Title of Post: English GCSE Course Leader
Line Manager: Head of Programme Area
Full Time Salary: £24,142 - £34,194 pa inclusive of Outer London Allowance and remission time
An additional Professional Standards payment of up to £5,272 will be available to eligible candidates
Please note:
In line with new College policy, all Course Leader posts are subject to annual review as are determined by guided learning hours and student numbers.
1 General Responsibilities
• To play a full and enthusiastic part in the general life of the College.
• To support and work co-operatively with the Head of Department and other team members.
• To be flexible and responsive in all aspects of the post.
• To undertake a full teaching load in line with College policy.
• To support the ethos of the College, its marketing, publicity and recruitment activities.
• To implement the College's policies on Equal Opportunities and Health and Safety.
2 Teaching
To manage the teaching and learning processes for all assigned groups and courses.
Key tasks include:
• keeping up to date with subject and course developments and external requirements such as exam boards and awarding bodies;
• preparing schemes of work and learning programmes;
• undertaking appropriate assessment activities to monitor the progress and attainment of students;
• recording and reporting student progress and attainment in line with College policies and practices;
• promoting and delivering a range of teaching and learning strategies to enhance student achievement;
• acting as a course/subject leader within the department where appropriate;
• contributing to the review and evaluation procedures in line with the College's Quality Assurance policy.
• teaching across a range of subjects as appropriate
3 Tutoring (where appropriate)
The college operates a multiple tutoring system and tutors are normally responsible for a minimum of two tutor groups. Key tasks include:
• Delivering a specified group tutorial programme, which aims to develop students’ study, interpersonal and life skills.
• Providing advice, guidance, and support on progression within the college, and to employment or University, including the writing of HE references.
• Monitoring students’ progress, and ensuring their regular and punctual attendance.
• Setting and reviewing targets through one to one tutorials.
• Monitoring students’ academic programmes to maximize their achievement.
• Identifying ‘at risk’ students and referring them for appropriate support.
• Maintaining auditable records for group, one to one tutorials and student reviews.
4. Course Leader
The purpose of this role is to support the Deputy Head of Faculty to reach programme area goals for success rates and meeting SFC WP/College national averages on the relevant course(s). In order to achieve this, Course Leaders will undertake the following duties:
• Lead and co-ordinate a cohesive team (where appropriate)
• Lead team/Lead on teaching and learning issues relevant to the course.
• Chair and drive the agenda and follow up action for course team meetings (where appropriate)
• Manage and lead the team on the quality assurance cycle / Manage the quality assurance cycle for the course against a set of agreed KPI’s
• Review and monitor progress of QIP and, if applicable, course for concern
• Manage internal and external moderation and/or verification
• Manage and develop resources to be shared by the team / Manage and develop resources for the course
• Keep abreast of subject knowledge
• Lead and manage on curriculum development and change
• Maintain, update and monitor schemes of work and course handbooks
• Ensure the team follow up on target setting, and use of college support mechanisms/ follow up on target setting, and use of college support mechanisms
• Ensure high expectations are consistently communicated to students and take action where necessary
• Ensure team track and monitor students rigorously in line with college policy / Monitor and track students in line with college policy
• Collaborate with course leaders in other departments to share good practice
• Carry out all administrative procedures necessary for the smooth running of the course including, for example, Exam Entries, Communication with exam boards
• Manage budgets, where appropriate
• Work with the Head of Faculty and Faculty Administrators to ensure work is set for absent team members (where appropriate).
Please note:
This is a generic job description applying to all course leaders. Some requirements have been written in two versions – the italicized one refers to course leaders who are the sole teacher on the course. Any requirement to lead or manage the work of the team does not apply to such leaders.
5 Staff Development and Appraisal
• To support the College's Staff Development and Appraisal policies.
6 Such other duties as may be determined from time to time
This job description is current as at May 2013. In consultation with the postholder, it is liable to variation by the Principal to reflect or anticipate changes in or to the job of Course Leader.
All newly appointed Course Leaders will be required to satisfy a 12 month period of probation.
Person Specification
/ Employee Attributes / Assessed via: / Essential/ /Desirable /
1.3 / Academic
Possession of a relevant degree or equivalent
Evidence of recent relevant professional training
Teacher trained / A
A / E
2.3 / Teaching and Learning
Proven ability to bring about continuous improvement in the operation of the College and/or the performance of its students
Demonstrate an ability to place the learner at the centre of your practice and experience of developing teaching and learning strategies to enable this.
Ability to lead and work as part of a team in developing teaching and learning strategies / L/I
L/I / E
3.4 / Communication
Ability to make effective presentations to both large and small groups
Ability to encourage and motivate staff and where appropriate create a cohesive team.
Ability to communicate with different audiences
Well-developed written and oral communication skills to a minimum of Level 2 / I
A/L/I/T/LO / E
4.3 / Organisation
Ability to demonstrate good organisational skills
Experience of monitoring and tracking students
Ability to demonstrate experience of using assessment records to improve student outcomes / L/I
L/I / E
5.2 / Knowledge
An understanding of current developments in the FE sector especially in relation inspection and curriculum developments
Computer Literacy and experience in the use of Microsoft Office / L/I
A/L/I / E
Key to Assessment Methods:
A = Application Form LO = Lesson Obs
L = Letter of Application
I = Interview
P = Presentation
T= Task
HR/job descriptions/Course Leader – April 2015