Describe a "good person." Write an essay in which you illustrate what it means to be a "good person", either by identifying and explaining the qualities it takes to be a good person or by identifying someone you know who is one. Report 3 Kind, helpful, caring, understanding, patient, and loving are some of the words that come to mind when asked to list the qualities of a good person. One usually knows a person is good by what they do, such as performing thoughtful deeds. A good place to look for insight on the qualities of a good person is God’s Word, the Bible.

Believe it or not it takes a lot to be a good person. There are plenty of qualities of being a good person. A lot of religious people can be good people. You can easily point out a person is good by what they do such as performing thoughtful deeds.

I believe every person has different qualities that make them a good person. Some people are great to be around and others are very shy and not so fun to be with but they help everyone out with a lot of things. Also every person has there own way of describing good to. So it depends with every person. I also think some people try to be like Jesus because he is the ultimate good person to me.

Being kind is defiantly a major quality a good person should have. If a person is not kind that excludes the thought of being a good person. Being helpful is specifies a good person also. If somebody is not willing to help another then how is that kind. My mother is very kind and helpful that’s why she’s such a good person.

Another quality of being a good person is being very understanding, loving and patient. Without those characteristics a good person does not exist. In order to be kind and helpful to one and another you have to be understanding as well as loving. Which reminds me of my father because he maybe not agree with somethings but he’ll still be understanding. Without any one these characteristics there is no good person.

In conclusion it takes about six good qualities in order to be a good person; Which is to be kind, helpful, caring, understanding, patient and loving. If a person does not have any of these qualities they are defiantly not a good person.