Graduate student Organization

Campus Center 165B  University at Albany, SUNY  Albany, New York 12222

RGSO Funding Application Coversheet

Name of Organization: Graduate Association of Political Science

Departmental affiliation (if any): _Political Science

Semester and year of group’s initial recognition: ______

E-board members:


Name: Steve Sin

Position: President

Graduate Program: Political Science PhD

E-mail address:

Name: Robert Spice

Position: Vice President

Graduate Program: Political Science PhD

E-mail address:

Name: ______

Position: ______

Graduate Program: ______

E-mail address: ______

Name: Eric Kardas

Position: Secretary of the Treasury

Graduate Program: Political Science PhD

E-mail address:

Name: ______

Position: ______

Graduate Program: ______

E-mail address: ______

Name: ______

Position: ______

Graduate Program: ______

E-mail address: ______


List at least 5 graduate student members:

Name: Sean McKeever Program: Political Science PhD

Name: David Jones Program: Political Science PhD

Name: Ozlem Savas Program: Political Science PhD

Name: Jessica Aubin Program: Political Science PhD

Name: Jay Varuolo Program: Political Science PhD

Estimated number of student members in the organization: ____88______

This estimate is based on: The list and records of the graduate students kept by the Department of Political Science administrator. The list was current as of 29 January 2012 (All graduate students in the Political Science Department are GAPS members automatically).

Graduate student Organization

Campus Center 165B  University at Albany, SUNY  Albany, New York 12222

RGSO Statement of Non-Discrimination

It is the policy of the University at Albany Graduate Student Organization (GSO) to provide equal opportunity to participate in GSO recognized graduate student groups for all qualified persons.


I agree to adhere to this policy, knowing that failure to enforce the policy will result in a penalty that will be decided by the RGSO Committee and the MCAA Committee.

Name of Group:

Graduate Association of Political Science


Position Name (Print) Signature

President Steve Sin

Vice President Robert Spice

Secretary of the Treasury Eric Kardas





Graduate student Organization

Campus Center 165B University at Albany, SUNY  Albany, New York 12222

GSO Assembly Representative/Alternate Registration Form

Name of RGSO: Graduate Association of Political Science

I, hereby certify that I have been chosen by the RGSO group, to act as a GSO Assembly (circle one of the following choices)


I understand that if I am absent for more than one Assembly meeting without providing an alternate to vote in my place, my status as an active Assembly member will be revoked and I will not be counted for quorum purposes.

This will also result in a seizure of funds for the organization.

I may re-register with the GSO Assembly Speaker at least 48 hours prior to the next GSO Assembly meeting in order to be reinstated as an active Assembly member.

NAME: Rob Spice

HOME ADDRESS: 308 Georgetown Ct; Albany, NY 12203

DEPARTMENT ADDRESS: Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy

Department of Political Science, Milne Hall 107

135 Western Avenue

Albany, NY 12222



Graduate student Organization

Campus Center 165B University at Albany, SUNY  Albany, New York 12222

GSO Assembly Representative/Alternate Registration Form

Name of RGSO: Graduate Association of Political Science

I, hereby certify that I have been chosen by the RGSO group, to act as a GSO Assembly (circle one of the following choices)


I understand that if I am absent for more than one Assembly meeting without providing an alternate to vote in my place, my status as an active Assembly member will be revoked and I will not be counted for quorum purposes.

This will also result in a seizure of funds for the organization.

I may re-register with the GSO Assembly Speaker at least 48 hours prior to the next GSO Assembly meeting in order to be reinstated as an active Assembly member.

NAME: Steve Sin

HOME ADDRESS: 283B Hackett Blvd; Albany, NY 12208

DEPARTMENT ADDRESS: Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy

Department of Political Science, Milne Hall 107

135 Western Avenue

Albany, NY 12222

PHONE #: 518-445-5771


Graduate student Organization

Campus Center 165B University at Albany, SUNY  Albany, New York 12222


Name of Organization: _Graduate Association of Political Science ____

1. GAPS Film Forum Screening #1

2. GAPS Guest Speaker Series #1

**Flyers for the completed events attached

Graduate student Organization

Campus Center 165B University at Albany, SUNY  Albany, New York 12222


Graduate student Organization

Campus Center 165B University at Albany, SUNY  Albany, New York 12222


Graduate student Organization

Campus Center 165B University at Albany, SUNY  Albany, New York 12222

RGSO Planned Events

For each event, please complete the following:

Title of event: GAPS Film Series (X2)

[Approximate] date of event: March 23 and April 20, 2012

Planned location: Milne 215

Brief description of the event:

Politics and film has become an increasingly important subfield in the faculty of political science. This film series provides students with an opportunity to discuss the political, social, and economic qualities of movies with their peers and professors; which not only provides them with training for teaching politics and film courses, but also with socialization in a relaxed environment. Therefore, not only is this film series imperative to the students intellectual and professional development; but also, and just an importantly, to their morale.

Number of people expected to attend: 20 Total amount requested for the event: $100 (for 2)

Provide a justification for these expenses. Movie rental/ticket purchase and refreshments


Has this event received GSO funding in the past? If so, how much? Yes. $20 per viewing plus part of the $250 allotted funding for recognition was used for this event.

How much will be contributed from other sources? N/A

*Will you be collaborating with another RGSO for this event? If yes, which one(s)?

No, however, we will extend invitations to the RGSO community to participate in the film series.

*GSO is working to promote more cooperation between RGSO groups to create a more unified graduate student population; therefore, we will be encouraging groups to work together to plan and host events as well as to share expenses. Funding preference will be given to events that are co-sponsored. We feel that this will not only save money by decreasing duplication of similar events, but it will bring the graduate community together to meet people outside of their program.

Graduate student Organization

Campus Center 165B University at Albany, SUNY  Albany, New York 12222

Title of event: Guest Speaker Series (X2)

[Approximate] date of event: Feb 22, 2012; Apr 11, 2012 (Alt date: Apr 25, 2012)

Planned location: Milne 215

Brief description of the event:

Guest speakers introduce graduates and the faculty to professional academics and their research by funding guest lectures. Hosting guest speakers provides for professional development, intellectual stimulation and an opportunity to build relationships with academics nationwide – which is increasingly important given the difficult job market facing recent graduates and current students. Students not only have the chance to survey foundational research from visiting academics, but also are enriched from the experience of watching a professional academic deliver their research. Hosting guest lecturers is crucial to students and GAPS. Talks have always been well attended.

Number of people expected to attend: 30 Total amount requested for the events: $100

Provide a justification for these expenses. We are requesting a total of $100 to support one guest speaker for our lecture series. The funds will be used for refreshments purchased for the event.

Has this event received GSO funding in the past? If so, how much? Yes. $150

How much will be contributed from other sources? Rockefeller College will provide all other funds needed (such as honorarium, etc.)

*Will you be collaborating with another RGSO for this event? If yes, which one(s)?

No, however, we try to select speakers who’s area of expertise relates to contemporary issues that attract interest beyond political science, and as such, will encourage all members of the University community to attend.

*GSO is working to promote more cooperation between RGSO groups to create a more unified graduate student population; therefore, we will be encouraging groups to work together to plan and host events as well as to share expenses. Funding preference will be given to events that are co-sponsored. We feel that this will not only save money by decreasing duplication of similar events, but it will bring the graduate community together to meet people outside of their program.

Graduate student Organization

Campus Center 165B University at Albany, SUNY  Albany, New York 12222

Title of event: GAPS Graduate Student Conference & Colloquia

[Approximate] date of event: May 9, 2012

Planned location: Milne 215

Brief description of the event:

In the Spring semester we will host our first graduate conference. The conference is designed to work as a professional primer that will give graduate students an opportunity to present papers to the peers in a professional setting without the pressure of a formal academic conference. Our goals include: providing constructive criticism for graduate students preparing papers to present at regional and/or national conferences; helping our graduate students benefit from the experience of a formal presentation; strengthening our overall departmental research program while building a broader sense of community among political science graduate students.

Number of people expected to attend: 30 Total amount requested for the event: $300

Provide a justification for these expenses. The expenses include a reception for the conference attendees and presenters as well as the costs of producing bound article abstracts for distribution at the event.

Has this event received GSO funding in the past? No – First Time Event.

How much will be contributed from other sources? We will request in-kind contributions from Rockefeller College and the Department of Political Science.

*Will you be collaborating with another RGSO for this event? If yes, which one(s)?

No, though we will extend invitations to other graduate student organizations once we have determined the conference topic/guidelines for presenters and established a review committee.

*GSO is working to promote more cooperation between RGSO groups to create a more unified graduate student population; therefore, we will be encouraging groups to work together to plan and host events as well as to share expenses. Funding preference will be given to events that are co-sponsored. We feel that this will not only save money by decreasing duplication of similar events, but it will bring the graduate community together to meet people outside of their program.

Graduate student Organization

Campus Center 165B University at Albany, SUNY  Albany, New York 12222

Title of event: Rockefeller College Graduate Student Welcome Sponsored by GAPS

[Approximate] date of event: August 27, 2012

Planned location: Washington Tavern

Brief description of the event:

At the beginning of each fall semester, GAPS holds a welcome night for the new and returning graduate students of Rockefeller College to build espirit de corps for all the graduate student population of the college.

Number of people expected to attend: 20 Total amount requested for the event: $300

Provide a justification for these expenses. The expense is used to cover the catering cost associated with the welcome.

Has this event received GSO funding in the past? No – While this event is a tradition that has been on-going since prior to the formation of GAPS, this is the first time we are opening the event up to for quite a few years within the college, this will be the first time GAPS will open the event up to the entire UAlbany graduate student population.

How much will be contributed from other sources? None

*Will you be collaborating with another RGSO for this event? If yes, which one(s)?

No, though we will extend invitations to other graduate student organizations to join us to make the event much more diverse.

*GSO is working to promote more cooperation between RGSO groups to create a more unified graduate student population; therefore, we will be encouraging groups to work together to plan and host events as well as to share expenses. Funding preference will be given to events that are co-sponsored. We feel that this will not only save money by decreasing duplication of similar events, but it will bring the graduate community together to meet people outside of their program.

Graduate student Organization

Campus Center 165B University at Albany, SUNY  Albany, New York 12222


RE: Discrepancy between Funding Awarded and Funding Spent for the First Funding Cycle of 2011-2012 School Year

To GSO Vice President and Funding Committee :

GAPS requested $350.00 to conduct two events (1 film screening and 1 speaker series) for the first funding period of 2011-2012 school year; however,. GAPS was awarded a total of $850.00 (including $250.00 in allotted funds) for the first funding period of 2011-2012 school year.

With a $500.00 increase in funding for the first funding period, our original plan was to utilize the money to lay the necessary groundwork for the “GAPS Alumni-Graduate Student Workshop Panel,” which was scheduled for the Spring 2012 semester. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, we will not be able to hold the event this year; therefore, we were not able to utilize the $500.00 that was earmarked for the alumni-graduate student event.

Additionally, we had to cancel one of our film screenings and had a change in our funding requirement for the speaker series during the first funding cycle.

The above stated unforeseen changes in events and circumstances accounts for the large discrepancy between the funding awarded and funding spent for the first funding cycle of 2011-2012 school year.

GAPS will adjust the budget request for the second funding period so that the budget request reflects our latest circumstances and plans.
