Pastor’s Walk

This summer at Annual Conference, one of the speakers stood to read scripture and before doing so asked us to “listen with fresh ears” and “as if it were new” to what he was certain was a very familiar passage to us all. It was…but his request to “listen with fresh ears” and to hear “as if it were new” reminded me that the Word is a living Word. The Bible is not just a static grouping of words bound in book form…the Word is a living and breathing creation of God and as such we should treat those words written on those pages as ones we need to continually hear as new and listen with ears that are fresh. Because in doing so, although the message does not change our understanding of the message….what we hear in the message and what we feel from the message will certainly change as we grow in our faith and create in us something new over and over again. When we become willing, we are always being transformed by the Living Word of God!

So, as you continue reading what I am sure is very familiar scripture passage to us all…I ask that you read with “fresh ears” and “as if it were new”…Look and feel for the ways God is using this passage from God’s living Word to transform your life even now this Christmas Season!

"8And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

9And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

10And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

11For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.

12And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
13And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

14Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and goodwill towards men."

Luke 2: 8-14

I pray that you will find this season a little time to enjoy the peace and goodwill that can only be found in the realization that Jesus was born so that you and I will always know the glory and the never ending love of a God who is for you and with you now and forever…Amen.

Merry Christmas!

Pastor Steve

Christmas Card Mailbox

Remember to pick up your cards from the Christmas Card mailbox located in the Narthex. Also, remember to mail cards to those individuals who do not or are unable to attend church.

Our Vision

With God’s help and guidance,

we are a prayerful and welcoming

United Methodist church community.

A community dedicated to

making of disciples for Christ –

one that is flexible,


inviting to others,

and a safe place to explore and grow spiritually.

We will be all those things in Christ

by taking small prayerful steps,

keeping in mind that,

although we may be limited in our abilities,

the Spirit of God knows no such bounds

and will work within and through us

to accomplish wondrous and great things!

Worship Schedule for December

Dec. 20 4th Sunday of Advent

Scripture: Micah 5: 2-5a

Luke 1: 39-45

No Sermon: Choir Music Sunday

Dec. 24 Christmas Eve

Scripture: Psalm 96

Luke 2: 1-20

Sermon: New Song

Dec. 27 Musical Sunday

Scripture: Luke 2: 41-52

Psalm 148

Sermon: Home

Choir Musical Sunday

December 20th

Choir Christmas Dinner

Tuesday, December 22nd


Janice Rose’s home

Christmas Eve Service

Thursday, December 24th


Wesleyan Circle Meeting

Tuesday, January 5th


Church Office

Administrative Council Meeting

Sunday, January 24th

Immediately following worship

Fellowship Hall

January Birthdays

1 Leonard Laye

7 Leigh Beaver

8 Joyce Borchert

13 Olivia Weaver

30 Glen Garlick

Prayer Group

Everyone is welcome to our Prayer Group which meets every Wednesday from 9:00-10:00 a.m. (time is subject to change, as needed) at Mary Pearre’s home. If you are unable to attend, you can drop your prayer concern(s) in the prayer box located in the Narthex. The Prayer Group is willing to travel. We would be glad to come to anyone’s house upon request. Let us know if you are interested and what the best time would be.

Collection for the homeless

Patience has completed an inventory of the items in the ‘blue bin’ for the Homeless Bags.

(No, the bags are not homeless! :-) )

Socks 73

Cereal bars 54

Bottled water 50 +

Toothbrush/paste 38

Chapstick 13

Applesauce 28

Pudding 20

Fruit 24

Peanut butter cups 3

Hand sanitizer 21

Gallon bags 70

Bandaids 20 boxes

~ Just a reminder that our collected items for each person must fit in a gallon bag.

Thanks ~ Patience

Update on Church

HVAC Heating/Cooling System

Good news! The replacement/repairs to our church HVAC heating and cooling system have now been completed. We have heat to all locations: Sanctuary, Lands Class, Sunday School classes and church office in the basement of the Sanctuary, and the Fellowship Hall. Thanks go to Dean Lewis with A.Z. Price and his crew for their hard work and patience. There were a lot of things that came up that had to be fixed, repaired or replaced during their work.

Also, after the recent Fire Inspection by the Fire Department, we have replaced two Exit signs and installed a carbon monoxide alarm in the basement of the Sanctuary and installed two Fire Stop canisters over the new kitchen stove in the Fellowship Hall.

I’d like to thank Pastor Steve Kurt for all the hours he devoted in helping the Board of Trustees oversee the work that was done.

If you wish to contribute to our HVAC fund to help defray some of the costs, please do so by noting this desire on your contribution or by giving your gift through the Legacy Fund.

Thanks to all.

Phyllis Batts, Chairperson

CUMC Board of Trustees

In Our Walk With God

By Cookie Santiago

Think of a time when something or somebody made you happy – really happy. Perhaps it was when your child rushed home from school with a drawing she’s made just for you. Maybe a great performance or speech moved you to a very deep place. It might be the kindness of a stranger that turned your day around and made you smile. Perhaps, in a moment of quiet prayer, God came to you with new power and strength.

Joy is part of the covenant God has established with us. In our daily walk with God, we embrace it all with joy. And in the joy God has bestowed on us, in the joy that God shares with us, there is something holy.

Memorial Gifts


In Memory of Mabel Price

By: Joe and Emily Adkins

In Memory of Jane Beaver

By: Joe and Emily Adkins

In Memory of Martha Widders

By: John Widders

In Memory of Robert Pridgen

By: John Widders



In Honor of: John Beaver Family

By: Joe and Emily Adkins

In Honor of: Eddie Price Family

By: Joe and Emily Adkins

In Honor of Mable C. Davis

By: Nancy M. Carson

Our Prayer List

Phyllis Baker, Wanda Broome (daughter-in-law of Helen Broome), Lee Ann Fowler (daughter of Nan Thomas), Pat Inman (sister of Jackie Samuels), Martha Lee, Johnny McGraw (nephew of Janice Rose), Sheila Paquette (niece of Jackie Samuels), Ana Pearre, Donna Pruitt, Sarah Rhodes, Carl and Frances Stinson, Steve Woodrow (friend of Marie Rich)

Nursing/Assisted Living Care

Milton Burgess, Mable Davis, Irma Fields, Maxine Kincaid, Hazel Lands, Sarah Lever, Ann Pike, Jean Stoneman, Margery Weaver

Our Stewardship

November 22, 2015

Sunday School – 10

Church Attendance – 36

Offering - $1,430.41

November 29, 2015

Sunday School – 13

Church Attendance – 29

Offering - $810.20

December 6 2015

Sunday School – 9

Church Attendance – 34

Offering - $2,171.00

December 13, 2015

Sunday School - 8

Church Attendance – 25

Offering - $1,358.00


United Methodist Church

2434 Commonwealth Ave.

Charlotte, NC 28205-5132


December 15, 2015

Steve Kurt – Pastor

Patience Brumley – Pastoral Care

Sunday School – 10:00am

Worship Service - 11:00am

Office Hours

Mon. – Thurs. 9am to 1pm