Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

Cardiovascular/Circulatory System Differentiated Instruction Menu Chapters 14-16

Educational research proves that students learn in different way. With this in mind you will have an opportunity to select from various learning activities. Items with ** indicate that those assignments are mandatory. In addition to these mandatory assignments, student may select other assignments that result in the total number of required points without going over. Place this sheet in a 3 pronged-2 pocket folder.

I understand that this unit requires more independent work than usual and I will utilize class time effectively to complete assignments. I understand that if I do not adhere to the deadline given, I may be in jeopardy of not receiving credit for my assignments.


Student signature Date

I understand that my child will be expected to use class time efficiently and that they must adhere to the deadlines given in order to receive credit for the assignments in this unit.


Parent signature Date

______Level C . Select assignment totaling 55pts. Don’t forget the required assignments that are worth 45pts (100 pts max).

Assignment (Daily Work) / Possible / Teacher initials / Earned
1**. Copy/print notes on "The Cardiovascular System." ** / 0-5
2. Create “Juicy Jargon” vocabulary study booklet using a graphic organizer (flip book, foldable, etc) / 0-15
3. Label the parts of the heart on a diagram (diagram can be downloaded from schoolwires) / 0-5
4. Read the chapters and answer the following questions (write questions or answer in complete sentences) Checkpoints: pg.346(#1); pg354(#3,4,6);pg370(#2,3,4);pg.390(#1);pg.394(#5,8,9); pg.412(#10) / 0-20
5. Create a table that lists the all the components of blood, their major function, and a drawing of each component. / 0-20
6. Make flashcards showing all the possible blood groups. Be sure to illustrate the antigens present on the surface of the RBC’s and tell what antibodies are produced by the body. Also indicate the other blood groups that blood can be donated to or received from. / 0-10
7. Create a flow chart showing blood flow through the pulmonary and systemic circuits. (refer to pg.371) / 0-15
8.Create a chart on the coverings and walls of the heart using the information on pg 365. / 0-5
9. Compare and contrast circulation in an adult versus fetal circulation (1 typed page, 12 point font). Be certain to check your spelling and grammar! / 0-20
10**. Quiz on cardiovascular system –Video Quiz: The Circulatory System. Student may take quiz while watching video segment Human Body Systems: The Circulatory System. ** / 0-15
11.** Mini-lab: Effects of exercise on heart rate. ** / 0-15
12. ** Parent and student signatures (see above). ** / 0-5
13. **Determine the standards that correspond to this unit**-write them on the left pocket of the folder / 0-5

Total Level C Points Earned ______

______Level B: Choose ONLY ONE assignment from this section (50 pts max).

Assignment (Projects) / Possible / Teacher initials / Earned
1. Create a power point presentation that Diagrams and describes how blood flows through a mammalian heart. Include the following: right and left atria, right and left ventricles, aortic semilunar valve & pulmonary semilunar valve, AV valves (bicuspid & tricuspid valves), aorta, pulmonary arteries, superior & inferior vena cava, pulmonary veins, and lungs. Use only UNLABELED figures to illustrate (at least 2 figures) The last slide must contain picture credits. / 0-50
2. Create an informational brochure using Mircrosoft Publisher. It should provide information on a disorder that affects the cardiovascular system such as atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, congenital heart defects, thrombophlebitis, pulmonary embolism, pericarditis, congestive heart failure, Marfan syndrome or a disease of your choice. This brochure should be suitable for a doctor to give to a patient who is newly diagnosed with the disease. INLCUDE: disease name, treatment options, frequency of occurance, populations affected, support groups or websites where the patient can get more info. (obtain teacher approval prior to beginning). / 0-50
3. Create an anatomically correct model of a heart using materials of your choice (no perishable items)
Labels: right and left atria, right and left ventricles, aortic semilunar valve & pulmonary semilunar valve, AV valves (bicuspid & tricuspid valves), aorta, pulmonary arteries, superior & inferior vena cava, pulmonary veins / 0-50
4. Complete Unit Packet / 0-50

Total Level B Points Earned ______

______Level A: All assignments in this section are mandatory (100 pts max).

Assignment (Assessments of Learning) / Possible / Teacher initials / Earned
1. **Cardiovascular Unit Lab (TBD). ** / 0-50
2. **Unit Test on Cardiovascular system. ** / 0-50

Total Level APoints Earned ______

Grades: 0-59=F 60-64=D 65-79=C 80-89=B 90-100=A

Assignment menu compiled by Tamika Baugh-Allen on 4/7/07. Updated on 2/9/09 by Robyn V. Evans, M.S .