2017 New England North West Regional Landcare Awards
Junior Landcare Team
This award will be made to a youth organisation or young Landcare team that contributes to raising awareness, knowledge and understanding of Landcare amongst young people up to the age of 18, and implements Landcare practices on its own property or within the local community. For this award, youth organisations include primary schools, secondary schools and youth groups
such as scouts.
Please complete this form, including the contact details of the team nominated and the nominator (if different), and information that demonstrates how the nominee meets the judging criteria below. Please remember to send two digital photographs and any relevant supporting documents.
Applicants must respond to all the criteria below for their nominated award category, with a maximum of 2,000 characters (which is approximately 300 words) allowed for each criteria point.
All nominations must follow the Landcare NSW selection criteria, rules and conditions to be accepted into the Regional Landcare Awards.
Judging Criteria - the judges will use the information provided in this nomination to assess the extent to which:
1. How has the organisation’s activities led to an improved understanding among their team members and/or the community about environmental/natural resource management issues and further developed skills to better manage the challenges associated with these issues?
2. Provide examples of projects that the team has implemented that have inspired their school, group or community to extend their learning and skills-development classes into practical onground activity.
3. How has the team helped others, such as other young groups and/or the wider community learn about Landcare and environmental issues?
4. Show how the group has sought advice, worked with and involved the wider community, other Landcare/community groups, government, business and schools, in the development and implementation of its plans.
5. Describe how the team has developed its educational resources and formed partnerships to increase the capacity of young landcarers to learn about and address environmental/natural resource management issues.
6. Describe any challenges the team has faced in the development and implementation of Landcare projects and the strategies used to address these challenges.
The 2017 winner of this Award will gain automatic entry into the State Landcare Awards in October.
Nominee Details (i.e. contact person for the group being nominated)
Dr Mr Miss Mrs Ms (please circle or bold)Name
Postal address
Home phone number / Mobile phone number
Email address
Nomination prepared by (if different from above)
Dr Mr Miss Mrs Ms (please circle or bold)Name
Postal address
Home phone number / Mobile phone number
Email address
This nomination is accompanied by:
Digital image files (JPEG or TIF) YES / NO (please circle or bold) / Digital document files (Word, PDF) YES / NO (please circle or bold)Hard copy documents/photos YES / NO (please circle or bold) / Do you want them returned? YES / NO (please circle or bold)
I give authority to the NENW Network Chairs to use the information and photographs provided within and with this nomination for the purpose of promoting the New England Regional Landcare Awards and natural resource management in the region within the Networks media materials. / YES / NO (please circle or bold)
Junior Landcare Team Award
Background – please provide some background information on the nominated team that will provide context to this nomination
Judging Criteria
1. How has the organisation’s activities led to an improved understanding among their team members and/or the community about environmental/natural resource management issues and further developed skills to better manage the challenges associated with these issues? (2,000 character limit, which is approx. 300 words).
2. Provide examples of projects that the team has implemented that have inspired their school, group or community to extend their learning and skills-development classes into practical onground activity.(2,000 character limit, which is approx. 300 words).
3. How has the team helped others, such as other young groups and/or the wider community learn about Landcare and environmental issues? (2,000 character limit, which is approx. 300 words).
4. Show how the group has sought advice, worked with and involved the wider community, other Landcare/community groups, government, business and schools, in the development and implementation of its plans. (2,000 character limit, which is approx. 300 words).
5. Demonstrate how the group has shared and communicated its ideas, plans, skills, and results (e.g., through field days or education campaigns), to encourage others (i.e. not involved in the group) to participate in Landcare practices and projects. (2,000 character limit, which is approx. 300 words).
6. Describe any challenges the group has faced in the development and implementation of cutting-edge Landcare practices or projects, and the strategies used to address these challenges. (2,000 character limit, which is approx. 300 words).
Nominations can be submitted as hard copies and posted in the mail or as electronic copies and emailed (preferred).
Posting hard copies
Please post hard copy nominations (with digital images on CD or USB) to:
New England North West Regional Landcare Awards, C/O GLENRAC PO Box 660 Glen Innes NSW 2370.
Uploading electronic copies
Please save your nomination and supporting documents as Word or PDF files, and accompanying photos as JPEG (preferable) or TIF files. Then email your nomination to
Nominations close midnight Friday 31st March 2017
2017 New England North West Regional Landcare Awards – Junior Landcare Team