Shepherd University
Faculty Senate • Meeting Minutes
February 20, 2006
Scott Beard (MUSC) present
Denis Berenschot (ENG) ßpresent
Roland Bergman (SOC/GEOG) present
Jason Best (IES) present
Larry Daily (PSY) present
Gordon De Merritt (BADM) present
Robin Good (EDUC) X-doctor’s appt.
Osman Guzide (CME) present
Anne Henriksson (LIB) present
Doug Horner (SCWK) present
Mike Jacobs (HPERS) present
Clarice Ottlley (NURS) present
Karen Reid (ECON) present
Sylvia Shurbutt (ACF) present
Rhonda Smith (Art) X-family emergency
J. W. Thatcher (BUS) present
Bob Warburton (CHEM) present
Joyce Webb (COMM) present
Bob Willgoos (HIST) present
David Wing (CIS) X
Denis Woods (PSCI) present
Guests: Dr. Mark Stern (Vice-President Academic Affairs)
The February 6, 2006 meeting of the Shepherd University Faculty Senate was held in the Cumberland Room of the College Center. Senate President, Dr. Robert Willgoos, called the meeting to order at 3:14 p.m.
I. (M/S/P-Daily/Reid)--Minutes of the February 20, 2006 were approved with the addition of the Honor’s Program report.
II. Dr. Stern introduced Anne Henrikson as director of the Study Abroad program (part-time position). Committee members are: Anne Henriksson (Chair), Jerry Thomas, John Sheridan, Keith Alexander, Linda Kinney, Mark Stern, Mike Austin, Rachel Rittersbusch, Sally Brasher, Sharon kipetz, Stephanie Slocum-Schafer, Tracy Seffers, & Weidong Liao.
Dr. Stern thanked Dean John Sheridan for his help in getting the staff and space for this committee. Meeting in Charleston in April24 & 25 dealing with International Education in the undergraduate program.
III. A& C Committee: No report.
IV. C & I: Senator Beard distributed the C & I report that reflected course and program changes in Art Education and CIS. New remedial courses in Math & English have been approved to be used with the incoming class of freshman. The March meeting is expected to be quite busy, with the catalog supplement deadline approaching. State bill 5100 mandating many changes to the education programs campus wide. Senators Shurbutt and Best noted the upcoming deadlines for filing those changes. Senator Beard said he would contact the registrar and head on PEUC council
V. Professional Development: No report.
VI. Equity & Diversity: No report
VII. Scholarship & Awards Committee: Sen. Berenschot reminders senators to return information forms for McMurran Scholars.
VIII. Washington Gateway: No report.
IX. TOC Committee: Received the report from the Teaching and Learning with technology sub-committee.
X. Assessment Task Force: Faculty Course review was moved to another committee as this was not an assessment issue. Assessment plans from each department are due April 1st.
XI. Calendar Committee: The committee is discussing the possibility of trying to insert a longer break between classes.
XII. IRB: No report
XIII. ACF: Senator Shurbutt informed the Senate on issues facing the ACF at the state legislature. She also presented the faculty position on Meet & Confer. The position was sent via email, and also presented in the form of a written report for the faculty Senate.
•Senator Best (second Shurbutt) made a resolution that the faculty position on Meet and confer be put up for approval by the faculty senate at Shepherd University. The motion was passed
•In a related issue regarding AEI, Senate President Bob Willgoos stated that he had invited Dan Starliper to speak to the senate regarding the classified employees position on AEI.
•Sen. Woods suggested that perhaps another member of the classified employees council come and speak to us. Tim Haines and Ken Harbaugh were suggested. Sen. Woods made a motion (second--Shurbutt) that the Senate invite Chair of the Classified Employees Council, Tim Haines, to instruct the Senate on the negative implications of granting the AEI to higher education faculty. The motion passed.
XIV. Merit Pay Committee: Each school elects their representatives. There is some confusion about the process. Sen. Thatcher reported that there would be a new chair elected. Sen. Willgoos asked that the roster and chair be sent to him for presentation to the Senate.
XV. Other Issues:
•Faculty representation for adjuncts?
•Adjunct faculty salaries and parking issues.
•Hanging parking decal?
•Visitor Parking
•Senator Jacobs make a motion (second—Shurbutt) that the faculty and staff be issued a hanging parking decal that is transferable . The motion carried.
XVI. Senator Webb announced that the State Debate & Forensics Tournaments is taking place on campus this weekend.
XVII. Motion to adjourn (Thatcher/Warburton). The meeting was adjourned at 4: p.m.
XVIII. The next meeting of the Faculty Senate will be held March 6 , 2006.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dr. Scott Beard, Secretary
Faculty Senate • Shepherd University