Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Training Program

Admissions Packet

Crossroads Rhode Island

160 Broad St., Providence, RI 02903

Main Phone# (401) 521-2255 Fax # (401) 521-3695

Program Coordinator and Instructor: Leah X351

Intake and Assessment Coordinator: TinaX716

Employment Support Specialist: Viola X375

Firstly, we want to say thank-you for considering Crossroads Rhode Island as your C.N.A. Training facility. Here, at Crossroads we have three important values: Safety, Respect, and Effectiveness; we try very hard to instill those values into everything that we do. Reviewing this admission packet is the first step in potentially enrolling into our C.N.A. program; hopefully many of your questions will be answered. Below is an outline of the contents of this packet, but if for some reason one of your questions can not be answered from this packet, feel free to contact Crossroads at the number provided above.

Important Steps

  1. Referral Process- Who is paying for my training ?
  2. TABE testing
  3. Immunization form
  4. BCI (Background Check)*
  5. Identification/Birthcertificate/Naturalization/Social Security Card
  6. Application

What is a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)?

A certified nursing assistant, or CNA, helps patients or clients with healthcare needs under the supervision of a Registered Nurse (RN) or a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). Your regular responsibilities as a nursing assistant will vary based on where you work or live. Nursing assistants can work in a wide variety of settings; nursing homes, hospitals, adult day care centers, personal homes and assisted living facilities all require nursing assistants to act as a helpful liaison between the RN or LPN and the patient. In many cases, the nursing assistant serves as the RN’s or LPN’s eyes and ears, and relays information between many patients and one or two RNs.

The nursing assistant fulfills basic quality-of-life needs for patients of any age, ethnicity or gender in residential nursing care facilities or outpatient clinics. Since nursing assistants have daily contact with patients, they are gatherers of vital information about the patients’ conditions, which they must then transmit to their supervisors. A CNA’s workload can become intense and fast-paced, but the human contact and ability to help those in medical need is a strong motivating factor. A desire to help people and compassion for patients can help a nurse’s assistant get through difficult days.

O-Net Online, a database linked to by The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), has detailed descriptions of the daily ups and downs of many jobs. Their description of a nursing or psychiatric aide’s daily duties includes:

  • “Administer medications or treatments, such as catheterizations, suppositories, irrigations, enemas, massages, or douches, as directed by a physician or nurse.”
  • “Clean and sanitize patient rooms, bathrooms, examination rooms, or other patient areas.”
  • “Document or otherwise report observations of patient behavior, complaints, or physical symptoms to nurses.”
  • “Apply clean dressings, slings, stockings, or support bandages, under direction of nurse or physician.”

Clearly, the duties of a CNA are not glamorous, but the position is highly suited for people who are interested in helping to cure illness, mitigate misery, and generally add to the wellbeing of other people at the time they need it most.


  1. You must have a referral from either ORS, DHS, Network RI, or Crossroads to start the admission process
  2. The CNA program runs for 7 weeks. The hours are Monday-Thursday from

9:00am – 3:00pm (varies during clinical week- subject to change).

  1. The classroom is located here at Crossroads: 160 Broad St. Providence, RI
  2. Textbook, Uniform, and State Exam Fees are paid for by the program
  3. We assist our students with job placement (career fairs), resume writing, interview skills, job searches/leads, and support our students with job retention strategies
  4. First Aid and CPR certification training included
  5. Upon passing the course, you will receive a certificate of completion
  6. We will assist the student in filling out state licensing paperwork and registering for the licensing exam
  7. Student must pass the state written and skills exam to become licensed as a CNA in Rhode Island

Once a CNA , you are able to work in a variety of settings including: Hospitals, home care, assisted living, nursing homes, or private residences


  1. Student must be on time and present for each class. Student is only allowed a limited number of absences—No excuses. If student is often tardy or begins leaving early, a warning will be issued
  2. NO CELLPHONES. There is no texting, emailing, or answering your phone during class. If it is an emergency please take your phone call OUTSIDE of the building
  3. Students must dress appropriately ( e.g. no pajamas or revealing clothing)
  4. Students are NOT allowed to park in the lot. Please park along the street or plan on other means of transportation
  5. Please have respect for the instructor, employees, and other students in the class
  6. Remember that information shared during class is confidential and must not be talked about outside of the classroom
  7. Be aware that your grades, attendance, participation, and behavior will be reported back to your referral source (e.g. caseworker at DHS)
  8. There is NO SMOKING in this building
  9. Students will be issued a badge that will allow limited access throughout the building (bathrooms, classroom, cafeteria)

The rest of the rules and guidelines will be discussed on the first day of class

BCI (Background Check)

We only accept Recent and Original Background Checks. Please visit 150 South Main St. Providence, RI to get your BCI. You must have a $5 money order and a valid photo ID to obtain it. Please hand in your BCI with your application and photo copies of identification.


Along with your application, you will need to hand in your BCI and three forms of identification. These items will be used to build your file. To be considered for a start date, each file must have: an application, proof of immunizations, identification, and BCI. Once those items have been brought in, the potential student will be contacted. Crossroads only needs a photo copy of ID’s, if you do not have a copier, please bring in the originals and we will copy them for you.

Identification needed:

  1. Photo ID (e.g. Driver’s license, passport, or state issued ID)
  2. Birth certificate
  3. Social security card


Each student has five options to enrolling into our C.N.A. program:

  1. Network RI referral. Network Rhode Island is part of the department of labor and training. This agency helps unemployed or underemployed individuals find jobs & trainings. After going through their orientation and getting assigned a case manager, you can discuss coming to Crossroads Rhode Island for C.N.A. training. You must have a clean BCI and be extremely motivated. Phone to Providence location: Phone: (401) 462-8900
  2. Department of Human Services- Cash Assistance (TANF). If you are currently receiving cash assistance, please contact your social worker to discuss enrolling in our C.N.A. program. Once the training is part of your plan, your worker will write you a referral into the EARR system. Once your name appears in the system, you will be contacted.
  3. Occupation Rehabilitation Office. If you are currently receiving disability (SSI/SSDI) and you are affiliated with ORS, please contact your case advocate about joining our C.N.A program. ORS also assists those who have any condition which hinders obtaining employment.
  4. Crossroads- If you are currently a Crossroads Rhode Island Client and participating in one of our programs (e.g. Operation first step) or living in shelter, please contact your case manager to see if you are eligible.
  5. Private Pay. If you do not qualify for any of the previously mentioned options, private pay is available to you. This option can be discussed in person and is paid in installments. This “out of pocket” option can be paid for by check or credit card.

Your referral source will be the funder of your tuition cost. Please keep in mind that our program is not free, but may be of no cost to you if you receive a referral from a participating agency.


Each student will be asked to take the TABE test. It is a reading, language, and math test. There is no pass or fail, however your scores will be considered during the admission process. Depending on your referral source, you may take the TABE at their facility or here at Crossroads. TABE tests can be re-taken if failed. If the student has too low of the score, they will be referred to the Learning Center to work on problem areas before re-testing.


Every potential student (and healthcare worker) must have their vaccinations up to date. I have made a simple, easy to understand form for your doctor/clinic.Please bring a print out of your results attached to the form for the instructor to evaluate. You must have allimmunizations completed in order to enroll in the program.


If the student has completed all admission requirements and your referral has been confirmed, you will be contacted and assigned a start date of class. Please keep in mind that we run our program every eight weeks continuously, so apply TODAY!

160 Broad St. Providence, RI 02903


Fax: 401-521-3695

Dear Physician,

______is applying for the admission to the Certified Nursing Assistant Training Program offered by Crossroads RI. The following health information is required in order to start training on ______. All requirements are per the Rhode Island Department Of Health.

  1. Tuberculosis (TB): A negative 2-step TB test (PPD) performed within the last 12 months. If the applicant tested positive in the past, he/she must show proof that they are free of active disease. A negative x-ray must be provided.
  1. 1st PPD Planted Date:______

1st PPD ReadDate: ______

  1. 2nd PPD PlantedDate:______

2nd PPD ReadDate:______

  1. Provide documentation of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella: Two doses of MMR vaccine. First dose must have been administered on or after the first birthday. The second dose of vaccine must be administered at least 4 weeks after the first dose. Or serologic evidence of immunity (laboratory report of positive immunity for MMR)
  1. MMR 1st dose :______2nd dose______
  1. Titer Date:______Results:______
  1. Provide documentation of Varicella: Proof of vaccine or serologic evidence of immunity (laboratory report of positive immunity for Varicella.).
  1. 1st dose:______2nd dose:______
  1. Titer Date:______Results:______
  1. Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis (TDAP): 1 single dose of TDAP vaccine is required for all health care workers.
  1. Date:______
  1. Annual Seasonal Influenza Vaccine (Flu Shot) : Flu vaccine is required for all health care workers.
  1. Date:______

We appreciate your cooperation with this request. Please feel free to contact Crossroads with any questions.

Are You Ready to Meet your GOALS?


  1. My goal is to sucessfully complete the CNA training program at Crossroads Rhode Island. Please circle the number that corespondes to how ready you are to complete this goal.
  1. Please state your own short term goals. Example: To pass all my quizzes, get transportation, or become more organized: ______

Please circle how ready you are to complete that short term goal:

  1. Please state your own long term goals. Example: Get an apartment/house, find a full time job in a hospital, continuing education: ______

Please circle how ready you are to complete that long term goal: