250292RRExpanding Global Trade and Conflicting Worldviews

1. Historians agree that the most advanced economy up until the eighteenth century was that of
2. Who were the ulama?
A.Shi'a bureaucrats
B.Shi'a slaves
XC.Sunni religious scholars
D.Sunni mercenaries
3. ______became the most important industry in the Spanish colonies.
B.Cattle ranching
4. Michel de Montaigne introduced the literary genre called the
5. If you were a European mariner sailing the Indian Ocean during the sixteenth century, chances are you were
. What was themainconsequence of the defeat of the Turkish fleet at the Battle of Lepanto of 1571?
A.The Ottomans increased their efforts to expand their European territories.
B.The Ottoman Empire formed an alliance with Spain.
C.The Ottoman Empire lost control of Mediterranean trade.
XD.The Ottomans intensified efforts to modernize their navy.
7. During the fifteenth century, the status of women washighestin
D.Southeast Asia.
8. Under the system called the devshirme,
A.sultans produced potential heirs by way of slave-concubines.
XB.youths were recruited from Christian families to become slaves.
C.slaves could serve as advisors called viziers.
D.all property belonged to the Sultan.
In Africa, the greatest obstacle to population growth was
A.crop failure.
10. Which statement regarding the Qizilbash isfalse?
XA.They were granted large tracts of grazing land.
B.They provided troops to the Safavid Empire.
C.They provided the Safavid Empire with skilled bureaucrats.
D.They were Turkish Sufis.
11. After Charles I was executed, Thomas Hobbes wroteLeviathan,wherein he defended a thesis. Which of these statementsbestsummarizes that thesis?
A.Monarchies must be overthrown.
B.Individuals, on their own, must embrace liberal ideals.
XC.Social order requires a social contract.
D.People are mainly good at heart.
12. In Russia, boyars were
A.Muscovite Cossacks.
B.Russians of Mongol descent.
X C.high-ranking nobles.
D.officers of the Mongol Khan.
13. Prior to the scientific revolution, who reconciled Aristotle's philosophy with Christian doctrine?
B.The natural philosophers
C.The pope
XD.Thomas Aquinas
14. Under the reign of Louis XIII, Cardinal Richelieu sought to suppress Protestantism
A.throughout Europe.
XB.to increase royal authority.
C.in the context of seeking support from the Vatican.
D.to gain the support of England.
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15. Montesquieu was to the idea of the division of power as Denis Diderot was to the
XA.concept of Deism.
B.Encyclopedia: The Rational Dictionary of the Sciences, the Arts, and the Crafts.
C.idea of tabula rasa.
D.Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.
16. Under Louis XIV, ______in Versailles.
A.rules of etiquette were ignored
B.nobles were seldom required to attend the court
XC.women recommended individuals for honors and patronage
D.Protestants were held in high regard
17. According to the work of Johannes Kepler, which statement isfalse?
A.Planetary orbits are elliptical.
B.Planetary orbital motion is uniform.
C.The order of the universe is based on mathematical relationships.
XD.The time required for a planet to orbit the sun specifies its distance from the sun.
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18. With the exception of ______, most societies have engaged in the slave trade.
X A.the Australian Aborigines
B.the Ottoman Empire
19. During the fifteenth century, Arab and African merchants transported slaves to the Mediterranean where they were sold to all of the following countriesexcept
A.the Middle East.
X B.Europe.
20. Which of the following were used as a medium of exchange in West Africa?
A.Kola nuts
XB.Cowrie shells
Examination Number
250293RRContrasting East and West
1. Among the factors that brought about European colonialism, which of the following supported concepts of racial superiority?
A.Economic and trade opportunities
B.The introduction of the steam engine and the telegraph
C.The machine gun
XD.Social Darwinism
2. Under the Tokugawa peace, daimyo
A.were heavily engaged in foreign trade.
B.castle building was encouraged.
C.social status increased.
XD.were prohibited from coining money.
3. For the masses, which of the following statements about the significant consequences of the rise of science isfalse?
A.The methods of science gained great prestige and were seen as the only reliable path to verifiable truth.
XB.As science progressively influenced popular thought, people came to view natural processes as determined by physical laws, not divine intervention or human will.
C.Faith in science completely displaced the importance of religion in most people's lives.
D.Daily life experience and exposure to media impressed people with the importance of science.
4. The German Reichstag did all of the following after Bismarck's resignation in 1890except
XA.establish the world's first social security system.
B.pass laws that legalized socialist political activity.
C.yield central power to Kaiser William II.
D.pass laws to aid workers.
5. In the eighteenth century, the concept of liberty was, above all, a demand for
XA.individual human rights.
B.universal suffrage.
C.national sovereignty.
D.economic equality.
6. Regarding the Napoleonic Code, which of the following statements isfalse?
XA.It was intended as a measure of reassurance for the aristocracy.
B.It assured the political equality of all adult males.
C.It was intended as a bargain with the French middle class.
D.It assured the absolute security of wealth and private property.
7. In the context of African and Asian resistance to European colonialism, the nonconformists who became anti-imperialist activists were, above all, motivated by
XA.the issue of human dignity.
B.the need to adopt Western technology.
C.the quest for economic justice.
D.the West's failure to live up to their liberal ideals.
8. One goal of Zheng He's expeditions was to suppress piracy mainly from
9. The desire for modernization in Russia in the mid-nineteenth century was initially sparked by
A.strikes and peasant uprisings.
X B.the Crimean War.
C.the assassination of Alexander II.
D.defeats administered by Japan.
10. All of the following events were directly related to the eventual advent of British textile factories,except
A.the spinning jenny.
B.the water frame.
C.the growth of urbanization.
X D.the putting-out system.
11. Under Muhammad Ali and his grandson Ismail, the economic underpinning of modernization in Egypt was
X A.emulating European bureaucracy.
B.the production of manufactured goods.
C.exporting cotton.
D.controlling the Suez Canal.
12. Which of the following was thefirstwestern country to grant women's suffrage in 1914?
13. The German journalist Friedrich List persuaded German states to enter into a customs union. List's efforts expressed the ideology of
A.economic determinism.
X B.economic nationalism.
C.tariff protectionism.
D.class consciousness.
14. In the context of global migration, it often occurred that the movement of a business entrepreneur, a religious leader, or some admired person would encourage others to follow in what is called a/an
A.emulation chain.
B."follow-the-leader" pattern.
C.collective emulation.
X D.migration chain.
15. In 1789, the National Assembly revoked the privileges of the aristocracy. This occurred in reaction to
A.the storming of the Bastille.
B.Louis XVI's withdrawal of troops from Paris.
C.discontent among the poor people of Paris.
XD.a peasant uprising.
16. In 1557, the third Dalai Lama accepted an invitation to visit with Mongolia's Altan Khan. As a result of that visit,
XA.Tibetan Buddhism became the official religion of the Mongols.
B.the Mongols accepted Buddhism but continued the practice of blood sacrifice.
C.Tibetan monasteries were moved to Mongolia.
D.Tibetan monasteries became Mongol castles.
17. During the international struggle over Saint Dominique, Toussaint L'Ouverture was made a ______officer.
X A.Haitian
18. All of the following were factors favoring British industrialization,except
A.increased agricultural production.
XB.a decline in domestic demand for manufactured goods.
C.rising urbanization and higher wages.
D.immediate or canal access to ocean ports.
19. After the defeat of Austria by Prussia in 1866,
A.The Magyars became an oppressed minority in Hungary.
B.Franz Joseph gave up in trying the "Germanize" the empire.
XC.Franz Joseph was forced to establish a dual monarchy.
D.Conflicting nationalist interests were finally settled.
20. The purpose of the Great Exhibition of 1851 was to
A.grant rights to women.
B.abolish slavery.
XC.show off British industry and inventions.
D.end the revolutions of 1848.

250294RRThe Light and Dark of Western Dominance

In the Soviet Union, which statement about the New Economic Policy (NEP) istrue?
A.It established collectivized agriculture.
B.The NEP privatized heavy industry.
C.It helped Lenin mollify the peasants.
X D.The NEP was popular, but it did not lead to economic growth.
With respect to the Holocaust, recent scholarship has revealed that
XA.a majority of Germans were indifferent to the plight of the Jews.
B.resistance to the Holocaust sparked attempts to assassinate Hitler.
C.German soldiers in Eastern Europe generally opposed the anti-Semitic program.
D.most Germans were opposed to the concentration camps.
3. The civil war in Russia came to an end when forces led by Leon Trotsky captured
4. Following the 1911 revolution in China, Yuan Shigai
XA.moved the capital city to Beijing for the first time.
B.divided the country among his warlord supporters.
C.brought democracy to China.
D.established a dictatorship.
In 1822, after Brazil achieved independence from Portugal, ______dominated Brazilian society.
XA.Creole elites
B.Pedro II
C.local warlords
D.Pedro I
6. In Australia, ______was the name given to ex-felons who had served their sentences.
7. As a result of a dispute involving ______, Britain, France, and Russia began to view Bismarck's Germany as a threat.
. Regarding Japan's ultranationalists, which statement isfalse?
A.They were strongly anti-Western.
B.They were strongly anti-Communist.
C.They supported big business.
XD.They rejected democracy.
9. Regarding Mexico's Porfirio Díaz, which statement istrue?
A.He overthrew the Mexican Revolution of 1910.
B.He reformed the hacienda system.
C.He freed many peasant farmers from debt peonage.
XD.He enacted laws that favored wealthy elites.
10. In 1868, General W. T. Sherman brokered the Treaty of Fort Laramie, declaring that the Dakotas would remain the ancestral territory of the
A.Creek and Cherokee.
XC.Sioux and Cheyenne.
D.Delaware, Shawnee, and Wyandot.
11. Themostimportant factor in drawing all of the Middle East into World War I was
A.the Arab revolt under Hussein ibn Ali.
B.the battle for Gallipoli.
C.the guerilla forces led by Lawrence of Arabia.
XD.the Ottoman Turks joining forces with Germany and Austria-Hungary.
12. During World War I, Western imperialism was most evident in
B.East Asia.
C.the Middle East.
D.Southeast Asia.
13. What provision of Roosevelt's New Deal led to substantially reduced unemployment?
XA.The Works Progress Administration
B.The National Labor Relations Act
C.The Social Security Act
D.Abandonment of the gold standard and devaluation of the dollar
14. As of 1904, U.S. neocolonialism in Latin America was most strongly represented in
15. Who advocated a "counter-cyclical policy" after World War II that became a well-established weapon against depression?
A.Leon Trotsky
B.Herbert Hoover
C.Franklin Delano Roosevelt
XD.John Maynard Keynes
16. In 1916, France and Britain secretly agreed on a partition of six Middle Eastern states. The agreement became known as the
A.Damascus agreement.
B.Balfour Declaration.
C.Treaty of Lausanne.
XD.Sykes-Picot agreement.
17. The Spanish monarch Charles III established Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador under the viceroyalty of
XB.New Granada.
D.Rio de la Plata.
18. The only country in Southeast Asia to maintain its independence was
19. In 1927, how did Chiang Kai-shek resolve disputes between the Nationalist Party and the Communist Party?
A.He initiated the New Culture Movement.
B.He offered Taiwan to the Communists.
XC.He specified boundaries between Nationalist and Communist territories.
D.He decided to liquidate members of the Communist Party.
20. In British India, the Rowlatt Acts led to
XA.extensive rioting.
B.a weakening of nationalism in India.
C.the Amritsar conference.
D.an agreement to grant India Commonwealth status.
250295RRFrom the Cold War to the Edge of History
1. The Truman Doctrine was characterized by the concept of
C.universal sovereignty.
2. Following the death of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping initiated a campaign for "Four Modernizations." These included all the following,except
XB.universal health care.
D.science and technology.
3. In the 1980s, as colonies gained independence, instances of terrorism
XA.increased dramatically.
B.increased slightly.
C.remained about the same.
4. Analysis reveals that ______is among those countries with the lowest per capita GDP.
5. In Japan, under the sweeping authority of General Douglas MacArthur, all of the following reforms were enacted,except
XA.land reform assured MacArthur's support from Japan's peasants.
B.the emperor was to remain a symbolic head of state.
C.antitrust laws were abolished.
D.women were granted equality before the law.
6. In 1964, a loose union of Palestine refugees led to the formation of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) under Yasir Arafat. What was the aim of the PLO?
A.Driving Israel from East Jerusalem
B.Evicting Israel from Palestine
C.Establishing a Pan-Arab League
XD.Establishing Palestinian self-rule in their original homeland
7. In 1963, the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union signed an agreement
XA.banning nuclear tests in the atmosphere.
B.to ban nuclear testing.
C.to reduce nuclear weapons stockpiles.
D.banning nuclear proliferation.
8. When the Big Three met at ______, Harry Truman demanded free elections in Eastern Europe. Stalin's refusal was a factor in the emergent Cold War.
9. In Latin America, economic nationalism has beenmostsuccessful in
10. Among the many Eastern European revolutions of 1989, the only violent, bloody revolution took place in
11. In deliberations leading up to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, which member of the UN Security Council promised to veto any resolution that authorized an invasion of Iraq?
B.Russia Federation
C.Great Britain
12. Themainfactor behind recent civil wars has been
XA.ethnic rivalries.
D.economic nationalism.
13. As Western European recovery accelerated into the 1960s, guest workers were typically recruited from all of the following,except
C.North Africa.
D.southern Italy.
14. Racial tensions between Black Africans and White Colonists resulted in exploitation, resentment and protests in which African country?
XD.South Africa
15. Since the stunning 2002 electoral victory of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), the people of Turkey have been concerned that the AKP will
A.restore Ottoman-style authoritarianism.
B.attempt to spread Turkish culture across the Middle East.
C.embrace radical socialism.
XD.challenge Turkey's strict separation of church and state.
16. According to your textbook, which of the following has had thegreatestimpact on human communication?
A.Cell phones
XD.The Internet
17. Regarding multinational corporations in the era of globalization, which of the following statements isfalse?
A.They could invest large sums of money in research and development.
B.They used sophisticated promotion and advertising to sell their products around the world.
XC.Their activities were sharply restrained by national governments.
D.They could sustain monopolies on their products and services.
18. With respect to social problems faced by women and children around the world, which of the following statements isfalse?
XA.During the last few decades, instances of child sex-trafficking have declined.
B.Rape has long been used as a weapon of war.
C.In spite of access to birth control, birth rates remain high among poor women.
D.Worldwide women and girls have increasing access to education.
19. In French-speaking Africa, which state adopted radical Marxism?
D.Ivory Coast
20. Demographic factors that contributed to the rise of the counterculture included all of the following,except
A.mass communications and youth travel spread the counterculture over North America and Europe.
B.the postwar baby boom meant that young people made up a large portion of the population.
XC.the use of LSD and other psychedelics led to widespread impulsive behavior.
D.postwar prosperity meant that young people had significant purchasing power.