North Molton Primary School Friday 13 October 2017

The hall was filled with music yesterday with all the children enjoying a dance session. It was a great way to wake up and get moving! For those that enjoyed the session please look out for further information about opportunities run by the instructor and sign up to our Street Dance sessions after half-term. Please remember that our last day before half-term is Thursday 19th next week. Mrs Hawkins

Road Safety: We have had further reports from members of the public regarding children cycling at speed in the evenings across the main road. Children have been spoken to about the importance of safe cycling.

Harvest Festival: Thank you to everyone who came and helped walk children to the chapel. We have collected some wonderful things to donate to the local food bank and raised £14.22 from the sale of fresh produce which we will be sending to Shelter box. Could we take this opportunity to remind parents to not film or take pictures at these events due to child protection issues surrounding some children.

Dance Workshop: the children all had a fantastic time yesterday participating in the Dance Workshop, learning lots of new moves as well as showing off their dance talents! This was a great way for the children to exercise while having fun, if they are keen to learn more there are posters around school on the boards for you to sign them up for further lessons with this independent dance instructor.

Clubs: Film and Netball club will NOT run after half term. However Street Dance club (run by school staff) will be starting on a Tuesday after school, pick up at 4.15pm. If you haven’t already then please sign your child up in the school office as space is limited.

Sewing club will be held next Thursday lunchtime so children will need to be collected at normal time please.

Operation Christmas Child: following yesterday’s assembly, there are shoe boxes in the school foyer if your child is interested in filling one for this worthy cause.

Secondary School applications – current year 6 pupils: applications can now be made if your child is in year 6 for their secondary school place for September 2018. This will need to be done via the Citizens portal, the deadline is 31 October 2017.

Penguins Update

A big thank you to everyone who was able to join us for the Harvest Celebrations this week. We were so proud of the Penguins. Thank you all for your positive comments on their behaviour. We’re going to be a bit closed lipped about what else we have been up to this week because we don’t want to spoil your surprise!

Trophies Neatness

Class 1 Archie for segmenting and blending to read words Barney

Class 2 Ida for super maths work Ida

Class 3 Flynn for being incredible ALL week! Nathaniel

Class 4 Victoria for always being so polite and helpful Lizzie

Art Aprons: could all children in classes 2, 3 & 4 please keep an old t-shirt or apron in their bags for use on a Thursday when doing art with Mrs Wilde.

We are getting rid of the blue sofas that were outside of class 2, if anyone is interested in them then please do pop in and collect them.

PTA News

Thursday 19th October - Halloween DVD Afternoon

3:30pm - 4:30pm - Pre-school, reception, years 1 and 2.

4:30pm - 6:00pm - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Halloween dress optional.

Tickets - £2.50 includes a hot dog, drinks, snacks and some fun activities.

Tickets available from Annabelle Kelly, Georgie Butt and Julie Belcher-Truss from next Tuesday.

Piano and Violin Lessons: If your child would like to learn either of these instruments, there are limited places available. For more information please contact the teacher Mrs Jenny Baker

Friday Club: meets tonight at the Methodist Hall at 7pm. If possible could children please bring a plastic bottle (approx. 600ml) with a lid for the activity this evening. Also please remember to return slips and money for Funderzone trip on the 10 November.

Diary Dates:

19 Oct PTA DVD afternoon

20 Oct Non pupil day

23-27 Oct Half Term

30 Oct Return to school

2 Nov STEM ambassador event

16 Nov Theatre Alibi performance (school aged children only)

17 Nov Children In Need. Spotty themed Non Uniform day

27 Nov Parent Consultations 3.20-5pm

28 Nov Parent Consultations 3.20-5pm

5 Dec Christmas Bazaar 5-6.30pm in school hall

11 Dec KS1 Nativity performance 2pm

12 Dec KS1 Nativity performance 2pm

13 Dec School Christmas Lunch (children, governors and PTA committee)

15 Dec Christingle service, 2pm at the All Saints Church

15 Dec Last day of autumn term

South Molton Strugglers are holding their annual South Molton Struggle on Sunday 29th October and, as in previous years, are also organising a children's race for children up to 11 years old (year 6 and under). Please see attached the entry form. As normal for this race, every child who takes part will get a medal. Entry is £2 per child.

If you have any queries, see the entry form for the contact details of South Molton Strugglers.

Beaford Arts will be preforming in the Methodist Chapel on Thursday 19th October, 7.30pm. Freshwater Songs, a celebration of freshwater folklore. Tickets cost £6/£4(U16) from Lucy Perry, the village shop or the Beaford Arts Website!

West Buckland School Foundation Bursary Scheme: these are offered to Year 7 students each year for local families.

One of our bursaries is specifically for children who live on Exmoor or North Devon District Council areas and whose family’s primary income comes from the rural economy. This is the Fortescue – Bristow Bursary. If this is something you are interested in and want to find out more please get in touch with Amanda Reynolds at West Buckland School

and phone number is 01598 760164 who would be more than happy to talk to parents about the scheme and the easy preliminary application process. The deadline for applications is 20th November 2017.

Public Consultation, School Admissions and Education Travel Arrangements: you are invited to consider the arrangements proposed by Devon County Council and by the academy, voluntary aided, foundation and free schools in Devon which are their own admissions authorities. Consultation is open from 1 November 2017 -5 January 2018, to view the proposal please visit or call My Devon on 0345 155 1019 for a paper version.