PROVISIONAL Dumfries and Galloway Probationers’ & Supporters’ Professional LearningPlan 2015/16

(please note – this is subject to change – always check on CPD Solutions)

Date / Time / Venue / Brief Descriptor/ Theme / Comment
26 June 2015 / 09.30-15.30 / Cairndale Hotel, Dumfries (am)
Own schools (pm) / Probationers & Supporters:
Welcome to D & G
Visits to own schools / AM: An introduction to Dumfries & Galloway! Your chance to meet some of the personnel involved in your Induction Year and to find out a bit more about what Dumfries and Galloway has to offer. You’ll also hear from some of last year’s probationers who’ll give you an insight into what to expect for the year ahead.
PM: In the afternoon you’ll be taken to your schools to meet key members of staff and begin to familiarise yourself in preparation for after the summer holidays.
Summer Holiday
13Aug 2015 / 09.30-16.00 / Castle Douglas High School / Probationers:
The Induction Year in D & G / 9.30-11.00am: Welcome! The year ahead. Let’s hear from the experts (last year’s probationers)
1.Logging In to the Schools Network
3.Acceptable of ICT/ Do’s Don’ts
4.Remote Access Accounts
14Aug 2015 / 09.30-15.00 / Castle Douglas High School / Probationers:
Learning Through ICT / 1.Glow (Photostory)
2.CPD Solutions
3.Social Media
4.Probationer Site (communication and collaboration)
5.PL through virtual meeting rooms
6.Understanding the hardware
7. TIR (Technology Impact Review)
27 Aug 2015 / 1000 - 1500 / Lochside Education Centre / Supporters:
The role of the Supporter / An outline of the year ahead, deadlines, key points...
Completing Online Profiles
Cause for Concerns
Professional Learning Calendar
Probationers’ Communication/ collaboration (Glow site)
Professional Recognition
01Sept 2015 / 16.30-19:00 / Douglas Ewart High School, Newton Stewart / 16.30-17.30: Contracts and Working Conditions for Newly Qualified Teachers
18.00-19.00: Mandatory attendance - Code of Professionalism and Conduct (COPAC) / 16.30-17.30: The first part of the evening gives you an opportunity to find out more about the profession you have joined and the conditions of your service.
Light refreshments will be provided at 17.30.
18.00 – 19.00: The second part of the session will allow you to understand the themes within the Code of Professionalism and Conduct document (
Pre-attendance: Ensure you have read this document.
Standards: 1; 2.2.1; 2.2.2
Pre-attendance: find out who your school’s teaching union representatives are. Have a look at the SNCT website .
Read the Code of Professionalism and Conduct ()
02Sept 2015 / 16.30-19:00 / Dumfries Academy Main Hall, Dumfries
08Sept 2015 / 09.30-15.30 / Cairndale Hotel, Dumfries / Probationers:
09.30-12.30: Child Protection
13.30: Sharing early learning/ networking with colleagues (pair ‘n’ share) / AM: The morning will focus on Child Protection. This will be led by our Child Protection Coordinator, who will take you through the policy context of child protection, what is child abuse, how to recognise when children need help and responding to concerns. Case scenarios will be used and issues such as confidentiality and information sharing will be explored.
PM: In the afternoon you’ll have some ‘down time’ – an opportunity to discuss your first weeks as professional teacher. Be prepared to share some of your early experiences.
You’ll be given a short task to complete prior to the October professional learning days.
Pre attendance: ensure you know where your copy of D & G Child Protection Policy & Procedures is and who your school’s Child Protection Coordinator is.
14 Sept2015 / 16.30-18.00 / Douglas Ewart High School, Newton Stewart / Probationers:
Mandatory Health and Safety training / H & S responsibilities.
15 Sept2015 / 16.30-18.00 / Maxwelltown High School, Newton Stewart / Probationers:
Mandatory Health and Safety training / H & S responsibilities.
17 Sept2015 / 16.30-18.00 / Annan Academy, Annan / Probationers:
Mandatory Health and Safety training / H & S responsibilities.
22Sept 2015 / 16.00-18.00 / Douglas Ewart High School, Newton Stewart / Probationers:
Learning Through ICT / Learning from Learners (Teach Meet)
Fixing problems!
Pre-attendance: Ensure you have explored Glow and are starting to become familiar with it.
29 Sept 2015 / 16.00-18.00 / Maxwelltown High School, Lochside Education Centre
06 Oct 2015 / 16.00-18.00 / Castle Douglas High School
08 Oct 2015 / 09.30-16.30 / Cairndale Hotel, Dumfries / Probationers:
AM: Meeting the Needs of all learners
PM: Introduction to the Research element of the Induction Year / AM: The morning session: Led by our Educational Psychologist Team, and supported by local authority Additional Support for Learning teachers. We’ll use your case scenarios and engage you in thinking about meeting the needs of all learners. You will have the opportunity to examine the role you play, as teacher, in meeting youngsters’ needs and the staged process about how others can support you.
PM: In the afternoon we will further discuss your Research Project which will be based on the broad theme outlined above. You’ll be supported by the Educational Psychologist Team. We’ll also hear from last year’s probationers to give you an idea of what to expect.
Pre-attendance: Ensure you bring your Case Studies given out on the 18 September.
12 – 23 October 2015 (Autumn Holiday)
02 Nov 2015 / 09.30-16.00 / Cairndale Hotel, Dumfries / Probationers:
AM: Speech, Language and Communication Needs
PM: Managing Self/ Managing Others / AM: The morning will be led by our partners in Health, the, Speech and Language Therapy Dept. There will then be an opportunity to look at some examples within your own classes of youngsters who may have Speech Language and Communication Needs. There will be an element of preparation for this.
PM: Representatives from our Educational Psychologist Team will then lead you through some strategies which might help you to manage some of the challenges encountered so far and help prepare.
20 Nov 2015 / 0930-12.00 / Lochside Education Centre / Supporters:
Interim Profile Completion / Update on progress
Where are we now?
Keeping momentum
Expectations for the PDAP
Solving the challenges
25 Nov 2015 / 0930-1530 / Probationers:
Effective Learning & Teaching / Theme for the day will be assessment. Be prepared to share the strategies you currently use in the classroom.
You will hear from fellow practitioners about some of the techniques and strategies they are implementing in their teaching.
Pre-attendance: Be prepared to talk about the learning that’s happening in your classrooms.
23 December 2015 – 6 January 2016 (Christmas Holiday)
21 Jan 2016 / 09.30-15.30 / Cairndale Hotel, Dumfries / Primary Probationers:
AM; Quality Improvement
PM: Application Process in Dumfries & Galloway / AM: On each morning the Curriculum and School Improvement (CSI) Team will lead on the role of the team, a brief introduction to school improvement planning, the role of the inspection arm of Education Scotland, self-evaluation at classroom level and continuing professional learning. We’ll also hear from those on the ground about School Improvement Planning in the school context.
PM: The afternoon of each will be led by Senior Leaders within schools as it will take you through the process here in Dumfries and Galloway, ensuring you’re well prepared when the time comes to submit your application forms and readying you for potential interviews. You’ll hear from a primary Headteacher, who’ll share with you their expectations throughout the process.
22 Jan 2016 / 09.30-15.30 / Cairndale Hotel, Dumfries / Secondary Probationers:
AM: Quality Improvement
PM: Application Process in Dumfries & Galloway / AM: On each morning the Curriculum and School Improvement (CSI) Team will lead on the role of the team, a brief introduction to school improvement planning, the role of the inspection arm of Education Scotland, self-evaluation at classroom level and continuing professional learning. We’ll also hear from those on the ground about School Improvement Planning in the school context.
PM: The afternoon of each will be led by Senior Leaders within schools as it will take you through the process here in Dumfries and Galloway, ensuring you’re well prepared when the time comes to submit your application forms and readying you for potential interviews. You’ll hear from a secondary Headteacher, who’ll share with you their expectations throughout the process.
25Jan 2016 / 16:00-18.00 / Woodbank, 30 Edinburgh Road, Dumfries / Probationers:
Research Twilights / The research twilights will allow you time to share your thinking with colleagues, test them out and act as a ‘critical friend’ to others. This twilight has been well received in the past as it keeps up your momentum and helps clarify your thinking as we move forward.
27Jan 2016 / 16.00-18.00 / Dougals Ewart High school, Newton Stewart
02 Feb 2016 / 16.00-18.00 / West/ Stewartry (school tbc) / Probationers: Primary
Delivering Excellent Early Learning / This twilight is designed for primary probationers and will be led by the Early Years Team who will share pedagogy and the organisation of learning in our Early Leaning & Childcare settings.
11 Feb 2016 / 16.00-18.00 / Central/ East / Probationers: Primary
Delivering Excellent Early Learning / This twilight is designed for primary probationers and will be led by the Early Years Team who will share pedagogy and the organisation of learning in our Early Leaning & Childcare settings.
26 Feb 2016 / 09.30-15.30 / Cairndale Hotel, Dumfries / Probationers:
PM: Recognising wider achievement/ sustainability…
AM: Equality and Diversity / AM: The afternoon focus will be on the area of wider achievement.
PM: The morning will be led by one of our Educational Psychologists on the theme of Equality and Diversity.
24 March 2016 / 09.30-15.30 / Easterbrook Hotel, Dumfries / Probationer, Supporters, Headteachers, local authority personnel:
Research Conference / Our Annual Research Conference provides YOU with an opportunity to share and learn from the work carried out in our schools over the session as you become the presenters! The focus will be sharing your Projects. We’ll also hear from others on related themes.
25 March – 8 April 2016 (Spring Holiday)
13 & 14 May 2016 / 18.00-15.00 / Carlingwark Outdoor Centre , Stronord Outdoor Centre / Probationers: Outdoor Learning / An exciting residential event led by our Outdoor Learning Team which will focus on using the outdoors for learning and participating in outdoor activities. Numbers are restricted for this so book early!

To Note: As well as the above there will be a range of other local authority professional learning events you will wish to engage with to assist you in meeting the Standard for Full Registration. Please feel free to do so (after discussion with your supporter).

Outdoor Learning:

We shall also be running the following outdoor learning opportunities (as well as the two day residential above) with dates to be communicated.

1.In term 1there will be an introductory event session on a Saturday in September. This will involve a walk up Screel Hill, Dalbeattie, with transport provided. The focus will be mainly social, although certain elements of outdoor learning will be introduced (e.g. use of the outdoors as a context for learning). This walk will be led by Keith Walker, Outdoor Learning Coordinator.

2.During term 2 there will be 2 twilight session (one in the east and one in the west) covering some basic outdoor learning opportunities.

There will also be a day of mountain-biking (again a Saturday) during November run by the Outdoor Education Team.

3.During term 3 there will be a further two Outdoor Learning twilight sessions and a half day’s climbing again run by the Outdoor Education Team.

All Bookings must be made via CPD Solutions: All enquires please contact John Thin () or Linda Cushen ()