Power Interviewing

A learning Module on Interviewing with UTB Student Cohorts

Warning before you begin the training please make sure and listen to the message located at this Link below:

Click the My Paw ……

After you have listened to the message please complete all of the questions in the rubric guide.

When you see my paw it’s important to remember or to do.

Step One: Bringing appropriate tools to the interview

UTB students need to bring appropriate tools to the interview.

You will need to develop an effective Cover Letter and Resume before you present yourself to the interview. This will help you market yourself effectively with the interviewer. A cover letter and resume is a representation of what you have accomplished in your chosen career. Remember to bring a note pad and pen to take notes during the interview process.

Cover letter Resume

Let’s recap what the first step in interviewing process entails.
Which of the following sections listed
below should be included in a resume?
  1. Contact Information,
Education, Awards, Experience,
Skills, Volunteer and References.
  1. Contact Information, Experience,
Skills, Awards, Volunteer and
  1. Contact Information, Education,
Awards, Experience, Personnel
Activities, Volunteer and References.
  1. Contact Information, Education,
Awards, Experience, Skills, Volunteer,
Personnel goals and References.
Which of the following is the correct
format to use for a cover letter?
1.The first paragraph explains the
position you are applying for. The
second paragraph mentions your
qualifications. The third paragraph
refers the reader to the resume.
The last paragraph mentions a request
for a personnel interview.
2. The first paragraph mentions your
qualifications. The second paragraph
explains the position you are applying
for.The third paragraph refers the reader
to the resume. The last paragraph mentions
a request for a personnel interview.
3.None of the above.
4.The format does not really matter as
long provide something to recruiter to read.
Determine which of the following are necessary items to have
during the interview process?
1. No notepad or pen required during the interview.
2. Some of the interviews require a note pad
and pen but not all.
3. Although no notepad or pen is required
it is a good idea to bring
during the interview.
4. None of the above

Step Two: Dress for success

It is important to remember to always dress professionally during the interview process. You always want to provide a first good impression to the interviewer and it also sends a positive message about your professionalism. Successful candidates have always practice the golden rule of always maintain a professional look. It is just as important to look professional as it is to communicate professionally on a daily basis.

Let’s recap what the second step in interviewing process entails.
Which of the following statements listed below
best describes the ideal dress attire and
grooming qualities a student should present themselves
during an interview?

  1. Casual attire and shoes and a self-check
is acceptable during an interview.
  1. Millennial’s are exempt for dressing
professional during the interview.
  1. Professional business casual attire and
shoes and self-check is a must during
an interview.
  1. None of the above

Step Three: Preparing before for the interview

Preparing before the interview provides the potential employer a snap shot image on how well prepared you are for the job. It is also important to rehearse your success stories with someone you trust and ask for feedback on the story. The story needs to be impactful and relevant to the job description. Prior to the interview analyze the job description carefully and extract all action verbs in the job description and import them into your success stories. This is the key to a successful interview.

Let’s recap what the third step in the interviewing process entails.

Which of the following statement is true?
1.)Maintain a positive attitude
and image is very important
during an interview but tell a
success story is just fluff.
2.)Maintain a positive attitude
and image is very important during
an interview but tell a success
story is just as important.
3.)Sharing personnel success stories
and maintaining a positive attitude
is important but a positive image
not so much during an interview.
4.)All of the above

Step Four: Asking the right questions during the interviewing

You should by now understand the importance of preparing before the interview process begins. It is good practice to write down questions to ask the potential employer before the interview. When the employer asks during the interview do you have question for me? You should respond with at least three important questions you would like answered by the employer. What traits does your ideal candidate have? What are the benefits offered by your company? How long is your companies training program? Rehearsing and asking these three questions will help you gain a betterunderstanding of the company and the job performance duties.

Let’s recap what the fourth step
is in the interviewing process entails

Which three questions should be asked
during the interview process?
1.)What does your ideal candidate
look like? What are the benefits offered?
How long is the jobtraining?
2.)What do employers look for in a
new hire? What are the benefits offered?
How long is the job training?
3.)None of the above
  1. Do you offer benefits?
What is your Ideal candidate look like?
What is the starting salary?

Step Five: Maintaining a positive attitude and image

Remember to maintain a positive attitude before and during the interview process. At the same time maintain a positive self-image. Employers most of the time look for attitude traits potential candidates poses. At the same time, the majority of employers look for candidates that have positive attitudes and view others with the same characteristics they have.

Let’s recap what the fifth step in the interviewing process entails.
Which of the following statement best describes
a true statement about positive attitude and self- image
during the interview process ?
1.)Maintain a positive attitude
and image is very important during
an interview but tell a success story
is just fluff.
2.)Maintain a positive attitude
and image is very important during
an interview but tell a success story
is just as important.

2.)Sharing personnel success stories
and maintaining a positive attitude
is important but a positive image
not so much during an interview.
4.)All of the above

Step Six: Being mindful of your nonverbal & verbal communication

There are many types of communication use in today’s society but the two we will discuss today are verbal and non- verbal communication. Using the wrong type of communication can lead to the message being misunderstood by the receiver. Using verbal communication effectively is key when trying to convey a specific message to the employer. Watch for pitch, tone and verbal obstructions when communicating with employers. The second type of communication is nonverbal communication. This can also lead to the message being misunderstood by not using complete sentences or not completing a specific concept in writing.

Let’s recap what the Sixth step in the interviewing process entails.
Which of the following statements
is the correct answer as it pertains
to non-verbal and verbal communication
during an interview.
1.) The interviewee should
remember that non-verbal communication is
more important than verbal
communication during the interview?
2.)The interviewee should be
mindful of neither verbal nor
nonverbal communication
during the interview?
3.)The Interviewer should be
somewhat mindful of verbal
communication only during the
4.) The Interviewee should
remember to be mindful of
verbal and nonverbal communication
is equally important during the interview?

Step Seven: Sending a thank you letter

The majority of the time most students or applicants failed to utilize the importance of sending a thank you letter to the recruiter after the interview. It provides an advantage to the applicant who follows through with a simple thank you letter. The three ways an applicant can send a thank you letter. The first way is through the U.S mailing system. The second way is through a professional email and last way is a follow up phone call.


Let’s recap what the Seventh step in the interviewing process entails.
Which of the following statements is the best answer after the interview has ended?
1.)Sending a thank you post card and a fax after the interview is appropriate after the interview?
2.)Sending a thank you telegram and a phone call is appropriate after the interview?
3.)Sending a thank you letter and professional email or a phone call is appropriate after the interview?
4.)Sending a Thank you letter and professional email or a message on twitter is appropriate after the interview?

Student Name______ / Date:
TOPIC / Pre Test / Post Test
(1 Weak to 5 Strong) / Rate from 1-5
(1 Weak to 5 Strong)
Student has a Cover letter ready for the interview. / 5 / 5
Student has a Resume ready for the interview. / 5 / 5
Student has a notepad and Pen ready for the interview. / 5 / 5
Student demonstrates knowledge in appropriateattire for the interview. / 5 / 5
Student demonstrates knowledge in appropriate shoes wearing for the interview. / 5 / 5
Student demonstrates knowledge in self-check before the interview. / 5 / 5
Student demonstrates knowledge in analyze the job description before the interview. / 5 / 5
Student demonstrates knowledge on researching the company before the interview. / 5 / 5
Student demonstrates knowledge ability to listen attentively to interviewer's questions. / 5 / 5
Student demonstrates knowledge in preparing to discuss the resume with employer. / 5 / 5
Student demonstrates knowledge on asking the question. What do you look for in an ideal candidate? / 5 / 5
Student demonstrates knowledge on asking the question. What benefits are offered? / 5 / 5
Student demonstrates knowledge on asking the question. How long is the training? / 5 / 5
Student demonstrates knowledge positive Attitude. / 5 / 5
Student demonstrates knowledge positive image (Smiling sense of urgency) / 5 / 5
Student demonstrates knowledge non- verbal communication / 5 / 5
Student demonstrates knowledge verbal communication / 5 / 5
Student demonstrates knowledge sending a thank you letter / 5 / 5
Student demonstrates knowledge sending a thank you email / 5 / 5
Student demonstrates knowledge calling and thanking the interviewer by phone / 5 / 5
Overall impression. Would you hire this applicant? / 5 / 5
Total Score
100 / 100