Tatiana Rybina


Nationality : Russian

Age : 27

Place of Birth : Russian Federation, Voronezh town

Merital Status : Merried


Mobile: +971559721812
Phone (evening): +971559721812

Position Desired: Suitable post

Salary Desired: based on company salary ranged (Negotiable)


To obtain a position with a strong, forward thinking, progressive company were I can fully utilize my knowledge and experience as a designer and as an artist.


►Academic painting and drawing, wall-painting, freehand draft.

►Soft ware :

▬Familiar with PC

▬ Fluent with MS Word, Power point, Corel Draw, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign.

►Languages : English (Level Intermediate ) Years practiced (more than 7 years)

Arabic(Level Beginner) Years practiced (more than 3 years)


►Account executive, assiduous, tactful and optimistic person.

► Proficient in presenting information visually and verbally.

►Able to take on and complete large projects in a group situation or on own.

►Able to work effectively and efficiently with other people.

► Excellent Communication Selling Skills.

► Have the best communication capabilities. Ability to deal with problems involving

a few concrete variables in standardized situation.

►Ability to learn and get trained on new products


  • 1989-1999 Elementary School / High School
  • 1990-1996 Art School

Awards:►Won third place: “Project of district emblem” / Voronezh/ 1997.

►Took part in International entry “ 300 years of Russian Fleet” / Voronezh/ 1996

►Took part in town entry “ To be in good health” /Voronezh/1996

►Took part International large entry “ Biblical plots” / Voronezh/ 1994.

  • 1999-2005 MS Degree of Arts

Graphic Design. History of Arts. Academic painting and drawing.

Voronezh State Pedagogical Institute, Russia.


Graphic Designer / Advertising agency “Zeppelin”/

March 2008 -December 2008

Outdoor advertising; graphic design of advertising modules for magazines, print materials

( brochures, promo-materials etc.), corporate identification design, preparation of artwork for prepress, plotter, digital printing; business and promo-gifts; submitting designs for customer approvals.

►Graphic Designer / Advertising agency “Highway”/

August 2007 -December 2007

Petrol station’s design (exterior) for “Lipetsk Petrol Company”; outdoor advertising; graphic design of advertising modules for magazines, print materials ( brochures, promo-materials etc.), corporate identification design, preparation of artwork for prepress, plotter, digital printing; submitting designs for customer approvals.

►Graphic Designer / Company “PRINTEX”, serigraphy/

February 2006-March 2007

Meet clients and present them our production, take from them orders and prepare design of electronic mockup(create logos, pictures) for client presentation, then prepare mockup for print on film ( break up picture on colors), to make a job in printing shop, close control and management of order till it will ready. Ensure for client is satisfied in all aspects.

By my own wish, I realized a search of new clients for cooperation in nearest future.

►Graphic Designer / Firm “Contrast”/

July 2004 -November 2005

Meet clients and present them our production, take from them orders and prepare design of electronic mockup, design of: business cards, letterheads, advertisements, posters, greeting cards, booklets, created logos. Work on firm’s style from concept to final production

►Artist-Decorator / State Club for entertainment programs and concerts/

November 2000 - September 2005

Design of playbills ( electronic and handicraft designs), to make drawing mockup of decorations for scene ( handicraft ).

►Manager of delivery department and distributor / Company “Garant-Expert”/

July 2000 - March2001

Manage the delivery service, take closed control of the courier’s work, prepare all necessary documents and reports for director.

Arrange business meeting with clients for demonstrate product ( special-purpose monthly periodical magazines for directors and chief accountants ).

Design portfolio and reference furnished upon request


Dear Sirs,

I am especially interested to obtain a position with a strong, forward thinking, progressive company were I can fully utilize my knowledge and experience as a designer and as an artist.

Because I try to come to every project with a sense of the image I am trying to generate or portray with my designs rather trying to be too over complicated.

I would appreciate an opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my experience will best meet your needs.

My ideas may be of particularities to you.

I look forward to meeting you,

Tatiana Rybina.