Life Cycle Plan (LCP) Version 4.0
Regression Test Package (RTP)
Healthy Kids Zone Survey App
Team 14
Name / Primary Role / Contact EmailJessie Kim / Client /
Joseph Martinez / Client /
Carson Malcoln / Client /
Yang Wang / Project Manager
Life Cycle Planner /
Chad Honkofsky / IIV&V/QFP /
Xu Zhang / Builder (Front-end Designer) /
Chenglu Wang / Tester /
Junjun Ji / Builder (Mobile Designer) /
Ye Tao / Builder (Back-end Designer) /
Regression Test Package (RTP) Version 1.1 Version no x.xx
Version History
Date / Author / Version / Changes made / Rationale /04/04/14 / Chenglu Wang / 1.0 / · Finished Chapter 1,2,3 / · To fit the requirements of IOC #1
04/09/14 / Chenglu Wang / 1.1 / · Updated Chapter 2,3 / · To fit the requirements of IOC #1
Table of Contents
Regression Test Package (RTP) i
Version History ii
Table of Contents iii
Table of Tables iv
1. Introduction 1
2. Tests to run 2
3. Regression Test Results 4
RTP_IOC1_S14b_T14_V1.1.doc Version Date: 04/09/2014
1 Table of Contents
Table of Tables
Table 1: TC-13-01 Check Image Uploading 2
Table 2: TC-14-01 Check Marker Export 2
Table 3: Regression Test Results 4
RTP_IOC1_S14b_T14_V1.1.doc Version Date: 04/09/2014
Regression Test Package (RTP) Version 1.1
1. Introduction
The purpose of testing within this project is to add new functionality test cases since the some requirements changed and functions as to modifying school name and path name proposed by the client. The scope of testing within this project is school name modification and path name modification. As Acceptance Tests, these two tests are the same tests which were performed during development phase.
2. Tests to run
In Iteration 1, we have fixed all the bugs we found in our system. But our system’s requirements changed after Iteration 1. There’re 2 changes. First, we need to add Image Uploading function since Survey Monkey API didn’t allow us to download image from SM server. Second, we need to add Marker Export function, because our clients didn’t have detailed requirements about Marker Export during Iteration 1.
After implementing the Image Uploading & Marker Export function in our system, we had to rerun some of our test cases. Because we changed some of data structure and front end code, we need to make sure that those changes didn’t generate new bugs. We also have 2 new test cases about Image Uploading and Marker Export.
The sequence of test is listed below:
Table 1: TC-13-01 Check Image Uploading
Test Case Number / TC-13-01 Check Image UploadingTest Item / Test whether images can be uploaded, associated with a question and could display on mobile.
Test Priority / M
Pre-conditions / There’s at least one survey stored in HKZ Database
Post-conditions / The image uploaded is stored in HKZ Database.
Input Specifications / (1) àImportàImage Upload
(2) Choose “HKZ_Test” in Survey List dropdown list
(3) Choose “Tally” in Question Type dropdown list
(4) Choose “1” in Question No. dropdown list
(5) Click “select file” button, and choose “fire_hydrant.jpg” in your computer.
(1) Click “Upload” button.
Expected Output Specifications / (1) A message showing successful uploading.
Pass/Fail Criteria / - For the given input, showing the expected output.
- The picture should be shown on HKZ Mobile App when we open “HKZ_Test” SurveyàTally categoryàQuestion 1.
Assumptions and Constraints / None
Dependencies / TC-02-02
Completion Criteria / - Pass the expect input and output
- Continue running the test case and verify the image uploading function on mobile app when running the TC-10-01.
Traceability / WC_3039, WC_3040
Table 2: TC-14-01 Check Marker Export
Test Case Number / TC-04-03 Check Marker ExportTest Item / Test whether we could generate Marker report completely and correctly.
Test Priority / S
Pre-conditions / There’s at least one marker stored in HKZ Database
Post-conditions / None.
Input Specifications / (1) àExport
(2) Click “Export Marker” Button
Expected Output Specifications / (1) A csv file which contains the marker information is generated.
Pass/Fail Criteria / -The csv file is generated successfully.
- The csv file should contain one row, which commented “Test Marker” (In TC-11-01, we create one marker commented “Test Marker”).
Assumptions and Constraints / None
Dependencies / TC-11-01
Completion Criteria / - Generate the report.
- Check the correctness of the report.
Traceability / WC_3058
3. Regression Test Results
Table 3: Regression Test Results
Iteration / Test Case / Result2 / TC-01-01 / Pass
2 / TC-01-02 / Pass
2 / TC-02-01 / Pass
2 / TC-02-02 / Pass
2 / TC-13-01 / Pass
2 / TC-03-01 / Pass
2 / TC-03-03 / Pass
2 / TC-04-01 / Pass
2 / TC-04-03 / Pass
2 / TC-05-01 / Pass
2 / TC-06-01 / Pass
2 / TC-06-02 / Pass
2 / TC-08-01 / Pass
2 / TC-10-01 / Pass
2 / TC-10-02 / Pass
2 / TC-10-03 / Pass
2 / TC-11-01 / Pass
2 / TC-09-02 / Pass
2 / TC-09-01 / Pass
2 / TC-12-02 / Pass
2 / TC-12-03 / Pass
2 / TC-12-01 / Pass
2 / TC-07-01 / Pass
2 / TC-05-02 / Pass
2 / TC-04-02 / Pass
2 / TC-03-02 / Pass
2 / TC-02-03 / Pass
2 / TC-14-01 / Pass
RTP_IOC1_S14b_T14_V1.1.doc Version Date: 04/09/2014