How to Label a Map Properly

·  Always print small and clearly– take your time.

·  Draw a guideline with pencil where you want to write your label [erase these later]

·  Print [beginning with a capital] your label in pencil

·  Fill in the entire map before you go over your printing in fine-tipped black sharpie

·  When you have filled out all labels in pencil, go over the printing in fine-tipped black sharpie and erase your pencil guidelines.

1. Label Provinces and Territories in ALL CAPITALS [no abbreviations please]

2. Label Capital Cities [include the Capital of Canada] and Place a Star * at their exact location

3. Label the Following Secondary Cities with a dot ·

·  Vancouver

·  Calgary

·  Saskatoon

·  Montreal

4. Label The Following Bodies of Water [Draw them in if they are not on the map]

·  Pacific Ocean

·  Fraser River

·  Mackenzie River

·  Great Bear Lake

·  Great Slave Lake

·  Assiniboine River

·  Red River

·  Nelson River

·  Lake Winnipeg

·  Hudson Bay

·  James Bay

·  Frobisher Bay

·  Arctic Ocean

·  Lake Superior

·  Lake Michigan

·  Lake Huron

·  Lake Erie

·  Lake Ontario

·  Ottawa River

·  St. Lawrence River

·  Strait of Juan de Fuca

·  Strait of Belle Isle

·  Bay of Fundy

·  Atlantic Ocean

5. Go over all labels with black fine-tipped sharpie and erase your pencil guidelines


1. Shade all of the bodies of water blue [shade means colour lightly]

2. Shade each province and territory a different colour

Note: do not use the same blue as the water, you can re-use a colour as long as the provinces do not touch

OUTCOME / Below Level / Emerging / Skilled / Insightful
Organize and record information in a variety of formats and reference sources
appropriately. Examples: maps. / Gaps in understanding how to label and colour a map adequately. Please fix and re-submit / Map is labeled, but need to work on neatness and/or clarity. Need more attention to details like spelling, shapes, and/or shading. / Map is labeled somewhat straight, neat, and clear, with good attention to details like spelling, shapes, and shading, may have a few mistakes. / Map is labeled straight, neat, and clear, with specific attention to details like spelling, shapes, and shading
Identify on a map distinguishing elements of the
physical and human geography of Canada.
Include: political boundaries, capital cities. / Gaps in understanding how to create a clear map. Please fix and re-submit. / Need to pay more attention to details like placement of cities and/or clarity of labels. / Map shows some attention to detail, placement of cities is good, and labels are fairly clear. / Map shows excellent attention to detail, placement of cities is specific and labels are clear.