive Industry; 4 - Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals; 5 - Building, Construction & Property Services; 6 - Business & Consumer Services; 7 - Chemicals; 8 - Clothing, Footwear & Fashion; 9 - Creative & Media Industries (incl. Software & Internet); 10- Edn & Trg (R&D): 11 - Energy, Power Projects & Services; 12 - Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical & Process), 13 - Environmental Industries; 14 - Financial Services; 15- Fire, Police, Security Industries & Equipment; 16 - Food & Drink; 17 - Giftware, Jewellery & Tableware; 18 - Healthcare & Medical Equipment; 19 - Household Goods, Furniture & Furnishings; 20 - IT & Electronics; 21 - Metals & Minerals; 22 - Oil, Gas, Refining & Petrochemical (Plant Design & Construction); 23 - Paper, Printing & Packaging Products & Services; 24 - Recreation & Leisure Goods & Services (incl. Tourism); 25 - Telecommunications, Radio Communications & Broadcasting; 26 - Textiles, Interior Textiles & Carpets; 27 - Transport, Transport Infrastructure & Services.

N.B In addition to the annual subscription I would like to make a one-time voluntary donation of USD……………. To BCAGhana

Signed ______Date ______

Annual Subscriptions

The BCA Ghana financial year runs from 1 May to 30 April and annual subscriptions fall due on 1 May each year.

Thank you for your interest. We look forward to welcoming you to the Business Council for Africa Ghana in the very near future.

Kwadwo Ohemeng Asumaning




Chairman: Kwadwo O. Asumaning Vice-Chairmen: Ashok Mohinani/Mrs Felicity Acquah

Treasurer: Ms Cynthia SallahChief Executive Officer: Sam Poku

BCA Ghana is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee in Ghana—Registration No. G10, 228