Gateway Christian Church
Wedding Policy
At Gateway, we believe that God designed the marriage relationship. He knows best how to build a marriage that will last a lifetime. We value the Word of God and what it tells us about marriage. To experience joy and fulfillment in our marriage, we need to adhere to the basic principles of marriage that the Bible outlines. Individuals who want to be married at Gateway must:
1. Contact our wedding coordinator, Ruth Ann Hines. You can reach Ruth Ann on her cell at (304) 546-5426. Ruth Ann will answer any questions about the church policy for you. She will also:
· Schedule your wedding date with the church.
· Arrange for a member of the ministry staff to perform your wedding (you may request anyone on staff, but this doesn’t guarantee he’ll be available)
· Set-up your first counseling appointment with the minister who will be performing the ceremony. (The minister will set up subsequent sessions as needed).
2. Also meet these Expectations (as far as it is possible):
· Pre-marital Counseling. We believe there are many important issues that need to be discussed on a private level before a couple joins together in marriage. These issues will be handled from both a practical and biblical standpoint. The number of sessions will be determined after the first session with the minister. The first session should be scheduled no less than 4 months prior to the ceremony.
· Marriage Class. A couple times a year, we will offer a class on marriage and family. We believe it is necessary for the couple to attend at least one of these 3-week classes if at all possible. The counseling minister will inform the couple of the details.
· Church Attendance. We believe every person needs the Lord and a church family. One of our ministers is investing his time and effort into the couple, thus, we feel the couple, at least during the duration of the counseling, should invest some time into meeting with the church to draw spiritual encouragement and lessons from God’s word by attending church at Gateway.
· Outside Ministers. If a couple wishes another minister to conduct or be involved in the ceremony, as well as the counseling, approval must be obtained from the senior minister and eldership.
· A Christian Union. 2 Corinthians 6:14 discusses this principle. “Do not be unequally yoked to unbelievers”. That is why we would rather not marry a couple if they are “unequally yoked” spiritually, meaning that they do not share the same faith. Both people should have trusted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and have been immersed into Christ by water baptism. This shows a solid commitment to establishing a Christian home which is what we as a church are trying to uphold.
· Sexual Purity. God’s word is clear about His desire for purity in our relationships (1 Corinthians 6:18-20). Therefore, we ask that the couple remain celibate and not live together at any time prior to the wedding. We will not perform the ceremony if the couple is living together during the time of counseling leading up to the wedding. This is also a protection for you against divorce, as research has found that couples who live together before marriage have a higher divorce rate than those who do not.
These guidelines have been created based upon Gateway Church’s belief in God’s plan for marriage, and are meant to encourage, protect, and strengthen the couple’s commitment to Christ. Due to the nature of interpersonal relationships and individuals levels of maturity, there may be some exceptions to these guidelines. These exceptions will be determined on an individual basis by the minister in charge of the ceremony.
3. Agree to be responsible for the following fees:
Wedding Coordinator – See Ruth Ann
Minister’s Honorarium - Suggested $100 to $150
Use of Facilities – Contact the minister for information & specifics
Musicians/Singers/Technical Help Contact them directly for availability and payment info.
(Generally, $50 is a good honorarium these services.)
Facilities Set-up & Cleaning Contact the minister for information & specifics
I ______(groom) and ______(bride) agree to abide by all elements of the above Gateway Christian Church wedding policy.
Date: ______. Minister signed: ______